diff --git a/CAP/PackageInfo.g b/CAP/PackageInfo.g
index aba72b5bd0..f5926a257c 100644
--- a/CAP/PackageInfo.g
+++ b/CAP/PackageInfo.g
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SetPackageInfo( rec(
PackageName := "CAP",
Subtitle := "Categories, Algorithms, Programming",
-Version := "2023.11-01",
+Version := "2023.11-02",
Date := (function ( ) if IsBound( GAPInfo.SystemEnvironment.GAP_PKG_RELEASE_DATE ) then return GAPInfo.SystemEnvironment.GAP_PKG_RELEASE_DATE; else return Concatenation( ~.Version{[ 1 .. 4 ]}, "-", ~.Version{[ 6, 7 ]}, "-01" ); fi; end)( ),
License := "GPL-2.0-or-later",
diff --git a/CAP/doc/Doc.autodoc b/CAP/doc/Doc.autodoc
index a24d7da0cb..9433864e9f 100644
--- a/CAP/doc/Doc.autodoc
+++ b/CAP/doc/Doc.autodoc
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
@Chapter Create wrapper hulls of a category
-@Chapter Dummy categories
+@Chapter Dummy implementations
@Chapter Examples and Tests
diff --git a/CAP/examples/DummyCategory.g b/CAP/examples/DummyCategory.g
index 6888e0b097..b9bef43ee6 100644
--- a/CAP/examples/DummyCategory.g
+++ b/CAP/examples/DummyCategory.g
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#! @Chapter Examples and Tests
-#! @Section Dummy category
+#! @Section Dummy implementations
+#! @Subsection Dummy categories
#! @Example
diff --git a/CAP/examples/dummy_rings.g b/CAP/examples/dummy_rings.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57fbdeeb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CAP/examples/dummy_rings.g
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#! @Chapter Examples and Tests
+#! @Section Dummy implementations
+#! @Subsection Dummy rings
+#! @Example
+LoadPackage( "CAP", false );
+#! true
+DummyRing( );
+#! Dummy ring 1
+DummyRing( );
+#! Dummy ring 2
+IsRing( DummyRing( ) );
+#! true
+DummyCommutativeRing( );
+#! Dummy commutative ring 1
+DummyCommutativeRing( );
+#! Dummy commutative ring 2
+IsRing( DummyCommutativeRing( ) );
+#! true
+IsCommutative( DummyCommutativeRing( ) );
+#! true
+DummyField( );
+#! Dummy field 1
+DummyField( );
+#! Dummy field 2
+IsRing( DummyField( ) );
+#! true
+IsField( DummyField( ) );
+#! true
+#! @EndExample
diff --git a/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gd b/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ee1c51ea..0000000000
--- a/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# CAP: Categories, Algorithms, Programming
-# Declarations
-#! @Chapter Dummy categories
-#! A dummy category pretends to support certain CAP operations but has not actual implementation.
-#! This is useful for testing or compiling against a certain set of CAP operations.
-#! @Section GAP categories
-#! @Description
-#! The ⪆ category of a dummy CAP category.
-DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategory",
- IsCapCategory );
-#! @Description
-#! The ⪆ category of objects in a dummy CAP category.
-DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategoryObject",
- IsCapCategoryObject );
-#! @Description
-#! The ⪆ category of morphisms in a dummy CAP category.
-DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategoryMorphism",
- IsCapCategoryMorphism );
-#! @Section Constructors
-#! @Description
-#! Creates a dummy category subject to the options given via options, which is a record passed on to .
-#! Note that the options `{category,object,morphism}_filter` will be set to `IsDummyCategory{,Object,Morphism}` and the options `{object,morphism}_{constructor,datum}` and
-#! `create_func_*` will be set to dummy implementations (throwing errors when actually called).
-#! The dummy category will pretend to support empty limits by default.
