Releases: howsoai/howso-engine
Howso Engine 82.1.1
Howso Engine 82.1.0
What's Changed
20357: Updates imputation during train and analyze to utilize multithreading by @howsoRes in #182
20359: Adds support for formatted_date_time data_type, MINOR by @howsoRes in #183
20330: Bumps Amalgam version by @apbassett in #184
Full changelog: 8a7b692...6b6a908
Howso Engine 82.0.0
What's Changed
20286: Adds
parameters toget_prediction_stats
, MAJOR by @jackx111 in #178 -
20349: Addresses bug in MCC when its 0 dividing by 0 by @jackx111 in #181
19949: Adds experimental data reduction endpoint, MINOR by @jdbeel in #173
Full changelog: 93bb2af...8a7b692
Howso Engine 81.1.2
Howso Engine 81.1.1
What's Changed
Full changelog: a385368...e774a67
Howso Engine 81.1.0
What's Changed
20010: Adds local prediction stats to react, MINOR by @jackx111 in #171
20168: Renames
, MINOR by @jackx111 in #174 -
20120: Fixes export_trainee to output error when appropriate and respect trainee_filepath parameter and updates Amalgam dependency, MINOR by @howsoRes in #175
Full changelog: 0ae3872...a385368
Howso Engine 81.0.0
What's Changed
20184: Updating feature attribute field documentation by @lancegliser in #169
20005: Removes analyze_level parameter from analyze(), MAJOR by @howsoRes in #172
20103: Refactors response output, MAJOR by @howsoRes in #165
Full changelog: a11cf0f...0ae3872
Howso Engine 80.0.1
What's Changed
20154: Fixes an issue in interpolation when case weights are used by @cademack in #167
20155: Adds tests to verify case weights are reflected in prediction stats and residuals by @cademack in #168
20150: Bumps Amalgam version by @apbassett in #170
Full changelog: 84fb536...a11cf0f
Howso Engine 80.0.0
What's Changed
20129: Removes the "time_delta_format" feature attribute, MAJOR by @cademack in #162
20139: Fixes bug where impute method wouldn't use correct context features for predictions by @howsoRes in #163
19957: Adds validation for user inputs that may contain datetimes by @cademack in #161
Full changelog: f9957ad...84fb536
Howso Engine 79.0.3
What's Changed
Full changelog: f17d728...f9957ad