A webapp with a public interface and a private one, which allows to manage users and groups.
All strings and templates should take into account i18n (3 langs by default: en/es/fr)
The public UIs will be accessed:
- from the CAS login page, by the way of text links: "lost password ?" and "create account".
- from every SDI page, by clicking on the username: "Edit user details"
These pages should be light (no need to ship ExtJS).
The page asks for user email. An optional email
parameter can be passed to preset the email field (eg: /ldapadmin/account/passwordRecovery?email=user@domain.tld).
If the given email matches one of the LDAP users:
- an email is sent to this user with a unique https URL to reset his password (eg: /ldapadmin/account/changePassword?token=54f23f27f6c5f23c68b9b5f9650839dc)
- the page displays "an email was sent".
- On the /ldapadmin/account/changePassword page:
- server-side check that token is valid (postgresql storage). If not, HTTP 400.
- two fields ask for new password (client-side check for equality)
- on form submission:
- check that token is valid. If not, HTTP 400.
- the old password is discarded and replaced with the new one
- the new page shows "password updated".
If the given email does not match one from the LDAP:
- nothing happens server side
- the page displays "an email was sent" (even if no email was sent).
The page shows a form with typical fields: name, org, title, email, phone nb, details. The user will be able to pick a strong password (must have at least one of: special char, letters and numbers). Password field will be repeated 2 times (client-side check for equality).
There's also a captcha (for instance based on http://www.google.com/recaptcha) to prevent batch form submissions.
Once submitted, the form disappears and a (configurable) message says something like "Your request has been submitted and should be processed in the next hours. Watch your email."
What happens here ?
- Depending on a "MODERATED_SIGNUP" config option, new users will be recorded in the LDAP and affected to :
- the PENDING group if MODERATED_SIGNUP = true. An admin will then be able to move them to SV_USERS group.
- the SV_USERS group if MODERATED_SIGNUP = false.
- An email will be sent to one email address (configurable), saying that new users need an account.
Two pages:
- First one (default one): users should be able to edit a subset of LDAP fields, namely: sn, givenName, phone, facsimile, o, title, postalAddress (not mail). On this page, there will be a link to the userPassword change page.
- userPassword change UI: will display 3 fields. The first one is the current user password, the two other ones are for the new one. If the two latest fields do not match (client-side check), the user won't be able to submit the form and the "new password mismatch" message will be displayed. If the current password is wrong (server side check), the form will be redisplayed with clean fields, and a message will display "invalid password".
- LDAP Server
- Postgresql
For the web container: Tomcat 7, or Maven Jetty (no need to install)
By default, geOrchestra uses global keys.
To fight spam robots, it may be safer to get a proper pair of keys for your site. Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create and create a pair of private/public keys. Quoting the documentation, unless you select the "global key" option, the keys are unique to your domain and sub-domains.
Once created, set the following ldapadmin
parameters with the value of the keys:
See the configuration guide for details on how to configure these two parameters.
### Set of required fields
The ldapadmin configuration, in the config module, contains a requiredFields
parameter that defaults to firstName,surname,email,uid,password,confirmPassword
. Adding other fields, separated by commas, will make them mandatory in new account and edit forms. Note that this parameter only affects public UI.
For example, to impose the "Organisation" and "Title" fields to be not empty, set the following parameter in ldapadmin config
The possible values are: firstName
, surname
, phone
, facsimile
, org
, title
, description
, postalAddress
Note that email, uid, password and confirmPassword are always required.
../mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Create the eclipse project
../mvn eclipse:eclipse
Testing purpose:
- deploy in Tomcat7
- Then add the following url in your Internet navigator: http://localhost:8286/ldapadmin/privateui/
Alternatively, run with jetty:
the first time, you need to previously compile ldapadmin and all its dependencies
$ ./mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Ptemplate -P-all,ldapadmin install;
then, each time you want to test a change in the configuration or the ldapadmin module:
$ cd config $ ../mvn -Ptemplate install $ cd ../ldapadmin $ ../mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Ptemplate jetty:run
Then point your navigator to the following address : http://localhost:8286/ldapadmin/privateui/
Running ldapadmin with jetty will change web server port to 8286 (in order to integrate with others georchestra instance : CAS, security proxy, ...)
You can specify several user accounts that you want to protect against deletion or modification. For this purpose, you have 'listOfprotectedUsers' property. This property holds a comma separated list of uid corresponding to users accounts that should be protected.
Default value is : 'geoserver_privileged_user' (which is a privileged user, internally used) but you can override this in config template with key : "protectedUserList"
Example :
(Note that there is no space around comma !)
This will add following users to default protected list of users :
- hidden_admin_user
- hidden_admin_user_trash
- hidden_admin_user_backup
So final list of protected users will be :
- geoserver_privileged_user
- hidden_admin_user
- hidden_admin_user_trash
- hidden_admin_user_backup
The private UI will be available at /ldapadmin for members of the MOD_LDAPADMIN group.
See the wireframe in the current folder.
Dedicated to users:
- a toolbar with a "new user" button, and a "selected users" menu item (disabled when no user is selected)
- a scrollable grid, with a checkbox selection model, showing a subset of user attributes
- on grid item double click, a window pops up (same as "new user" window), which allows user details editing (password change not allowed)
- a form for user details,
- a tree view of groups the user belongs to, with a checkbox selection model to edit.
When creating a new user (and only in this case), a strong password will be generated and sent to the new user by email.
Dedicated to groups:
- tree view of groups, with intermediate nodes for group types (SV_, EL_, ...) - group types should be configurable
- ability to filter users list by one group (on group name click)
- button to add a new group
- button to remove a group (users will not be deleted)
All emails sent by the application should be configurable by the way of templates, as for extractorapp.
The application should be able to find groups and users by the way of filters such as the ones used by the cas (have a look at the cas maven filters and defined by the way of the variables shared.ldap.userSearchBaseDN and shared.ldap.groupSearchBaseDN defined in config/shared.maven.filters
The userPassword LDAP field should be SSHA encrypted on creation/update.
The file config/default/ldapadmin/privateui/partials/users-list-table.html defines the way the users list is displayed in the ldapadmin/privateui/#/users
page. By default, it lists the users, with three columns:
- the first mandatory column is used to select a user for an action (eg. add the selected user to a group),
- the second column contains the firstname and lastname of the user, with a link to the user administration page,
- the last column shows the user organization.
Replacing the file by the following sample code would show the login, name and organization of the users, and sort them alphabetically by their login:
<tr ng-repeat="user in users | filter:groupFilter | orderBy:'uid' " class="">
<td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="user.selected" /></td>
<td><a href="#/users/{{user.uid}}">{{user.uid}}</a></a></td>
<td>{{user.sn}} {{user.givenName}}</td>