Ease golang learning by associating golang-specific concepts with previously known concepts in the OOP field.
Promote golang usage by easing language understanding for people coming from a heavy OOP background
This is a discovery process, I'm writing this document to help myself understand golang and maybe help others. This document is published in github. Pull requests are welcomed. There are a lot of things to improve, but please, please do not start a pull request with "Technically..."
Golang introduces words with a new golang-specific meaning, such as struct and interface. This is not bad, but sometimes it is nice to have a "translation" available to be able to understand golang-concepts by relating them to previously known concepts.
This is important in order to understand concepts of a new language. If you can translate a golang-word to previously known concepts, the learning is by far easier.
Golang | Classic OOP |
struct | class with fields, only non-virtual methods |
interface | class without fields, only virtual methods |
embedding | multiple inheritance AND composition |
receiver | implicit this parameter |
A golang-struct is a class with fields where all the methods are non-virtual. e.g.:
type Rectangle struct {
Name string
Width, Height float64
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
return r.Width * r.Height
This can be read as (pseudo code):
class Rectangle
field Name: string
field Width: float64
field Height: float64
method Area() //non-virtual
return this.Width * this.Height
There is a zero-value defined for each core-type, so if you do not provide values at instantiation, all fields will have the zero-value
No specific in-class constructors. There is a generic constructor for any class instance, receiving a generic literal in a JSON-like format and using reflection to create instances of any class.
pseudo-code for the generic constructor:
function construct ( class, literal)
helper function assignFields ( object, literal) //recursive
if type-of object is "object"
if literal has field-names
for each field in object.fields
if literal has-field field.name
assignFields(field.value, literal.fields[field.name].value) //recurse
//literal without names, assign by position
for n=0 to object.fields.length
assignFields(object.fields[n].value, literal.fields[n].value) //recurse
//atom type
set object.value = literal.value
// generic constructor main body
var classInstance = new class
assignFields(classInstance, literal)
return classInstance
Constructors example:
package main
import . "fmt"
type Rectangle struct {
Name string
Width, Height float64
func main() {
var a Rectangle
var b = Rectangle{"I'm b.", 10, 20}
var c = Rectangle{Height: 12, Width: 14}
{ 0 0}
{I'm b. 10 20}
{ 14 12}
By embedding a struct into another you have a mechanism similar to multiple inheritance with non-virtual members.
Let's call "base" the struct embedded and "derived" the struct doing the embedding.
After embedding, the base fields and methods are directly available in the derived struct. Internally a hidden field is created, named as the base-struct-name.
Note: The official documents call it "an anonymous field", but this add to confusion, since internally there is an embedded field named as the embedded struct.
Base fields and methods are directly available as if they were declared in the derived struct, but base fields and methods can be "shadowed"
Shadowing means defining another field or method with the same name (and signature) of a base field or method.
Once shadowed, the only way to access the base member is to use the hidden field named as the base-struct-name.
type base struct {
a string
b int
type derived struct {
base // embedding
d int
a float32 //-SHADOWS
func main() {
var x derived
fmt.Printf("%T\n", x.a) //=> x.a, float32 (derived.a shadows base.a)
fmt.Printf("%T\n", x.base.a) //=> x.base.a, string (accessing shadowed member)
All base members can be accessed via the hidden field named as the base-struct-name.
It is important to note that all inherited methods are called on the hidden-field-struct. It means that a base method cannot see or know about derived methods or fields. Everything is non-virtual.
