From 7e618d7602b5a0caadd10e8ac6f4235c0d2e6810 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: F Zotter <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 15:23:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] beamline object dokumentation

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 .../BeamlineParamter/    | 230 +++++++++---------
 .../LightSources/             |  27 +-
 .../LightSources/              |  44 ++--
 .../LightSources/              |  63 +++--
 .../LightSources/             |  48 ++--
 .../LightSources/              |  49 ++--
 .../LightSources/              |  25 +-
 .../LightSources/     |  73 +++---
 .../OpticalElements/            |  93 +++++++
 .../BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/   |  35 ++-
 .../OpticalElements/         |   2 +-
 12 files changed, 424 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/

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 # Beamline Objects
-In the following chaper you will find extensive Information on all the Beamline Obejcts RAYX supports.  
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+In the following chapter, you will find extensive information on all the Beamline Objects supported by RAYX.
+# Supported Objects
+We divide the objects into two categories: Light Sources and Optical Elements. As the name suggests, the Light Sources are the objects that create the ray information, such as their starting position, the direction of the flight path, and the energy the ray is carrying.
+### Light Sources
+- [Dipole Source](LightSources/
+- [Point Source](LightSources/
+- [Matrix Source](LightSources/
+- [Simple Undulator Source](LightSources/
+- [Circle Source](LightSources/
+- [Pixel Source](LightSources/
+### Optical Elements
+- [Image Plane](OpticalElements/
+- [Plane Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Plane Grating](OpticalElements/
+- [Cone Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Cone Grating](OpticalElements/
+- [Cylindrical Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Ellipsoid Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Spherical Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Spherical Grating](OpticalElements/
+- [Toroidal Mirror](OpticalElements/
+- [Toroidal Grating](OpticalElements/
+- [Reflection Zone Plate](OpticalElements/
+- [Slit](OpticalElements/
+- [Custom Quadric Surface Mirror](../Quad(ric)
+- Custom Cubic Surface Mirror
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 This table explains all the parameters that can be used in a RAYX beamline.
 They are ordered for Elements and Sources and roughly in their order of importance.
 ## Light Source Parameter
-| Name                           | Description    |
-| Number of Rays                 |         |
-| Source Width                   |         |
-| Source Height                  |         |
-| Source Depth                   |         |
-| Horizontal Divergence          |         |
-| Vertical Divergence            |         |
-| Source Width Distribution      |         |
-| Source Height Distribution     |         |
-| Horizontal Divergence Distribution|      |
-| Vertical Divergence Distribution |        |
-| Linear Pol 0               |                 |
-| Linear Pol 45              |                 |
-| Circular Pol               |                 |
-| Energy Distribution Type| |
-| Energy Spread Type| |
-| Energy Spread | |
-| Photon Energy Distribution File| |
-| Photon Energy| |
-| Seperate Energies| |
-| Electron EnergyOrientation| |
-| Source Pulse Type| (unused)|
-| Vertical Ebeam Divergence      |            |
-| Bending Radius (Double)    |                   |
-| Electron Energy                |            |
-| Alignment Error                |            |
-| Photon Flux                    |            |
-| Photon Energy                  |            |
-| Energy Spread                  |            |
-| Energy Spread Unit             |            |
-| Number of Equidistant Circles   |           |
-| Maximum Opening Angle           |            |
-| Minimum Opening Angle           |            |
-| Delta Opening Angle             |            |
-| Parameter P                     |            |
-| Parameter P Type                |            |
-| Sigma Type                      |            |
-| Undulator Length                |            |
-| Electron Sigma X                |            |
-| Electron Sigma Xs               |            |
-| Electron Sigma Y                |            |
-| Electron Sigma Ys               |            |
-| | |
+| Name                           | Description                                                   |
+| Number of Rays                 | Number of rays emitted from the source                        |
+| Source Width                   | Width of the light source in millimeters                      |
+| Source Height                  | Height of the light source in millimeters                     |
+| Source Depth                   | Depth of the light source in millimeters                      |
+| Horizontal Divergence          | Horizontal angular spread of the rays                         |
+| Vertical Divergence            | Vertical angular spread of the rays                           |
+| Source Width Distribution      | Distribution type for source width                            |
+| Source Height Distribution     | Distribution type for source height                           |
