Note that functions are called with source("./functions.R")
, and described below.
Naming Conventions
- Related to Ecosimspa
- Related to Ecospaceobs
- Related to observed timeseries data, i.e., that Ecosim was fitted to.B
- Denotes biomassC
- Denotes catch
The user will set these to the output directories from EwE
## Input set up ----------------------------------------------------------------
dir_pdf_out = "./PDF_plots/"
ewe_name = "EwE_Outputs"
sim_scenario = "sim-spa_01"
spa_scenario = "spa_01"
obs_TS_name = "TS_updated_IB13"
srt_year = 1980
## User-defined output parameters ----------------------------------------------
out_file_notes = ""
plot_name_xY = paste0("Biomass_scaled_xY_", spa_scenario, out_file_notes)
plot_name_xM = paste0("Biomass_scaled_xM_", spa_scenario, out_file_notes)
plot_name_C = paste0("Catches_", spa_scenario, out_file_notes)
num_plot_pages = 4 ## Sets number of pages for PDF file
This sets the years to scale. This can be set to scale to the first year (or initial years) to give outputs similiar to Ecosim, or set to the whole time period which normalizes the outputs.
init_years_toscale = 2016-1980 ## 36. This will scale all outputs to the global average
init_months_toscale = init_years_toscale * 12
- The directory names are defined by the input set up, above.
- Note that
are determined withf.find_start_line(filename, flag = srt_year)
- Functional group names are standardized with
- Similar to reading in annual timeseries, although months need to be denoted with
objects - Observed timeseries are made by making separate data farmes for each list element
## Read in "observed" timeseries -----------------------------------------------
dir_obs = paste0("./", ewe_name, "/", obs_TS_name, ".csv")
obs.list = f.read_ecosim_timeseries(dir_obs, num_row_header = 4)
for(i in 1:length(obs.list)){assign(names(obs.list)[i],obs.list[[i]])} #make separate dataframe for each list element
obsB.head <- merge(obsB.head, fg_df, by = "pool_code", all.x = TRUE)
obsC.head <- merge(obsC.head, fg_df, by = "pool_code", all.x = TRUE)
colnames(obsB) = obsB.head$group_name
colnames(obsC) = obsC.head$group_name
Here, biomasses are plotted. PDF readers should be closed before running the PDF creation function.
- Annual Biomass: Biomass data is scaled, colors for the plot are set, and a plotting function is called.
- Monthly Biomass: Similarly to the annual data, monthly biomass is scaled and plotted.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot and compare MONTHLY biomass
pdf(paste0(dir_pdf_out, plot_name_xM, ".PDF"), onefile = TRUE)
## Set number of plots per page
set.mfrow = f.get_plot_dims(x=num_fg / num_plot_pages, round2=4)
par(mfrow=set.mfrow, mar=c(1.2, 2, 1.2, 2))
for(i in 1:num_fg){
grp = fg_df$group_name[i]
spaB = spaB_xM[,i]
simB = simB_xM[,i]
## Check to see if observed data is available
if(i %in% obsB.head$pool_code){
obs.idx = which(obsB.head$pool_code==i)
obs_df = suppressWarnings( ## Suppress warnings thrown when obs not available
data.frame(year_series, obsB = as.numeric(obsB[ ,obs.idx]))
obsB_scaled = obs_df$obsB / mean(na.omit(obs_df$obsB)[1:init_years_toscale], na.rm = TRUE)
## Scale to the average of a given timeframe
spaB_scaled = spaB / mean(spaB[1:init_months_toscale], na.rm = TRUE)
simB_scaled = simB / mean(simB[1:init_months_toscale], na.rm = TRUE)
## Plot colors
col_obs = 'black'
col_sim = rgb(0.2, 0.7, .1, alpha = 0.8) ## rgb (red, green, blue, alpha)
col_spa = rgb(0.1, 0, 1, alpha = 0.6)
## Call plotting function
f.plot_outputs_obs_sim_spa(x = date_series, grp = grp,
spaB_scaled = spaB_scaled, simB_scaled = simB_scaled, obsB_scaled = obsB_scaled,
col_spa = col_spa, col_sim = col_sim, col_obs = col_obs,
num_fg = length(fg_names), num_plot_pages = 4,
sim_lwd = 1, spa_lwd = 1)
- Ecospace catches are read in and processed.
## Read-in and prepare Ecospace catches
spaC_xY = lapply(dir_spa, FUN=function(x)read.csv(paste0(dir_spa, "/Ecospace_Annual_Average_Catch.csv"),skip=32,header=T))
spaC_xY = lapply(spaC_xY, "[", -1)
spaC_xY.a = array(unlist(spaC_xY),dim=c(dim(spaC_xY[[1]]),length(spaC_xY)))
idx.nm = unlist(gregexpr('\\.\\.\\.\\.', names(spaC_xY[[1]])))+4
spaC_xY.grps = substr(names(spaC_xY[[1]]), idx.nm, 1000)
spaC_xY.grps = f.standardize_group_names(spaC_xY.grps) ## Correct group names
spaC_xY.grpnum = as.numeric(fg_df$pool_code[match(spaC_xY.grps,gsub("/","_", fg_df$group_name))])
spaC_xY.a2 = array(NA,dim=c(dim(spaC_xY.a)[1],length(unique(spaC_xY.grps)),dim(spaC_xY.a)[3]),
dimnames=list(years,sort(unique(spaC_xY.grps)), paste0('run',1:dim(spaC_xY.a)[3])))
for(i in 1:dim(spaC_xY.a)[3]){
tmp = aggregate(.~spaC_xY.grps,[,,i])),sum)
arr = as.matrix(t(tmp[,-1]))
spaC_xY.a2[,,i] = arr
- Catches are plotted and saved in a PDF file, handling unique fleets and their corresponding colors.