-#! @Arguments options
-#! @Returns a category
-DeclareOperation( "DummyCategory",
- [ IsRecord ] );
diff --git a/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gi b/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gi
deleted file mode 100644
index d108f1d1bf..0000000000
--- a/CAP/gap/DummyCategory.gi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# CAP: Categories, Algorithms, Programming
-# Implementations
-InstallMethod( DummyCategory,
- "for a record of options",
- [ IsRecord ],
- function( options )
- local category_constructor_options, dummy_function, C, operation_name;
- category_constructor_options := ShallowCopy( options );
- category_constructor_options.category_filter := IsDummyCategory;
- category_constructor_options.category_object_filter := IsDummyCategoryObject;
- category_constructor_options.category_morphism_filter := IsDummyCategoryMorphism;
- category_constructor_options.is_computable := "IsCongruentForMorphisms" in options.list_of_operations_to_install;
- category_constructor_options.supports_empty_limits := true;
- if "ObjectConstructor" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
- category_constructor_options.object_constructor := function ( cat, object_datum )
- Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
- end;
- fi;
- if "MorphismConstructor" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
- category_constructor_options.morphism_constructor := function ( cat, source, morphism_datum, range )
- Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
- end;
- fi;
- if "ObjectDatum" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
- category_constructor_options.object_datum := function ( cat, object )
- Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
- end;
- fi;
- if "MorphismDatum" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
- category_constructor_options.morphism_datum := function ( cat, morphism )
- Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
- end;
- fi;
- dummy_function := { operation_name, dummy } -> """
- function ( input_arguments... )
- Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
- end
- """;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_bool := dummy_function;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_object := dummy_function;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_object_or_fail := dummy_function;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_morphism := dummy_function;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_morphism_or_fail := dummy_function;
- category_constructor_options.create_func_list_of_objects := dummy_function;
- C := CategoryConstructor( category_constructor_options );
- Finalize( C );
- for operation_name in options.list_of_operations_to_install do
- if not CanCompute( C, operation_name ) then
- Print( "WARNING: The dummy category cannot compute ", operation_name, ", probably because the operation is not supported by CategoryConstructor yet.\n" );
- fi;
- od;
- return C;
-end );
diff --git a/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gd b/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d1ea02d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# CAP: Categories, Algorithms, Programming
+# Declarations
+#! @Chapter Dummy implementations
+#! A dummy implementation of a concept seems to provide an interface for the concept, but calling any operation in this interface will simply signal an error.
+#! Hence, when using a dummy implementation, we can be sure that we only rely on the abstract interface but not on any implementation details,
+#! for the simple reason that there is no actual implementation.
+#! This is useful for testing or compilation against a generic implementation of a concept.
+#! @Section Dummy rings
+# GAP filters
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of dummy rings.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyRing",
+ IsRingWithOne );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of elements of a dummy ring.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyRingElement",
+ IsRingElementWithOne );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of dummy commutative rings.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyCommutativeRing",
+ IsDummyRing );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of elements of a dummy commutative ring.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyCommutativeRingElement",
+ IsDummyRingElement );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of dummy fields.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyField",
+ IsDummyCommutativeRing );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ filter of elements of a dummy commutative ring.
+DeclareFilter( "IsDummyFieldElement",
+ IsDummyCommutativeRingElement );
+# Constructors
+#! @Description
+#! @Returns a dummy ring
+DeclareGlobalFunction( "DummyRing" );
+#! @Description
+#! @Returns a dummy commutative ring
+DeclareGlobalFunction( "DummyCommutativeRing" );
+#! @Description
+#! @Returns a dummy field
+DeclareGlobalFunction( "DummyField" );
+#! @Section Dummy categories
+# GAP categories
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ category of a dummy CAP category.
+DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategory",
+ IsCapCategory );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ category of objects in a dummy CAP category.
+DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategoryObject",
+ IsCapCategoryObject );
+#! @Description
+#! The ⪆ category of morphisms in a dummy CAP category.
+DeclareCategory( "IsDummyCategoryMorphism",
+ IsCapCategoryMorphism );
+# Constructors
+#! @Description
+#! Creates a dummy category subject to the options given via options, which is a record passed on to .
+#! Note that the options `{category,object,morphism}_filter` will be set to `IsDummyCategory{,Object,Morphism}` and the options `{object,morphism}_{constructor,datum}` and
+#! `create_func_*` will be set to dummy implementations (throwing errors when actually called).
+#! The dummy category will pretend to support empty limits by default.