+| Horizontal Divergence Distribution| Distribution type for horizontal divergence                 |
+| Vertical Divergence Distribution | Distribution type for vertical divergence                    |
+| Linear Pol 0                   | Degree of linear polarization at 0 degrees                    |
+| Linear Pol 45                  | Degree of linear polarization at 45 degrees                   |
+| Circular Pol                   | Degree of circular polarization                               |
+| Energy Distribution Type       | How the nergy distribution should be defined (e.g. Values, File) |
+| Energy Spread Type             | Distribution pattern for the Energy (e.g Gaussian)            |
+| Energy Spread                  | Spread of energy around the central photon energy             |
+| Photon Energy Distribution File| Filepath for .DAT- File with Energy distribution information  |
+| Photon Energy                  | Central photon energy                                         |
+| Separate Energies              | Number of seperate energy spikes                              |
+| Electron Energy Orientation    | Movement in the Synchrotron (clockwise, counter-clockwise)    |
+| Source Pulse Type              | (unused)                                                      |
+| Vertical E-beam Divergence     | Vertical divergence of the electron beam                      |
+| Bending Radius                 | Bending radius of the electron bunch in a bending magnet |
+| Electron Energy                | Energy of the electrons in the source                         |
+| Alignment Error                | Possible misalignment of the source                           |
+| Photon Flux                    | --                                                            |
+| Photon Energy                  | Central photon energy of the source                           |
+| Energy Spread                  | Energy spread around the central energy                       |
+| Energy Spread Unit             | Unit for energy spread (eV)                                   |
+| Number of Equidistant Circles  | --                                                            |
+| Maximum Opening Angle          | Maximum divergence angle for the rays                         |
+| Minimum Opening Angle          | Minimum divergence angle for the rays                         |
+| Delta Opening Angle            | --                                                            |
+| Parameter P                    | --                                                            |
+| Parameter P Type               | --                                                            |
+| Sigma Type                     | --                                                            |
+| Undulator Length               | --                                                            |
+| Electron Sigma X               | Horizontal electron beam size                                 |
+| Electron Sigma Xs              | Horizontal electron beam divergence                           |
+| Electron Sigma Y               | Vertical electron beam size                                   |
+| Electron Sigma Ys              | Vertical electron beam divergence                             |
 ## Optical Element Parameter
-| Name                           | Description   |
-| World Position             |                   |
-| Total Width                |                       |
-| Total Length               |         |
-| Total Height               |         |
-| Grazing Incidence Angle    |         |
-| Arm Length                 |         |
-| Entrance Arm Length        |         |
-| Exit Arm Length             |         |
-| Entrance Arm Length (Mer)   |         |
-| Exit Arm Length (Mer)       |         |
-| Entrance Arm Length (Sag)   |      |
-| Exit Arm Length (Sag)      |         |
-| Central Beamstop           |         |
-| Total Width Stop           |           |
-| Total Height Stop          |           |
-| Opening Width              |           |
-| Opening Height             |           |
-| Opening Shape              |           |
-| Grating Mount              |           |
-| Radius                     |            |
-| Design Energy              |           |
-| Line Density               |           |
-| Order of Diffraction       |           |
-| Design Energy Mounting     |           |  
-| Design Order of Diffraction |           |
-| Design Alpha Angle         |           |
-| Design Beta Angle          |           |
-| Short Radius               |           |
-| Long Radius                |           |
-| Fresnel Z Offset           |           |
-| Bending Radius Direction   |           |
-| Parameter A11              |           |
-| Design Grazing Inc Angle   |            |
-| Long Half Axis A           |            |
-| Short Half Axis B          |            |
-| Figure Rotation            |           |
-| Distance Preceding             |       |
-| Misalignment Coordinate System |       |
-| reflectivityType| |
-| materialSubstrate| |
-| geometricalShape| |
-| imageType| |
-| azimuthalAngle| |
-| additionalOrder| |
-| slopeError| slopeErrorSag, slopeErrorMer, thermalDistortionAmp, thermalDistortionSigmaX, thermalDistortionSigmaZ, cylindricalBowingAmp, cylindricalBowingRadius|
-|vlsParameter | vlsParameterB2 - vlsParameterB7|
-| Reflectivity Type| |
-| Material Substrate   | |
-| Roughness Substrate | |
-| Density Substrate | |
-| Surface Coating | |
-| Coating File | |
