Typeorm groupBy getManyAndCount
first, we need to construct queryBuidler & some complex condition subQuery
second, we need to use subQuery
counting as below
const { totalItems } = await this . connection . rawConnection
. createQueryBuilder ( )
. select ( `COUNT(1)` , 'totalItems' )
. from ( `(${ queryBuilder . getQuery ( ) } )` , 'orderline' )
. setParameters ( queryBuilder . getParameters ( ) )
. getRawOne ( ) ;
using getRawMany()
to fetch minimal fields (GROUP_CONCAT(orderline.id)
as orderLineIds
refetch all record using orderLineIds
async availableOrderLinesToReview (
ctx : RequestContext ,
customer : Customer ,
options ?: Pick < ListQueryOptions < OrderLine > , 'take' | 'skip' >
) : Promise < PaginatedList < ReviewOrderLine > > {
const customerReviewQb = this . getCustomerReviewedOrderLineQueryBuilder (
ctx ,
) ;
const queryBuilder = this . connection
. getRepository ( ctx , OrderLine )
. createQueryBuilder ( 'orderline' )
. leftJoin ( 'orderline.order' , 'order' )
. select ( `GROUP_CONCAT( orderline.id )` , 'orderLineIds' )
. where ( 'order.customerId = :customerId' , { customerId : customer . id } )
. andWhere ( 'order.active = :active' , { active : false } )
. andWhere ( 'order.state IN (:...orderStates)' , {
orderStates : orderFinishedState ,
} )
. andWhere ( `orderline.id NOT IN (${ customerReviewQb . getQuery ( ) } )` )
. setParameters ( customerReviewQb . getParameters ( ) )
. groupBy ( 'orderline.orderId' )
. orderBy ( 'order.orderPlacedAt' , 'DESC' ) ;
const { totalItems } = await this . connection . rawConnection
. createQueryBuilder ( )
. select ( `COUNT(1)` , 'totalItems' )
. from ( `(${ queryBuilder . getQuery ( ) } )` , 'orderline' )
. setParameters ( queryBuilder . getParameters ( ) )
. getRawOne ( ) ;
const rowItems = await queryBuilder
. offset ( options ?. skip )
. limit ( options ?. take )
. getRawMany ( ) ;
const orderLineIds = rowItems . reduce < string [ ] > ( ( prev , curr ) => {
return prev . concat ( curr [ 'orderLineIds' ] . split ( ',' ) ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
const orderLineItems = await this . connection
. getRepository ( ctx , OrderLine )
. find ( {
where : {
id : In ( unique ( orderLineIds ) ) ,
} ,
relations : [
'order' ,
'productVariant' ,
'productVariant.featuredAsset' ,
'productVariant.product' ,
] ,
order : {
updatedAt : 'DESC' ,
} ,
} ) ;
const newItems : ReviewOrderLine [ ] = orderLineItems . map ( ( s ) => {
const variant =
s . productVariant &&
this . translator . translate ( s . productVariant , ctx , [ 'product' ] ) ;
return {
id : s . id ,
orderLineId : s . id ,
orderId : s . order . id ,
productId : variant . productId ,
productVariantId : variant . id ,
productSlug : variant . product . slug ,
productVariantSku : variant . sku ,
productVariantName : variant . name ,
productVariantAsset : variant . featuredAsset ,
} ;
} ) ;
return {
items : newItems ,
} ;