When working with structs and embedding, everything is STATICALLY LINKED. All references are resolved at compile time.
type NamedObj struct {
Name string
type Shape struct {
NamedObj //inheritance
color int32
isRegular bool
type Point struct {
x, y float64
type Rectangle struct {
NamedObj //multiple inheritance
Shape //^^
center Point //standard composition
Width, Height float64
func main() {
var aRect = Rectangle{
Shape{NamedObj{"name2"}, 0, true},
Point{0, 0},
20, 2.5
This can be read: (pseudo code)
class NamedObj
field Name: string
class Shape
inherits NamedObj
field color: int32
field isRegular: bool
class Rectangle
inherits NamedObj
inherits Shape
field center: Point
field Width: float64
field Height: float64
In var aRect Rectangle
refer to the same field -
refer to the same field -
refer to the same field, butaRect.NamedObj.name
are different fields -
are the same type, but refer to different objects
Since all golang-struct methods are non-virtual, you cannot override methods (you need interfaces for that)
If you have a method show() for example in class/struct NamedObj and also define a method show() in class/struct Rectangle, Rectangle/show() will SHADOW the parent's class NamedObj/Show()
As with base class fields, you can use the inherited class-name-as-field to access the base implementation via dot-notation, e.g.:
type base struct {
a string
b int
//method xyz
func (this base) xyz() {
fmt.Println("xyz, a is:", this.a)
//method display
func (this base) display() {
fmt.Println("base, a is:", this.a)
type derived struct {
base // embedding
d int
a float32 //-SHADOWED
//method display -SHADOWED
func (this derived) display() {
fmt.Println("derived a is:", this.a)
func main() {
var a derived = derived{base{"base-a", 10}, 20, 2.5}
a.display() // calls Derived/display(a)
// => "derived, a is: 2.5"
a.base.display() // calls Base/display(a.base), the base implementation
// => "base, a is: base-a"
a.xyz() // "xyz" was not shadowed, calls Base/xyz(a.base)
// => "xyz, a is: base-a"
Golang solves the diamond problem by not allowing diamonds.
Since inheritance (embedded fields) include inherited field names in the inheriting class (struct), all embedded class-field-names should not collide. You must rename fields if there is a name collision. This rule avoids the diamond problem, by not allowing it.
Note: Golang allows you to create a "Diamond" inheritance diagram, and only will complain when you try to access a parent's class field ambiguously.
A golang struct-method is the same as a class non-virtual method but:
- It is defined outside of the class(struct) body
- Since it is outside the class, it has an extra section before the method name to define the "receiver" (this).
- The extra section defines this as an explicit parameter (The this/self parameter is implicit in most OOP languages).
- Since there is such a special section to define this (receiver), you can also select a name for this/self. Idiomatic golang is to use a short var name with the class initials. e.g.:
//class NamedObj
type NamedObj struct {
Name string
//method show
func (n NamedObj) show() {
Println(n.Name) // "n" is "this"
//class Rectangle
type Rectangle struct {
NamedObj //inheritance
Width, Height float64
//override method show
func (r Rectangle) show() {
Println("Rectangle ", r.Name) // "r" is "this"
class NamedObj
Name: string
method show
print this.Name
class Rectangle
inherits NamedObj
field Width: float64
field Height: float64
method show //override
print "Rectangle", this.Name
Using it:
func main() {
var a = NamedObj{"Joe"}
var b = Rectangle{NamedObj{"Richard"}, 10, 20}
Hello I'm Joe
Hello I'm Richard
- I'm a Rectangle named Richard
A golang-Interface is a class with no fields and ONLY VIRTUAL methods.
The interface in Golang is designed to complement structs. This is a very important "symbiotic" relationship in golang. Interface fits perfectly with structs.
You have in Golang:
Structs: classes, with fields, ALL NON-VIRTUAL methods
Interfaces: classes, with NO fields, ALL VIRTUAL methods
By restricting structs to non-virtual methods, and restricting interfaces to all-virtual methods and no fields. Both elements can be perfectly combined by embedding to create fast polymorphism and multiple inheritance without the problems associated to multiple inheritance in classical OOP
A golang-Interface is a class, with NO fields, and ALL VIRTUAL methods
Given this definition, you can use an interface to:
- Declare a var or parameter of type interface.