-| Number Layer | |
-| Material Coating 1 | |
-| Thickness Coating 1 | |
-| Roughness Coating 1 | |
-| Density Coating 1 | |
-| Material Coating 2 | |
-| Thickness Coating 2 | |
-| Roughness Coating 2 | |
-| Density Coating 2 | |
-| Material Top Layer | |
-| Thickness Top Layer | |
-| Roughness Top Layer | |
-| Density Top Layer | |
+| Name                           | Description                                                   |
+| World Position                 | 3D coordinates of the optical element's position              |
+| Total Width                    | Width of the optical element                                  |
+| Total Length                   | Length of the optical element                                 |
+| Total Height                   | Height of the optical element                                 |
+| Grazing Incidence Angle        | Angle of incidence for grazing rays                           |
+| Arm Length                     | Length of the arm of the optical element                      |
+| Entrance Arm Length            | Length of the entrance arm                                    |
+| Exit Arm Length                | Length of the exit arm                                        |
+| Entrance Arm Length (Mer)       | Meridional entrance arm length                                |
+| Exit Arm Length (Mer)          | Meridional exit arm length                                    |
+| Entrance Arm Length (Sag)      | Sagittal entrance arm length                                  |
+| Exit Arm Length (Sag)          | Sagittal exit arm length                                      |
+| Central Beamstop               | Stop placed in the center of the beam                         |
+| Total Width Stop               | Width of the beamstop                                         |
+| Total Height Stop              | Height of the beamstop                                        |
+| Opening Width                  | Width of the optical element opening                          |
+| Opening Height                 | Height of the optical element opening                         |
+| Opening Shape                  | Shape of the optical element opening (e.g., rectangle, circle)|
+| Grating Mount                  | --                                                            |
+| Radius                         | Radius of curvature for curved surfaces                       |
+| Design Energy                  | Target design energy for the optical element                  |
+| Line Density                   | --                                                            |
+| Order of Diffraction           | Diffraction order for grating elements                        |
+| Design Energy Mounting         | --                                                            |
+| Design Order of Diffraction    | --                                                            |
+| Design Alpha Angle             | --                                                            |
+| Design Beta Angle              | --                                                            |
+| Short Radius                   | Short radius for elliptical elements                          |
+| Long Radius                    | Long radius for elliptical elements                           |
+| Fresnel Z Offset               | --                                                            |
+| Bending Radius Direction       | --                                                            |
+| Parameter A11                  | --                                                            |
+| Design Grazing Inc Angle       | Grazing incidence angle in design                             |
+| Long Half Axis A               | Long half-axis for elliptical elements                        |
+| Short Half Axis B              | Short half-axis for elliptical elements                       |
+| Figure Rotation                | --                                                            |
+| Distance Preceding             | Distance from preceding element                               |
+| Misalignment Coordinate System | Coordinate system for misalignment                            |
+| Reflectivity Type              | Type of reflectivity used                                     |
+| Material Substrate             | Material of the substrate                                     |
+| Geometrical Shape              | Shape of the optical element                                  |
+| Image Type                     | Type of image plane                                           |
+| Azimuthal Angle                | Azimuthal angle of rotation                                   |
+| Additional Order               | --                                                            |
+| Slope Error                    | Slope error for reflecting surfaces                           |
+| Slope Error Sag                | Sagittal slope error                                          |
+| Slope Error Mer                | Meridional slope error                                        |
+| Thermal Distortion Amp         | Amplitude of thermal distortion                               |
+| Thermal Distortion Sigma X     | Sigma in X for thermal distortion                             |
+| Thermal Distortion Sigma Z     | Sigma in Z for thermal distortion                             |
+| Cylindrical Bowing Amp         | Amplitude of cylindrical bowing                               |