## Plot catches ----------------------------------------------------------------
pdf(paste0(dir_pdf_out, plot_name_C, ".PDF"), onefile = TRUE)
set.mfrow = round(f.get_plot_dims(x = num_catches, round2=2)/2)
plots_per_pg = set.mfrow[1] * set.mfrow[2]
par(mfrow=set.mfrow, mar=c(1,3,1,1))
for(i in 1:num_catches){
if(i %in% seq(1, num_catches, by = plots_per_pg-1)) {
plot(0, 0, type='n', xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
xlab='', ylab='', bty='n') # Create an empty plot
legend('top', legend = fleet_cols$fleet_out, bty = 'n',
col=fleet_cols$colors, lwd =3, cex=0.6)
grp.num = obsC.head$pool_code[i]
grp = fg_names[grp.num]
spaC.idx = grep(grp, c_names, = TRUE) ## Pulls all indexes of catching that group
i_spaC = spaC_xY.a2[ , spaC.idx, ]
i_obsC = obsC[,i]
#scale i_obsC biomass to bestfit (last) iteration
q = mean(i_spaC, na.rm=T) / mean(i_obsC,na.rm=T)
i_obsC = i_obsC*q
## Get fleet colors
i_fleets = colnames(i_spaC)
i_fleet_prefix <- unique(sapply(strsplit(i_fleets, "__"), `[`, 1)) ## Extract the prefix from the i_fleets vector
matched_colors <- fleet_cols$colors[match(i_fleet_prefix, fleet_cols$fleet_name)] ## # Match the fleet_prefix to fleet_name and get the corresponding color
## Make plot
plot(years, i_obsC, pch=16, ylim=c(min(i_obsC,i_spaC,na.rm=T)*0.8, max(i_obsC, i_spaC,na.rm=T)*1.2),
cex=0.8,xlab='Year',ylab='Catch', bty='n')
matlines(years, i_spaC, lty=1, col=matched_colors)
lines(years, rowMeans(i_spaC, na.rm = TRUE), lwd = 4, col = 'gray60') ## Plot average
title(main = paste(i, gsub('_', ' ', grp)),
line =-.6,cex.main=0.9)
R functions developed to assist with reading and processing data from the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software suite. This includes the reading of timeseries data from Ecosim, standardizing functional group names, determining multipanel plot dimensions, and plotting of outputs.
- This function is designed to read and process data from an ecosim timeseries file (assumed to be in CSV format) and return four data frames: obsB.head, obsB, obsC.head, and obsC.
- The first 4 rows contain information on 'Title', 'Weight, 'Pool code', and 'Type', respectively
- Data type notations: 0 = BiomassRel, 6 = CatchesRel
f.read_ecosim_timeseries = function(filename, num_row_header = 4){
fnm.obs_ts = filename
obs.ts.head =,header=F,nrows=num_row_header))) ## Reads the first four rows of the CSV file specified by filename and transposes the resulting data frame using t(). It converts this transposed data frame into another data frame named obs.ts.head.
names(obs.ts.head) = obs.ts.head[1,]; obs.ts.head = obs.ts.head[-1,] ## sets the column names of obs.ts.head to be the values from the first row of obs.ts.head. Then, it removes the first row from obs.ts.head, as it was used for column names.
obs.ts.head[,2:num_row_header] = as.numeric(as.matrix(obs.ts.head[,2:num_row_header])) ## Reads the rest of the CSV file (starting from the fifth row) into a new data frame obs.ts.
obs.ts = read.csv(fnm.obs_ts,header=F,skip=num_row_header)
rownames(obs.ts) = obs.ts[,1]; obs.ts[,1] = NULL
if(nrow(obs.ts.head) != ncol(obs.ts)) print('HEADER AND TIMESERIES DIMENSION DO NOT MATCH!!!')
