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File metadata and controls

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1. Introduction

HttpParrot is a manual API testing client for testing HTTP servers / REST services. It runs in browser as an extension.

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe in detail how HttpParrot functions including all technical details. The document also covers it's dependencies and limitations.

1.2. Scope

HttpParrot is a manual API testing client that runs as a chrome extension. The intended users are backend / API developers who want to test their REST APIs & testers who want to manually test web services based on HTTP protocol.

2. System Overview

This app runs in chrome & firefox as an extension so having them installed is fundamental requirement. For chrome it's using Manifest V3 which is supported by Chrome 88 or later. For firefox it's using v2. App relies on Indexed DB as offline storage for saving application data.

2.1 Components

Following two are the 2 main components of the app,

Service Worker / Background script

Service worker is responsible for bootstrapping the application when user clicks the extension icon in extension toolbar. The service worker is performing following duties -

  1. Start the application in a new tab when user clicks the extension icon.
  2. Prevent duplication of the tab (Multiple tabs isn't supported at the moment).
  3. Intercept network requests and apply some rules on them before they are sent to the source.


This is the core part of the application where user can make requests , see results, group requests into collections and save them for later use.


Indexed db is a NoSQL database available in chrome as well as other browsers, App is storing all user data offline in indexed object stores.

2.2 Technology Stack

The application is fully written in TypeScript and packaged using Vite . Following are 3rd party dependencies ,

All of the dependencies are included in the application package. Since app is storing all the user data offline in browser provided storage, it can function even when user is completely offline. Of course you wouldn't be able to test remote web services when offline but can still test locally running services.

2.3 Platform requirements

Only platform requirement is that user should have chrome version 88 or later & firefox version 42 or later.

3. Functional Requirements

3.1. Requests Configuration

  • Users should be able select type of HTTP request they want to make out of GET, POST, PATCH , DELETE, PUT , OPTIONS, HEAD and custom.
  • User should be able to easily add/remove/ update HTTP headers that would be included in request.
  • User should be able to easily add / remove / update request bodies of type json , text, formdata, url-encoded formdata , xml , file etc.
  • User should be able to make authenticated requests using Bearer, Basic and other frequently used authentication schemes.

3.2. Response

  • User should be able to see response metadata such as Status , Size of response body and time table for web service to respond.
  • User should be able to view text response of type - json, html, xml, css, javascript, plain text.
  • User should get syntax highlighted and formatted text response for better readability.
  • User should be able to copy text response to clipboard.
  • User should be able to download binary response / files to their file system for which preview isn't available such as pdf, zip, mp4, xls etc.
  • User should be able to discard / clear response section if they want to.
  • User should be able to inspect response headers returned by web server.
  • User should be able to cancel in flight requests if they want to.

3.3. Collections

  • Users should be able to save request configuration and then update , delete them.
  • Users should be able to create, update , delete collections to group saved requests & then able to add / remove requests from a collection, move to other collection etc.
  • Saved data should persist between sessions.
  • Saved data should be available even if user is offline.
  • User should be able to import & export request collections to & from a file.

3.4. Tabs

  • User should be able to create / update / delete multiple tabs where each tab should have it's own request configuration and response view.
  • Opened tabs from last session should be visible in next session as is.

3.5. Collection Environment Variables.

  • User should be able to create / update / delete environment variables for a collection.
  • User should be able to use environment variables to substitute values in their request configuration.

3.6. History

  • User should be able to view history of previously made requests.
  • User should be able to view / load request made earlier / resend etc.
  • History should persist between sessions.
  • User should be able to clear the history in one click.

3.7. Searching & filtering

  • User should be able to easily search through the history and saved requests / collections.

3.8. Code snippets

  • User should be able to generate code snippets for a request configuration for various tools and languages such as Go, C#, JavaScript, Node.js , Curl, fetch API, python.

4. Non-functional Requirements

4.1. Performance

  • The application should load fairly fast since most of the data is offline.

4.2. Security

  • Since extension have elevated access, application should not hinder with functionality of other apps and overall functionality of browser.
  • All application data should be offline and can be easily controller by user.

4.3. Offline Capability

  • The app should be able to function in offline state for testing locally running web services.

5. Limitations

  • Synching state across multiple sessions of tab isn't supported at the moment.
  • Large response bodies ( > 20 Mb) will not be downloaded.

6. User Interface (UI)

Main Page

Main Page

History & Collections


Request configuration form

Request Form

Response view

Response View

7. Data Model

Following are the core entities, data is stored offline in user's browser specifically in Indexed db.

7.1 Request Configuration Model

Column type description
id uuid identifier
url string request url
method string http method
name string name given to request
headers Header[ ] request http headers
collectionId string parent collection
bodytype string type of request body
created number time of creation
triggered number time of last trigger
formItems Fomdata[ ] form data body items
query Query[ ] query string items
textBody string text body content
enableTextBody string include/exclude body
loading boolean request status
aborter AbortController to abort request
lock boolean for locking send button when request is in flight
responseStatus string response status eg. (200 OK) or (400 Bad Request)
responseTime string Time taken for web service to response
responseSize string Size of response body in Bytes
responseBody Uint8Array Body
responseBodyType string Type of response body derived from Content-type header
responseHeaders Header [ ] response headers list
responseOk boolean HTTP status success or failure
responseMimetype string response body media type

7.2 Header / Formdata / Query / Variable Models

Column type
id uuid
name string
value string
enabled boolean

7.3 Collection Model

Column type
id uuid
name string
variables Variable[ ]

7.4 Tab

Column type
id uuid
name string
data Request Configuration

7.5 MimeType Model

column type description
id string media type e.g 'application/json'
source string source of the information
extensions string [ ] standard file extensions of the type
compressible boolean whether or not the type of body can be compressed