+| Cylindrical Bowing Radius      | Radius for cylindrical bowing                                 |
+| VLS Parameter                  | --                                                            |
+| Reflectivity Type              | Type of reflectivity coating                                  |
+| Material Substrate             | Substrate material for reflecting surfaces                    |
+| Roughness Substrate            | Surface roughness of the substrate                            |
+| Density Substrate              | Density of the substrate material                             |
+| Surface Coating                | Coating material for the optical surface                      |
+| Coating File                   | External file for custom coating                              |
+| Number Layer                   | Number of layers in multilayer coatings                       |
+| Material Coating 1             | Material of the first coating layer                           |
+| Thickness Coating 1            | Thickness of the first coating layer                          |
+| Roughness Coating 1            | Roughness of the first coating layer                          |
+| Density Coating 1              | Density of the first coating layer                            |
+| Material Coating 2             | Material of the second coating layer                          |
+| Thickness Coating 2            | Thickness of the second coating layer                         |
+| Roughness Coating 2            | Roughness of the second coating layer                         |
+| Density Coating 2              | Density of the second coating layer                           |
+| Material Top Layer             | Material of the top layer coating                             |
+| Thickness Top Layer            | Thickness of the top layer coating                            |
+| Roughness Top Layer            | Roughness of the top layer coating                            |
+| Density Top Layer              | Density of the top layer coating                              |
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--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
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 # Circle Source
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. 
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated according to the given distribution. This ensures that minimal systematic errors impact the simulation.
-light properties:
+Light properties include:
 - Origin
 - Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation
+- Photon Energy
+- Polarization
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position. 
-## Tracing Parameter
+The origin of each ray is described by its x, y, and z positions.
+## Tracing Parameters
 - Source Depth
 - Source Height
@@ -25,8 +22,8 @@ The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position.
 - Linear Pol 0
 - Linear Pol 45
 - Circular Pol
-- numOfEquidistantCircles 
-- maxOpeningAngle 
+- numOfEquidistantCircles
+- maxOpeningAngle
 - minOpeningAngle
 - deltaOpeningAngle
 - Energy
@@ -37,9 +34,9 @@ The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position.
 ## RML Object
-To trace a Circle Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a Circle Source through an RML file, use an XML object to contain all relevant information for the light source. Below is the default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI for your convenience. It is recommended to include an Image Plane at the end for clearer results.
 <object name="Circle Source" type="Circle Source">
    <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">20000</param>
    <param id="sourceWidth" enabled="T">0.065</param>
@@ -84,5 +81,5 @@ To trace a Circle Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
    <param id="circularPol" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseType" comment="all rays start simultaneously" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseLength" enabled="F">0</param>
-  </object>
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+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
@@ -1,50 +1,45 @@
 # Dipole Source
-The Dipole Source in RAYX is implemented to generate a realistic lightbeam. To simulate a realistic representation of behaviour, the natural spectral and spatial distributions of synchrotron radiation are used as a foundation. Specificly the distributions defined by the universal function for synchrotron radiation defined by Wiedemann, Synchrotron Radiation P. 159 (). 
+The Dipole Source in RAYX is implemented to generate a realistic light beam. To simulate realistic behavior, the natural spectral and spatial distributions of synchrotron radiation are used as a foundation. Specifically, the distributions defined by the universal function for synchrotron radiation, as outlined by Wiedemann in *Synchrotron Radiation*, p. 159, are utilized.
-## Backround
+## Background
-Dipole Sources are among the most common lightsources used to generate synchrotron radiation. In synchrotrons dipole magnets are used to bend a charged particle beam. Depending on the strength of the magnetic field and other changeble parameters the act of bending the particle beam produces X-Rays. Highly energized photons traveling with relativistic speeds. These photons than travel throuh the beamline, colliding with optical elements, and hitting an experiment at the end of the line. 