- implement an interface, by declaring all the interface virtual methods in a concrete class (a struct)
- inherit(embed) a golang-interface into another golang-interface
By picturing an Interface as a class with no fields and only virtual abstract methods, you can understand the advantages and limitations of Interfaces
By declaring a var/parameter with type interface you define the set of valid methods for the var/parameter. This allows you to use a form of polymorphism via method dispatch
When you declare a var/parameter with type interface:
- The var/parameter has no fields
- The var/parameter has a defined set of methods
- When you call a method on the var/parameter, a concrete method is called via method dispatch from a jmp-table. (polymorphism via method dispatch)
- When the interface is used as a parameter type:
- You can call the function with any class implementing the interface
- The function works for every class implementing the interface (the function is polymorphic)
Note on golang implementation: The ITables used for method dispatch are constructed dynamically as needed and cached. Each class(struct) has one ITable for each Interface the class(struct) implements, so, if all classes(structs) implement all interfaces, there's a ITable for each class(struct)-Interface combination. See: Go Data Structures: Interfaces
Examples from How to use interfaces in Go , with commented pseudo-code
package main
import (
class Animal
virtual abstract Speak() string
type Animal interface {
Speak() string
class Dog
method Speak() string //non-virtual
return "Woof!"
type Dog struct {
func (d Dog) Speak() string {
return "Woof!"
class Cat
method Speak() string //non-virtual
return "Meow!"
type Cat struct {
func (c Cat) Speak() string {
return "Meow!"
class Llama
method Speak() string //non-virtual
return "LaLLamaQueLLama!"
type Llama struct {
func (l Llama) Speak() string {
return "LaLLamaQueLLama!"
func main
var animals = [ Dog{}, Cat{}, Llama{} ]
for each animal in animals
print animal.Speak() // method dispatch via jmp-table
func main() {
animals := []Animal{Dog{}, Cat{}, Llama{}}
for _, animal := range animals {
fmt.Println(animal.Speak()) // method dispatch via jmp-table
By picturing an Interface as a class with no fields and only virtual abstract methods, you can understand what the golang Empty Interface: "Interface{}" is.
Interface{} in golang is a class with no fields and no methods
But, since by definition all classes(structs) implement Interface{} it means
that a var x Interface{}
can hold any value
What can you do with a var x Interface{}
? Well, initially, nothing, because you don't know the type of the concrete value stored inside the var x Interface{}
To actually use the value inside a var x Interface{}
you must use a Type Switch, a type assertion, or reflection
There is no automatic type-conversion from Interface{}
When you use only struct embedding to create a multi-root hierarchy, via multiple inheritance, you must remember that all struct methods are non-virtual.
That's why a struct hierarchy is always faster. When no interfaces are involved, the compiler knows exactly what concrete function to call, so all calls are direct calls resolved at compile time. Also the functions can be inlined.
The problem is with second-level methods. You cannot alter the execution of a base-class second-level method, because all struct-methods are non-virtual. You will inherit fields and methods, but methods are always executed on the base-class context.
When working with structs and embedding, everything is STATICALLY LINKED. All references are resolved at compile time. There are no virtual methods in structs
When you use only interface embedding to create a multi-root hierarchy, via multiple inheritance, you must remember that all interface methods are virtual.
That's why a interface hierarchy is always slower than structs. When interfaces are involved, the compiler does not know at compile time, what concrete function to call. It depends on the concrete content of the interface var/parameter, so all calls are resolved at run-time via method dispatch. The mechanism is fast, but not as fast as compile-time resolved concrete calls. Also, with an interface-method call, since the concrete function to call is unknown until run-time, the call cannot be inlined.
The advantage of Interfaces is that: with second-level methods. You can alter the execution of the base-interface second-level method, because all interface-methods are virtual. Since all calls are made via method-dispatch, methods are executed on the context of the actual instance.
Drafts: Type Switch Internals](Type%20Switch%20Internals.md)
Source: https://github.com/luciotato/golang-notes/blob/master/OOP.md