Utility to generate TypeScript out of a translatable I18N JSON. (using TypeScript compiler API)
Note: this is not a tool that maps JSON to TypeScript one to one.
"exampleText": "This is an example text.",
"placeholderText": "This example says {helloMessage: string} to you!",
"pluralTexts": {
"0": "No example tags here.",
"1": "There is one example tag with name {name: string}.",
"n": "There are {count: number} example tags with name {name: string}."
"booleanTexts": {
"true": "The bool is true",
"false": "The bool is false"
Resulting TypeScript
exampleText: "This is an example text.",
placeholderText: (helloMessage: string) => `This example says ${helloMessage} to you!`,
pluralTexts: (count: number, name: string) => {
if (count === 0) {
return "No example tags here.";
if (count === 1) {
return `There is one example tag with name ${name}.`;
return `There are ${count} example tags with name ${name}.`;
booleanTexts: (bool: boolean) => {
return bool ? "The bool is true" : "The bool is false"
"exampleText": "This is an example text.",
"placeholderText": "This example says {helloMessage: string} to you!",
"pluralTexts": {
"0": "No example tags here.",
"1": "There is one example tag with name {name: string}.",
"n": "There are {count: number} example tags with name {name: string}."
"booleanTexts": {
"true": "The bool is true",
"false": "The bool is false"