I was too lazy to learn proper SQL, so I cobbled together this half-assed abomination that I laughably call a database system. It's perfect for "developers" who think Python is hardcore programming. Use it if you dare, suckers!
Inflicted upon the world by Me, (Hamza .S) aka (hmZa) - the "genius" who thought this was a good idea
: The main atrocity! Brace yourselves!repl.py
: For masochists who want to interact with this monstrosity directly!codefile.esql
: Basic commands for those who can't handle real SQL syntax!
(For when you're too dumb to remember how this crap works)[--serve SERVE]
(Inflict this on a server, because why not?)[--newdb NEWDB]
(Create a new "database" - really just a glorified text file)[--dbpath DBPATH]
(Point to your pathetic excuse for a database)[--newtable NEWTABLE]
(Add another layer to this data lasagna)[--columns COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...]]
(Define columns, as if this were a real database)[--insert INSERT [INSERT ...]]
(Shove some data in there, pray it sticks)[--replace REPLACE [REPLACE ...]]
(For when you screwed up your data entry, again)[--showgrid]
(Admire your handiwork in all its ugly glory)[--grid {json,yaml,toml}]
(Pick your poison for data formatting)[--savetable SAVETABLE]
(Preserve your mistakes for posterity)[--savedb SAVEDB]
(Backup your entire house of cards)[--saveall SAVEALL]
(For the paranoid data hoarders)[--savegrid SAVEGRID SAVEGRID]
(Export your mess to infect other systems)
PS G:\fri3nds\w-category-projects\JsonSql\Release> python repl.py
>> --newdb db1
>> --newtable UserAccessTokens --columns User_Name Access_Token Quota_Limit Used_Quota User_Type --dbpath ./db1
>> --insert Hamza y877T(Tt*T87tG76T76T76t^& 15000 10090 Premium_User --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
>> --insert Moobi 0xUYT74T37TR4YTYYTYRTY3UG 50000 13090 Premium_User --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
>> --insert Dude 0x898t76t6T77TtfTFtFTftFt 2000 1900 Free_User --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
>> --insert Trump 0x7t58747tr74tr74t37ytryu 2000 1250 Free_User --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
>> --showgrid --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
| User_Name | Access_Token | Quota_Limit | Used_Quota | User_Type |
| Hamza | y877T(Tt*T87tG76T76T76t& | 15000 | 10090 | Premium_User |
| Moobi | 0xUYT74T37TR4YTYYTYRTY3UG | 50000 | 13090 | Premium_User |
| Dude | 0x898t76t6T77TtfTFtFTftFt | 2000 | 1900 | Free_User |
| Trump | 0x7t58747tr74tr74t37ytryu | 2000 | 1250 | Free_User |
>> --replace Moobi 0xUYT74T37TR4YTYYTYRTY3UG 50000 13090 Premium_User Moobi
0xUYT74T37TR4YTYYTYRTY3UG 0 0 Hacker_Dectected --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
>> --showgrid --dbpath ./db1/UserAccessTokens.json
| User_Name | Access_Token | Quota_Limit | Used_Quota | User_Type |
| Hamza | y877T(Tt*T87tG76T76T76t& | 15000 | 10090 | Premium_User |
| Moobi | 0xUYT74T37TR4YTYYTYRTY3UG | 0 | 0 | Hacker_Dectected |
| Dude | 0x898t76t6T77TtfTFtFTftFt | 2000 | 1900 | Free_User |
| Trump | 0x7t58747tr74tr74t37ytryu | 2000 | 1250 | Free_User |
Please, for the love of code, this project needs a fix! I am not drunk, but you deserve way better than this! 😡💻