0.10.0 (2025-01-28)
- ci: added envkeeper scheduled jobs. (94b66e6)
- ci: added proper versions of envkeeper. (d054605)
- ci: added runs-on fields for envkeeper. (268858f)
- ci: bumped from v0.3.0 to v0.3.1 for upstream changes. (a2cea8f)
- ci: bumped into envkeeper v.0.3.2 (d08e172)
0.9.1 (2025-01-16)
0.9.0 (2024-12-27)
- ci: replaced pack-cli with nixpack. (2ee03aa)
- ci|build: updated image labels. (7de3197)
- ci: added grants to MySQL service containers. (5887f8f)
- ci: added MySQL service containers. (a7d973a)
- ci: cleared double-quotes and removed granting permissions. (874efd8)
- ci: manual install of CLI and build commands. (84d4fcd)
- ci: missing variables and image labels. (5511dd0)
- ci: removed pack-cli commands for image push. (39e3754)
- ci: updated docker network name. (064dce5)
- ci: updated MYSQL_HOSTNAME for connection with service-container. (339d4e2)
- deploy: enabled whitenoise for serving staticfiles without NGINX in Railway. (7480637)
- deployment: explicitly configured replicas and regions. (468ae1e)
- deps: bumped Django version to fix conflicts with trivy scan. (3edecfe)
0.8.0 (2024-08-03)
- deploy: added default values for local developments. (f759df6)
- deploy: installed and enabled keel.sh. (61ac68d)
- deploy: updated volume-nfs images. (e0d264b)
0.7.3 (2024-07-19)
- updated frequencies of checking. (f78f9fd)
- added details of nginx as rproxy. (e9dae3f)
- added hyperlinks (ed46994)
- added linebreaks, hyperlinks, and details for artifacts. (45791a0)
- added MySQL setup and test procedures on local. (bef049b)
- enhanced prerequisites for application. (9527594)
- fixed grammers reviews by coderabbit. (416cbf1)
- fixed review by coderabbit. (f482c6f)
- fixed review by coderabbit. (44daa6c)
- fixed reviews by coderabbit. (c768344)
- fixed typos reviewed by coderabbit. (6da9d49)
- fixed typos reviewed by coderabbit. (d824572)
- fixed typos reviewed by coderabbit. (6823b4c)
- fixed typos reviewed by coderabbit. (ee578b4)
0.7.2 (2024-03-08)
- ui: enabled to flip active class in both <li> and (78ad1ff)
- build: enabled caches on nginx Pods. (f0f48e7)
- build: enforced replicas of django Pods. (6529d2e)
- fixed routing unstable issues with LabelSelectors. (3570e1d)
0.7.1 (2024-02-04)
- docs: added notes for deployment. (8b0b94e)
- release-please: removed version from PR body. (c2e214e)
- release-please: typo. (6d2c9ff)
0.7.0 (2024-02-04)
- ci: added release-please config for labelings. (9f2233f)
- ci: added branches to pull_request_target. (c14fcee)
- ci: added manifest-file for release-please. (54e848e)
- ci: removed branches associations. (5ffd7ed)
- ci: updated manifest-file for release-please. (34712d9)
- ci: added relations to all branches for e2e. (081eba0)
0.6.3 (2024-02-04)
0.6.2 (2024-02-04)
- ci: changed token-type from github-token to PAT. (6a264ae)
- ci: updated workflow triggers to run all branch updates. (5c69207)
0.6.1 (2024-02-04)
- ci: escaped hyphen (ef99919)
- ci: Simplified regexp of head-branch (189bc3d)
- ci: updated regexp in config. (cd43a75)
0.6.0 (2024-02-03)
- ci: added retention policies for GHCR. (21aa6fe)
- ci: updated timezone and added workflow_dispatch for debug. (23ae5f8)
0.5.0 (2024-02-01)
- added RWX volumes using nfs-server instead of MinIO. (780d93a)
- compose: added local MinIO with bitnami/minio image. (c0f8b32)
- deploy: added installer manifests of ingress-nginx-controller. (9e67fc5)
- deploy: replaced shared volume with object storage. (2f8989f)
- deploy: replaced with statefulset for MySQL/MinIO. (f4bc591)
- ci: added envars of MinIO for runnings tests. (2c0c72b)
- ci: enabled STATIC_URL for test CI. (c254560)
- ci: replaced minio image from official to bitnami. (8ebd917)
- deploy: fixed collectstatic configurations. (c805875)
- deploy: updated nginx config and manifests. (984384f)
- security: moved secret as github env. (23498f4)
- added ingress and scaled out backend nginx pods. (2ce6d18)
- commented out annotations as external load balancer. (8342017)
- commented out annotations as external load balancer. (742c067)
- scaled deployment/django and notes as nginx-controller. (cb56c48)
0.4.0 (2024-01-28)
- deploy: implemented bitnami/nginx for serve staticfiles, instead of whitenoise. (c552873)
0.3.0 (2024-01-17)
- updated LiveSchedules models with adding packages. (cf61df4)
- ui: adjusted live information. (e862625)
- changed worker_class to gthread from sync, default. (89cd7c6)
0.2.1 (2024-01-15)
- added namespace by app_name in urls.py. (83b3a0d)
- ui: added jQuery snippets for make active list dynamic. (3690a00)
- urls: fixed typo in function name. (9d69a85)
0.2.0 (2024-01-12)
- updated gunicorn config. (d99451a)
- removed draft drawio files. (a7fd404)
- added drawio as .svg and linked from README. (6a133fd)
0.1.1 (2024-01-10)
- deploy: updated orders of middleware for whitenoise. (89f9839)
- deploy: updated start process and tests with debug logs. (78bc2c7)
0.1.0 (2024-01-09)
- templates: added sorry page. (7655b21)
- ci: removed unexpected inputs. (039cc51)