+#! @Arguments options
+#! @Returns a category
+DeclareOperation( "DummyCategory",
+ [ IsRecord ] );
diff --git a/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gi b/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1528859728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CAP/gap/DummyImplementations.gi
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# CAP: Categories, Algorithms, Programming
+# Implementations
+## dummy rings
+BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfDummyRings",
+ NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfDummyRings" ) );
+InstallGlobalFunction( DummyRing, function( )
+ local ring_filter, ring_element_filter, name, ring;
+ ring_filter := NewFilter( "DummyRingFilter", IsDummyRing );
+ ring_element_filter := NewFilter( "DummyRingElementFilter", IsDummyRingElement );
+ name := Concatenation( "Dummy ring ", String( CAP_INTERNAL_DUMMY_RING_COUNTER ) );
+ ring := ObjectifyWithAttributes( rec( ),
+ NewType( TheFamilyOfDummyRings, IsAttributeStoringRep and ring_filter ),
+ Name, name,
+ String, name,
+ RingFilter, ring_filter,
+ RingElementFilter, ring_element_filter
+ );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "+", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "ZeroImmutable", [ ring_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "AdditiveInverseSameMutability", [ ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "*", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ return ring;
+end );
+## dummy commutative rings
+BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfDummyCommutativeRings",
+ NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfDummyCommutativeRings" ) );
+InstallGlobalFunction( DummyCommutativeRing, function( )
+ local ring_filter, ring_element_filter, name, ring;
+ ring_filter := NewFilter( "DummyCommutativeRingFilter", IsDummyCommutativeRing );
+ ring_element_filter := NewFilter( "DummyCommutativeRingElementFilter", IsDummyCommutativeRingElement );
+ name := Concatenation( "Dummy commutative ring ", String( CAP_INTERNAL_DUMMY_COMMUTATIVE_RING_COUNTER ) );
+ ring := ObjectifyWithAttributes( rec( ),
+ NewType( TheFamilyOfDummyCommutativeRings, IsAttributeStoringRep and ring_filter ),
+ Name, name,
+ String, name,
+ RingFilter, ring_filter,
+ RingElementFilter, ring_element_filter,
+ IsCommutative, true
+ );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "+", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "ZeroImmutable", [ ring_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "AdditiveInverseSameMutability", [ ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "*", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ return ring;
+end );
+## dummy fields
+BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfDummyFields",
+ NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfDummyFields" ) );
+InstallGlobalFunction( DummyField, function( )
+ local ring_filter, ring_element_filter, name, ring;
+ ring_filter := NewFilter( "DummyFieldFilter", IsDummyField );
+ ring_element_filter := NewFilter( "DummyFieldElementFilter", IsDummyFieldElement );
+ name := Concatenation( "Dummy field ", String( CAP_INTERNAL_DUMMY_FIELD_COUNTER ) );
+ ring := ObjectifyWithAttributes( rec( ),
+ NewType( TheFamilyOfDummyFields, IsAttributeStoringRep and ring_filter ),
+ Name, name,
+ String, name,
+ RingFilter, ring_filter,
+ RingElementFilter, ring_element_filter,
+ IsField, true
+ );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "+", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "ZeroImmutable", [ ring_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "AdditiveInverseSameMutability", [ ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ CapJitAddTypeSignature( "*", [ ring_element_filter, ring_element_filter ], ring_element_filter );
+ return ring;
+end );
+## dummy categories
+InstallMethod( DummyCategory,
+ "for a record of options",
+ [ IsRecord ],
+ function( options )
+ local category_constructor_options, dummy_function, C, operation_name;
+ category_constructor_options := ShallowCopy( options );
+ category_constructor_options.category_filter := IsDummyCategory;
+ category_constructor_options.category_object_filter := IsDummyCategoryObject;
+ category_constructor_options.category_morphism_filter := IsDummyCategoryMorphism;
+ category_constructor_options.is_computable := "IsCongruentForMorphisms" in options.list_of_operations_to_install;
+ category_constructor_options.supports_empty_limits := true;
+ if "ObjectConstructor" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
+ category_constructor_options.object_constructor := function ( cat, object_datum )
+ Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
+ end;
+ fi;
+ if "MorphismConstructor" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
+ category_constructor_options.morphism_constructor := function ( cat, source, morphism_datum, range )
+ Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
+ end;
+ fi;
+ if "ObjectDatum" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
+ category_constructor_options.object_datum := function ( cat, object )
+ Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
+ end;
+ fi;
+ if "MorphismDatum" in options.list_of_operations_to_install then
+ category_constructor_options.morphism_datum := function ( cat, morphism )
+ Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
+ end;
+ fi;
+ dummy_function := { operation_name, dummy } -> """
+ function ( input_arguments... )
+ Error( "this is a dummy category without actual implementation" );
+ end
+ """;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_bool := dummy_function;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_object := dummy_function;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_object_or_fail := dummy_function;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_morphism := dummy_function;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_morphism_or_fail := dummy_function;
+ category_constructor_options.create_func_list_of_objects := dummy_function;
+ C := CategoryConstructor( category_constructor_options );
+ Finalize( C );
+ for operation_name in options.list_of_operations_to_install do
+ if not CanCompute( C, operation_name ) then
+ Print( "WARNING: The dummy category cannot compute ", operation_name, ", probably because the operation is not supported by CategoryConstructor yet.\n" );
+ fi;
+ od;
+ return C;
+end );
diff --git a/CAP/init.g b/CAP/init.g
index 9ebfb6a1ea..f708642b9b 100644
--- a/CAP/init.g
+++ b/CAP/init.g
@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/ReinterpretationOfCategory.gd" );
ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/WrapperCategory.gd" );
-ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/DummyCategory.gd" );
+ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/DummyImplementations.gd" );
diff --git a/CAP/read.g b/CAP/read.g
index 20133b0dfa..c097c68b4d 100644
--- a/CAP/read.g
+++ b/CAP/read.g
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/ReinterpretationOfCategory.gi" );
ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/WrapperCategory.gi" );
-ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/DummyCategory.gi" );
+ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/DummyImplementations.gi" );
ReadPackage( "CAP", "gap/ToolsForCategories_AfterLoading.gi" );