added charting for memory usage, fixed date parsing and delimiter iss…
added charting for memory usage, fixed date parsing and delimiter iss…
network udp feed completed and updated
network udp feed completed and updated
expanded documentation in and other minor changes.
expanded documentation in and other minor changes.
updated and added example chart, corrected usage()
updated and added example chart, corrected usage()
reverted changes to sums in usage.
reverted changes to sums in usage.
added canconical selection to set_interface_attribs to support smartp…
added canconical selection to set_interface_attribs to support smartp…
changed options -s to -i, -b to -a and changed usage chart major y-ti…
changed options -s to -i, -b to -a and changed usage chart major y-ti…
polling interval, option -s changed to milliseconds for better data r…
polling interval, option -s changed to milliseconds for better data r…
single shot mode with no lead count
single shot mode with no lead count
changed to 64 bit types for usage arrays and smartpower ms time.
changed to 64 bit types for usage arrays and smartpower ms time.
fixed formatting and removed tabs from merge, removed extra spaces in…
fixed formatting and removed tabs from merge, removed extra spaces in…
updated and other minor changes to usage() and gnuplot scri…
updated and other minor changes to usage() and gnuplot scri…
gnuplot chart scripting for all data source combinations added.
gnuplot chart scripting for all data source combinations added.
proc stat data stream added and initial work for adding it to charting
proc stat data stream added and initial work for adding it to charting
use canonical unbuffered i/o for smartpower serial input, fixed -p pa…
use canonical unbuffered i/o for smartpower serial input, fixed -p pa…
fixed gnuplot issue for power charts, data type and code cleanup
fixed gnuplot issue for power charts, data type and code cleanup
fixed fclose issue for smartpower
fixed fclose issue for smartpower
mcp9808 completed, default i2c change to i2c0, changed default line s…
mcp9808 completed, default i2c change to i2c0, changed default line s…
changed chart aspect ratio, line colors and increased frequency range…
changed chart aspect ratio, line colors and increased frequency range…
initial work for sensor mcp9808, work in progress.
initial work for sensor mcp9808, work in progress.
seperated data labels and line style in gnuplot script, other minor f…
seperated data labels and line style in gnuplot script, other minor f…
expanded charts to include any individual or combination of data stre…
expanded charts to include any individual or combination of data stre…
chart title and x axis major tic set from commandline options
chart title and x axis major tic set from commandline options