This project uses pip-tools (pip-compile and pip-sync) to build dependencies.
Run: bin/ gen_requirements && bin/ sync_requirements
to update your current virtual environment to using the latest requirements for Python 3.9.
From a fresh Python environment:
pip install -U pip pip-tools
Next, run:
bin/ gen_requirements [VERSION]
version number of Python you wish to use.
E.g. "3.8" or "3.9". If you omit this parameter, gen_requirements will default
to building Python 3.9 dependencies for this project.
NOTE: This may take a short while, because it may need to compute hashes for each requirement.
Once complete, you should have requirements-VERSION.txt
updated to latest on your system.
Now run:
pip-sync requirements-VERSION.txt requirements-dev-VERSION.txt
(Again, the VERSION
can be omitted and this will default to 3.9
This will synchronize your current environment to use the latest requirements.
The advantage of using pip-sync
is that it will only make the changes
required to bring your ENV up-to-date.