- using CTRL + C exit fcswatch-cli
- Support watching additional content files #40 @ @tylerhartwig
- Support watching additional content files #40 @ @tylerhartwig
- PORTA: Fixes missing RPrim_float32 #39 @7sharp9
- Add support for Bolero (detect "blazor serve" and copy dll to dist) #36
- Map project Other options --doc:path to --doc:fullPath #30 #31
- Monitor error infos in MailBoxProcesser #16 #31
- Some as 0.7.6
- Some as 0.7.6
- Added
--configuration release
and--framework netframework
- Refix Send web hook after program (re)run #18
- UNIX: Fixed easyGetAllProjPaths #22
- Send web hook after program (re)run #18
- Refix Allows passing arguments to binary through fcswatch tool #14
- Allows passing arguments to binary through fcswatch tool #14
- Port out FcsWatch.Core used by FcsWatch.Binary and FcsWatch.Prota
- Mark a lot unrelated types as internal and private
- Shared file should trigger both projects compiling #11
- Change Some Post to PostAndReply (more easy to test)
- Try to add porta part to current solution
- Kill running project after watch mode is interrupt
- Pack as tool
- Using shared file between cli
- PrivateAssets FcsWatch-Helper.csproj
- Nuget package Include FcsWatch.Helpers
- Added autoReload mode
- FcsWatch Cli Support
- BUGFIX: (Fetch full framework Cracked fsproj) List.exists -> List.forAll
- Using FPublisher cli
- Multiple target frameworks
- Refator to more readable codes
- Deep copy dlls from obj to bin
- Remove Unnessary dependecies
- Using lightweight server --- Suave
- FPublisher support
- Compile multiple files at some time(multiple projects)
- Added At once watch mode
- Added Plugin mode
- Add fs file to project without interrupting watcher
- Refector to actor model
- Warm compile
- Add nuget icon to README
- First Draft Version