$ helm repo add hok https://charts.hokstack.io
To update simply update your helm repositories and check the latest version
$ helm repo update
You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack
$ helm search hok
You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack
$ helm install hok/hokstack --name hok-team1 --set teamname=team1 --namespace team1
You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack
$ helm install hok/hokstack --name hok-team2 --set teamname=team2 --set metacontroller.crds.create=false --namespace team2
Remove OneAgent custom resources and clean-up all remaining OneAgent Operator specific objects:
$ helm remove <release name> -n <namespace>
For more details on installing HokStack please see the hok-helm readme.