## Make four dataframes
obsB.head = obs.ts.head[obs.ts.head[,num_row_header] %in% c(0,1),]
obsB = obs.ts[,which(obs.ts.head[,num_row_header] %in% c(0,1))]
obsC.head = obs.ts.head[obs.ts.head[,num_row_header] %in% c(6,61,-6),]
obsC = obs.ts[,which(obs.ts.head[,num_row_header] %in% c(6,61,-6))]
names(obsB.head) = names(obsC.head) = gsub(" ","_",names(obsB.head))
ret = list(obsB.head,obsB,obsC.head,obsC)
names(ret) = c('obsB.head','obsB','obsC.head','obsC')
f.standardize_group_names <- function(fg_names){
fg_names = sub("\\.$", "", fg_names)
fg_names = sub("\\.\\.", ".", fg_names)
fg_names = gsub("(\\d)\\.(\\d)", "\\1-\\2", fg_names)
fg_names = gsub("\\.yr", "+yr", fg_names)
fg_names = gsub("\\.", "_", fg_names)
fg_names = gsub("yr", "", fg_names)
f.find_start_line <- function(filename, flag = 1980) {
con <- file(filename, open = "r")
line_number <- 0
while(TRUE) {
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
line_number <- line_number + 1
if(length(line) == 0) { # End of file
fields <- strsplit(line, ",")[[1]]
# Check if fields has any elements before attempting to access its first element
if(length(fields) >= 1 && fields[1] == flag) {
return(line_number - 2) # Minus 2 because headers are counted in read.csv and we want to start on the next line
f.get_plot_dims = function(x=nrow(obsB.head),round2=4){
xfact = numeric()
for(i in 1:x2){
if((x2 %% i) == 0){
if(i == sqrt(x2)){xfact = c(xfact,c(i,i))
} else {xfact = c(xfact,i)}
} = rev(xfact[(length(xfact)/2):(1+length(xfact)/2)])
Note that X must be a Date object
f.plot_outputs_obs_sim_spa <- function(x, grp, spaB_scaled, simB_scaled, obsB_scaled,
col_spa = 'blue', col_sim = 'green', col_obs = 'black',
num_fg = 78, num_plot_pages = 4,
x_break = 5, y_break = 4, x_cex = 0.9, y_cex = 0.9, x_las = 2,
sim_lwd = 1, spa_lwd = 1, obs_pch = 16, obs_cex = 0.6,
main_cex = 0.85, leg_cex = 0.7, leg_pos = 'topleft',
leg_inset = 0.1){
## Determine y-axis range and initialize plot
min = min(obsB_scaled, simB_scaled, spaB_scaled, na.rm=T) * 0.8
max = max(obsB_scaled, simB_scaled, spaB_scaled, na.rm=T) * 1.2
plot(x, rep("", length(x)), type='b',
ylim = c(min, max), xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n',
xlab = '', ylab='', bty = 'n')
## Get years from date series
posx = as.POSIXlt(date_series)
x_years = unique(posx$year + 1900)
end_y = max(x_years)
start_y = min(x_years)
## Setup X-axis
year_series <- seq(as.Date(paste0(start_y, "-01-01")), as.Date(paste0(end_y, "-12-01")), by = "1 year")
num_breaks_x <- round((end_y - start_y) / x_break) ## Determine x-axis breaks
x_ticks <- pretty(x, n = num_breaks_x)
xlab = paste0("'", substring(format(x_ticks, "%Y"), nchar(format(x_ticks, "%Y")) - 1))
axis(1, at = x_ticks, labels = xlab, cex.axis = x_cex, las = x_las)
## Setup Y-axis
y_ticks = pretty(seq(min, max, by = (max-min)/10), n = y_break)
axis(2, at = y_ticks, labels = y_ticks, las = 1, cex.axis = y_cex)
abline(h=1, col='lightgray')
## Plot outputs: Ecosim (green line), Ecospace (blue line), Observed (black dots)
lines(x, simB_scaled, lty=1, lwd = sim_lwd, col = col_sim) ## Plot Ecosim
if(is.vector(spaB)) lines(x, spaB_scaled, lty = 1, lwd = spa_lwd, col = col_spa) ## Plot Ecospace
if(is.matrix(spaB)) matlines(x, spaB_scaled, lty=1, lwd = spa_lwd, col=c(rep('lightblue', ncol(spaB)-1), col_spa)) ## Plot multiple Ecospace projections, if available.
if(length(obsB_scaled)>0) points(year_series, obsB_scaled, pch=16, cex=0.6, col = col_obs) ## Plot observed data, if it's present
## Add legend and title
title(main = grp, line=-.6, cex.main = main_cex)
if(i %in% seq(1, num_fg, by = ceiling(num_fg / num_plot_pages))) {
legend(leg_pos, inset = 0.1, bg="gray90", box.lty = 0,
lty =c(NA, 1, 1), lwd = c(NA, sim_lwd, spa_lwd), pch=c(obs_pch, NA, NA),
col =c(col_obs, col_sim, col_spa), cex = leg_cex)
f.plot_outputs_obs_sim_spa(x = year_series, grp = grp,
spaB_scaled = spaB_scaled, simB_scaled = simB_scaled, obsB_scaled = obsB_scaled,
col_spa = col_spa, col_sim = col_sim, col_obs = col_obs,
num_fg = length(fg_names), num_plot_pages = 4,
sim_lwd = 2, spa_lwd = 2)
f.plot_outputs_obs_sim_spa(x = date_series, grp = grp,
spaB_scaled = spaB_scaled, simB_scaled = simB_scaled, obsB_scaled = obsB_scaled,
col_spa = col_spa, col_sim = col_sim, col_obs = col_obs,
num_fg = length(fg_names), num_plot_pages = 4)
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