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Just the HM Docs is a responsive Jekyll theme with built-in search that is easily customizable and hosted on GitHub Pages. |
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Just the HM Docs gives your documentation a jumpstart with a responsive Jekyll theme that is easily customizable and hosted on GitHub Pages. {: .fs-6 .fw-300 }
Get started now{: .btn .btn-primary .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } View it on GitHub{: .btn .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 }
{: .warning }
This website documents the features of the current
branch of the Just the HM Docs theme. See [the Changelog]({% link changelog.md %}) for a list of releases, new features, and bug fixes.
Just the HM Docs is a theme for generating static websites with Jekyll. You can write source files for your web pages using Markdown, the Liquid templating language, and HTML.1 Jekyll builds your site by converting all files that have front matter to HTML. Your Jekyll configuration file determines which theme to use, and sets general parameters for your site, such as the URL of its home page.
Jekyll builds this Just the HM Docs theme docs website using the theme itself. These web pages show how your web pages will look by default when you use this theme. But you can easily [customize] the theme to make them look completely different!
Browse the docs to learn more about how to use this theme.
{: .note } To use the theme, you do not need to clone or fork the main branch of the Just the HM Docs repo! You should do that only if you intend to browse the theme docs locally, contribute to the development of the theme, or develop a new theme based on Just the HM Docs.
The minimum that you need to run the theme are the _config.yml
file and the Gemfile
However, the starter theme branch includes:
- additional markdown files with sample content to get you started
- a gitignore file, 404 template, and HM logo
- a GitHub Pages / Actions workflow to build and publish the site on GitHub Pages
{: .important-title }
Get started
To get started with these files, just download the starter theme branch and place the files in a
folder inside your own repo.
If Jekyll is installed on your computer, you can build and preview the created site locally. This lets you test changes before committing them, and avoids waiting for GitHub Pages.2 And you will be able to deploy your local build to a different platform than GitHub Pages if desired.
Just the HM Docs is © {{ "now" | date: "%Y" }} by Human Made. Just the HM Docs is a fork of the popular Just the Docs Jekyll theme.
Just the HM Docs is distributed by an MIT license.
[customize]: {% link docs/customization.md %}
The source file for this page uses all three markup languages. ↩
It can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you push the changes to GitHub. ↩