layout | title | parent |
default |
Structural |
Design Patterns |
Adapter provides a structure that allows entities with incompatible interfaces to collaborate. The Model-View-ViewModel is one example that fits this design pattern.
// We want to use an adapter to transform the PersonInfo structure input into a
// prettified JSON string output
// Here's what the PersonInfo data structure looks like
struct PersonInfo : Encodable {
struct Name : Codable {
let firstname : String
let lastname : String
let name : Name
let birthday : Date
// The downstream DataProvider will output a string regardless of the format
// of its input
// The upstream DataProvider will take in a PersonInfo object, and encode it
// into Data format
protocol DataProvider {
associatedtype Input
associatedtype Output
var input : Input { get }
var output : Output { get }
extension DataProvider where Input : Encodable, Output == Data {
var output : Output {
try! JSONEncoder().encode(input)
// The Adapter takes the output format from the upstream, and
// converts into the output format accepted by the downstream's
// client
protocol Adapter {
associatedtype UpStream
associatedtype DownStream
func convert(_ upstream: UpStream) -> DownStream
extension Adapter where UpStream == Data, DownStream == String {
func convert(_ upstream: UpStream) -> DownStream {
String(data: upstream, encoding: .utf8)!
// PersonInfoProvider is a concrete upstream DataProvider that accepts
// PersonInfo data structure as input, and outputs JSON Data
struct PersonInfoProvider : DataProvider {
typealias Input = PersonInfo
typealias Output = Data
let input : Input
// JSONStringProvider takes PersonInfoProvider as its adaptee
// and converts the output from PersonInfoProvider into prettified JSON String
struct JSONStringProvider : DataProvider, Adapter {
typealias Input = PersonInfoProvider.Output
typealias Output = String
typealias UpStream = Input
typealias DownStream = Output
let adaptee : PersonInfoProvider
var input : Input { adaptee.output }
var output: Output { convert(input) }
// Use Case:
// Create a PersonInfo object
let personInfo = PersonInfo(name: PersonInfo.Name(firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe"), birthday: Date())
// Setup an adaptee to take in the PersonInfo object
let adaptee = PersonInfoProvider(input: personInfo)
// Setup the target and bind it with the adaptee
let target = JSONStringProvider(adaptee: adaptee)
// Print the target's output
// Console Output:
// {"name":{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe"},"birthday":609445568.17656398}
A Proxy acts as a placeholder for the intended party, allowing additional logic to be applied before a request reaches the intended party.
// The Server accepts a request from the client and returns with a response
protocol Server {
associatedtype Response
associatedtype Error : Swift.Error
func request(url: URL) -> Result<Response, Error>
// A Proxy is a type of Server that validates a url and re-routes the request to other servers
protocol Proxy : Server {
var servers : [AnyServer] { get }
func isBlackedListed(url: URL) -> Bool
func redirectRequest(url: URL, to server: AnyServer) -> Result<Response, Error>
extension Proxy where Response == AnyServer.Response, Error == AnyServer.Error {
func redirectRequest(url: URL, to server: AnyServer) -> Result<AnyServer.Response, AnyServer.Error> {
print("Server \( requesting ...")
return server.request(url: url)
// AnyServer is a type erased server capable of handling a client request
struct AnyServer : Server {
typealias Response = Data
typealias Error = Swift.Error
let id : Int
func request(url: URL) -> Result<Response, Error> {
do {
return .success(try Data(contentsOf: url))
} catch {
return .failure(error)
// ProxyServer is a concrete Proxy that manages multiple servers,
// validates request urls, and redirects requests to servers it manages
struct ProxyServer : Proxy, Server {
enum ProxyError : Error {
case blacklisted
typealias Response = AnyServer.Response
typealias Error = AnyServer.Error
let servers : [AnyServer]
func isBlackedListed(url: URL) -> Bool {
func request(url: URL) -> Result<Response, Error> {
guard !isBlackedListed(url: url) else { return .failure(ProxyError.blacklisted) }
return redirectRequest(url: url, to: servers[Int.random(in: 0..<servers.count)])
// Use Case:
// Create a ProxyServer with multiple Servers
let proxyServer = ProxyServer(servers: (1...30).map(AnyServer.init))
var urlString = ""
let domains = ["com", "org", "arpa"]
// Make requests through the ProxyServer
for i in 0...10 {
print(proxyServer.request(url: URL(string: urlString)!))
urlString = urlString.replacingOccurrences(of: domains[i%domains.count], with: domains[(i+1)%domains.count])
// Console Output:
// Server 7 requesting ...
// success(14358 bytes)
// failure(__lldb_expr_134.ProxyServer.ProxyError.blacklisted)
// Server 22 requesting ...
// failure(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file couldn’t be opened." UserInfo={NSURL=})
// Server 15 requesting ...
// success(14361 bytes)
// failure(__lldb_expr_134.ProxyServer.ProxyError.blacklisted)
// Server 3 requesting ...
// failure(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file couldn’t be opened." UserInfo={NSURL=})
// Server 23 requesting ...
// success(14361 bytes)
// failure(__lldb_expr_134.ProxyServer.ProxyError.blacklisted)
// Server 10 requesting ...
// failure(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file couldn’t be opened." UserInfo={NSURL=})
// Server 10 requesting ...
// success(14358 bytes)
// failure(__lldb_expr_134.ProxyServer.ProxyError.blacklisted)