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This gem makes Rails console sessions less dangerous in specified environments by warning, color-coding, and auto-sandboxing PostgreSQL connections. In the future we'd like to extend this to make other external connections read-only too (e.g. disable job queueing, non-GET HTTP requests, etc.)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'safer_rails_console'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install safer_rails_console

Add the following line to the end of 'config/boot.rb' in your Rails application.

require 'safer_rails_console/patches/boot'


The quickest way to demo this gem is to run bundle exec rails console --sandbox.

Several ways to explicitly enable or disable the sandbox are added to Rails console as flags with the last install step. The order of precedence is -s, -r, then -w if multiple sandbox related flags are specified.

bundle exec rails console --help  

Usage: rails console [environment] [options]
    -s, --[no-]sandbox               Explicitly enable/disable sandbox mode.
    -w, --writable                   Alias for --no-sandbox.
    -r, --read-only                  Alias for --sandbox.
    -e, --environment=name           Specifies the environment to run this console under (test/development/production).
                                     Default: development
        --debugger                   Enable the debugger.

This gem is autoloaded via Railties. The following defaults can be configured from 'environments' or 'application.rb':

# Set what console is used. Currently, only 'irb' is supported. 'pry' and other consoles are to be added.
config.safer_rails_console.console = 'irb'  

# Mapping environments to shortened names. `false` to disable.
config.safer_rails_console.environment_names = {
                                                 'development' => 'dev',
                                                 'staging' => 'staging',
                                                 'production' => 'prod'
# Mapping environments to console prompt colors. See colors.rb for colors. `false` to disable.
config.safer_rails_console.environment_prompt_colors = {
                                                         'development' => SaferRailsConsole::Colors::GREEN,
                                                         'staging' => SaferRailsConsole::Colors::YELLOW,
                                                         'production' => SaferRailsConsole::Colors::RED

# Set environments which should default to sandbox. `false` to disable.
config.safer_rails_console.sandbox_environments = %w{production}  

# Set 'true' to have a prompt that asks the user if sandbox should be enabled/disabled if it was not explicitly specified (via. --[no-]sandbox)
config.safer_rails_console.sandbox_prompt = false  

# Set environments that should have a warning. `false` to disable.
config.safer_rails_console.warn_environments = %w{production}  

# Set warning message that should appear in the specified environments.
config.safer_rails_console.warn_text = "WARNING: YOU ARE USING RAILS CONSOLE IN PRODUCTION!\n" \
                                       'Changing data can cause serious data loss. ' \
                                       'Make sure you know what you\'re doing.'

configuration settings can also be overridden using ENV variables. The following ENV vars can be used:

# Set the color prompt to a new color. See colors.rb for a listing of supported colors.

# Set the short name for the rails console prompt

# Set the warning text to be displayed when warning for the environments rails consoled is enabled
SAFER_RAILS_CONSOLE_WARN_TEXT=New warning prompt text

# Enable or disable sandboxing of the rails console

# Enable or disable warning prompt of the rails console


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run wwtd to simulate the entire build matrix (ruby version / rails version) or appraisal to test against each supported rails version with your active ruby version. Run rubocop to check for style.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.