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+title = "Features"
+weight = 1
+#### Wifi
+To ensure that our hardware can communicate smoothly in the same network, we use a Raspberry Pi as a WLAN hotspot. This ensures an uninterrupted connection and enables our devices to work together optimally.
+#### MQTT
+Communication takes place via MQTT, an open network protocol for machine-to-machine communication.
+The Arduino uses the MQTT protocol to send messages to the Raspberry Pi, which acts as an MQTT broker. At the same time, the HoloLens glasses subscribe to these messages to receive real-time information. This seamless exchange enables efficient communication between the devices, with the Raspberry Pi acting as the central intermediary to establish the connection between the Arduino and the HoloLens.
+There are an infinite number of ways to interact with objects in the real world. For our project, we decided on the three interactions of pressing, turning and removing/placing. These are represented by a button, a potentiometer and an NFC reader.
+#### Button press
+With the press of a button, we show what the industrial sector could look like in 2050. An industrial sector that is sustainable and has hardly any emissions.
+#### Turn the knob
+Decide for yourself what the energy mix will look like in 2050. You can choose between 0% and 100% sustainability in energy production using a rotary control.
+#### Change of object
+Remove a house from our city model and swap it for a different one. This allows you to decide how sustainable the housing sector will be in 2050. Should nothing change, or will everyone have solar panels on their roof?
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+title = "Future"
+weight = 2
+Our project is very open and creates a basis for extended reality. You can consider incorporating new interactions, such as switches or touch panels, or changing the platform and running the project on a tablet or VR glasses.
+New use cases can also be devised and tested. This project could be used very well in industry for maintenance work on machines and establish communication from the machine to the goggles.
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+title = "Process"
+weight = 1
+The project began with a kick-off meeting in which the basic project idea was explained and requirements defined. We also immediately set weekly meeting times that fit into everyone's schedule. In the weeks that followed, we collected ideas for implementation and entered them as issues in our issue tracker, set up the individual parts of the project and started implementing solutions. In the weekly meetings, we informed each other about the project status and discussed our next steps.
+As the project progressed, we got a better and better overview of exactly where we wanted to go and were therefore able to better define our goals and work towards them.
+While the concept of our project was clear from the start, we had to think more about the narrative. It was about building a good narrative to show the different interactions.
+We agreed that we wanted to do something about the environment, as this is also compatible with a city model. In the end, we came up with the idea of showing how the world would change if we continued to live the way we do or relied on alternative and sustainable energy sources, built houses more sustainably and also made industry more sustainable.
+We initially split the development into three sub-projects. We had to create a basis for the Arduino, the Raspberry had to be set up and the Unity project for the HoloLens also needed a basis. We then started to establish communication between the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi and then between the Raspberry Pi and the HoloLens.
+Once the communication between the hardware was working, we were able to focus on improving it and also building the Unity model so that the data sent from the Arduino to the HoloLens also controlled interactions in the HoloLens.
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+title = "Tech Stack"
+weight = 1
+We used Mattermost for our internal communication and for issue tracking.
+#### HoloLens
+To develop the AR/XR App that is running on the HoloLens 2 we used Visual Studio (Code) and Unity with MRTK2.
+#### Raspberry
+The Rapsberry Pi runs the Debian Raspberry Distribution and is the communication middleware.
+It serves as the mqtt broker and the wifi hotspot that the arduino and hololens connect too.
+The Raspberry Pi was set up with the CLI
+#### Arduino
+The Arduino was developed using the Arduino IDE
+#### Interactions
+- Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2
+- Button
+- Potenziometer
+- PN532 NFC/RFID Reader
+#### Communication
+- Raspberry Pi 3
+#### XR/AR Apps
+- Hololens 2
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+title = "VisionIO"
+project_id = "B7"
+# Properties for displaying the project in the project list
+card_image = "Logo.png"
+card_description = "VisionIO shows the possibilities of merging the augmented world with the real world. Transform what you see in the augmented reality world with the help of physical interactions. Immerse yourself in a new experience that turns augmented reality into extended reality."
+team = ["Christian Wolter", "Yasmine Haidri", "Jonas Mantay", "Timo Boomgaarden"]
+supervisor = "Alexander Kramer"
+draft = true
+With VisionIO, we want to show that it is possible to expand augmented reality. Simple interactions, such as pressing a button, turning a knob or exchanging objects in the real world, change the augmented world.
+To illustrate this interaction, our model shows what the world will look like in 2050. Based on the interactions, you can adjust the energy mix, rebuild factories or replace houses and thus decide how sustainable the individual sectors are.
+We are a team of four dedicated IMI students, who want to give you a new XR experience.
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