Selective Gradient Boosting is a new step-wise algorithm introducing a tunable and dynamic selection of negative instances within λ-Mart. Similarly to λ-Mart it produces an ensemble of binary decision trees but performs at training time a dynamic selection of the negative examples to be kept in the training set. In particular, the algorithm selects the top-scored negative instances within the lists associated with each query with the aim of minimizing the mis-ranking risk (this idea originate in [1], where authors preliminarly demonstrated the validity of a rank-based sampling strategy). Due to the characteristics of the NDCG metric used to evaluate the quality of the learned model, we need to discriminate the few positive instances that must be pushed in the top positions of the scored lists, from the plenty of negative instances in the training set. Indeed top-scored negative instances are exactly those being more likely to be ranked above relevant instances, thus severely hindering the ranking quality.
Unlike other sampling methods proposed in the literature, our method does not simply aim at sampling the training set to reduce the training time without affecting the effectiveness of the trained model. Conversely, the proposed method is able to dynamically choose the “most informative” negative examples of the training set, so as to improve the final effectiveness of the learned model.
Here is an example on how to use QuickRank for training a model using the Selective Gradient Boosting algorithm with a sampling frequency of 1 and a sampling rate set to 5% (this parameter highlights the number of irrelevant instances to be selected among the top ranked ones):
./bin/quicklearn \
--train quickranktestdata/msn1/msn1.fold1.train.5k.txt \
--valid quickranktestdata/msn1/msn1.fold1.vali.5k.txt \
--model-out selective-model.xml \
--num-trees 100 \
--num-leaves 32 \
--shrinkage 0.1 \
--sampling-iterations 1 \
--rank-sampling-factor 0.05
According to the Selective Gradient Boosting article, the best performance have been obtained performing the sampling at each iteration (sampling frequency of 1) and adopting a sampling rate of 1% for a dataset highly unbalanced. For traditional dataset less aggressive sampling rates should be adopted.
./bin/quicklearn \
--train quickranktestdata/msn1/msn1.fold1.train.5k.txt \
--valid quickranktestdata/msn1/msn1.fold1.vali.5k.txt \
--model-out selective-model.xml \
--num-trees 1000 \
--num-leaves 64 \
--shrinkage 0.05 \
--sampling-iterations 1 \
--rank-sampling-factor 0.01
The examples above are done on sample data. We recommend to train the algorithm on standard letor datasets (istella, msn, yahoo, etc.) for results that are consistent with the reference paper. The dataset adopted for demonstrating the validity of the proposed algorithm in the original article can be found here: Istella-X
Finally, to score the trained model (that is a standard ensemble of regression trees):
./bin/quicklearn \
--model-in selective-model.xml \
--test quickranktestdata/msn1/msn1.fold1.test.5k.txt \
[1] C. Lucchese, F. M. Nardini, R. Perego, and S. Trani. The Impact of Negative Samples on Learning to Rank. In Proceedings of ACM ICTIR 2017.
If you use the Selective Gradient Boosting algorithm, please acknowledge the following paper:
- C. Lucchese, F. M. Nardini, S. Orlando, R. Perego, and S. Trani. Selective Gradient Boosting for Effective Learning to Rank. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (2018). LINK.
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