Writing code is important. But a big part of being on a self driving car team is working with a large existing codebase. On high stakes engineering projects like a self driving car, you will probably have to earn the trust of your managers and coworkers before they'll let you make substantial changes to the code base.
A typical assignment for someone new to a team is to make progress on a backlog of bugs. So with that in mind, that's what you will be doing for your first project in the Nanodegree.
You'll go through this project in a few parts:
- Explore the Code - don't worry about bugs at this point. The goal is to get a feel for how this code base is organized and what everything does.
- Implement a Feature - write code that gets the robot moving correctly.
- Fix a Bug - Implementing motion will reveal a bug which hadn't shown up before. Here you'll identify what the bug is and take steps to reproduce it. Then you'll identify the cause and fix it.
Please see writeup.ipynb for further details