Note: This exercise requires the Fabric network and chaincode deployed in the Smart Contract Development exercises to be running.
Let's make sure we can successfully run the client application and get some familiarity with how to use it.
In a terminal window, navigate to the applications/trader-typescript directory. Then complete the following steps:
Install dependencies and build the client application.
npm install
Set environment variables to point to resources required by the application.
export export MSP_ID=org1MSP export CERTIFICATE=../../_cfg/uf/_msp/org1/org1admin/msp/signcerts/cert.pem export PRIVATE_KEY=../../_cfg/uf/_msp/org1/org1admin/msp/keystore/cert_sk
Run the getAllAssets command to check the assets that currently exist on the ledger (if any).
npm start getAllAssets
Run the transact command to create (and update / delete) some more sample assets.
npm start transact
Run the getAllAssets command again to see the new assets recorded on the ledger.
npm start getAllAssets
These application CLI commands represent a simplified application that performs one action per call. Note that real world applications will typically be long running and will make calls to a contract on behalf of user requests.
Try using the create, read and delete commands to work with specific assets.
See the application Readme for details on how to use the commands.