+Dipole sources are among the most common light sources used to generate synchrotron radiation. In synchrotrons, dipole magnets are used to bend a charged particle beam. Depending on the strength of the magnetic field and other adjustable parameters, bending the particle beam produces X-rays—high-energy photons traveling at relativistic speeds. These photons then travel through the beamline, interacting with optical elements, and eventually reaching an experiment at the end of the line.
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. Each light source has a different approach to determine these, depending on which parts should be realisic and what should be syntheticaly generated. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. The user gives a distribution window for the properties.
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. Each light source has a different approach to determining these, depending on which parts should be realistic and which should be synthetically generated. The values are randomly generated for the given distribution, ensuring that minimal systematic errors impact the simulation. The user provides a distribution window for these properties.
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by a x, y and z Position. For the dipole source the position is dependent on the strength of the dipole magnet. 
-In the coordinates system for the Lightsource x is on the horizontal plane with z. The y direction is "up" and "down" looking from the source down the beamline. Which is the direction to the experiment, or at least to the next optical element and is described by z.
-The user has limeted influence on the distribution of the position. It is determined by the magnetic field and the horizontal divergence window.
+The origin of each ray is described by its x, y, and z positions. For the dipole source, the position depends on the strength of the dipole magnet. In the coordinate system for the light source, x lies on the horizontal plane with z, while the y direction is "up" and "down" when looking from the source down the beamline (toward the experiment or the next optical element, described by z). The user has limited influence over the distribution of the position, which is primarily determined by the magnetic field and the horizontal divergence window.
 ### Direction
-The Direction is determined by the vertical and horizontal angle. Those are determind by the users input for the vertical and horizontal Divergence. The Direction is calculated by two variables the Phi and Psi angle. 
-Phi is determined randomly in a uniform spread on the given horizontal Divergence.
-For Psi the calculation is a little more complex and dependent on the Polarisation.
-Of the given vertical electron beam divergance a distribution window is calculated. 
+The direction is determined by the vertical and horizontal angles, based on the user's input for vertical and horizontal divergence. The direction is calculated using two variables: the Phi and Psi angles. Phi is determined randomly with a uniform distribution over the given horizontal divergence. Psi is more complex, depending on the polarization. From the given vertical electron beam divergence, a distribution window is calculated.
 ### Energy
-The photon energy is dependant on the given mean-energy and the energyspread. Again the focus of the simulation lays in the distribution of the photonenergies between all generated rays. The energy can be understood as the equvalent to the wavelength of the photon. For the dipole source the energy is randomly distributed according to the universal function for synchrotron radiation (1). 
-The basis for the simulation lays in Helmut Wiedemanns description (Synchrotron Radiation P. 259 (D.21)). He gives edge cases which are usefull to simplyfy the simulation.
+The photon energy depends on the specified mean energy and the energy spread. The focus of the simulation is the distribution of photon energies among all generated rays. The energy can be understood as equivalent to the wavelength of the photon. For the dipole source, energy is randomly distributed according to the universal function for synchrotron radiation. The basis for this simulation is Helmut Wiedemann’s description in *Synchrotron Radiation*, p. 259 (D.21), where edge cases simplify the simulation.
-### Polarisation
+### Polarization
-The light polarisation impacts the reflective properties of the ray. The polarization is also important for the distiribution of the vertical direction value of the ray. As written by Helmut Wiedemanns (Synchrotron Radiation P. 155 (9.78)) the polarisation, direction and photon energy determine the distribution. 
+Light polarization affects the reflective properties of the ray. Polarization is also important for the distribution of the vertical direction of the ray. As described by Helmut Wiedemann (*Synchrotron Radiation*, p. 155 (9.78)), polarization, direction, and photon energy jointly determine the distribution.
 ## Struct Ray
-In RAYX we transfer all the generated information from the light sources to the optical elements via the struct Ray. 
-## Tracing Parameter
+In RAYX, all the generated information from the light sources is transferred to the optical elements using the `Ray` structure.
+## Tracing Parameters
 - Energy Distribution
 - Photon Flux
 - Electron Energy Orientation
 - Source Pulse Type
-- Bending Radius (Double)
+- Bending Radius
 - Electron Energy
 - Photon Energy
-- Vertical Ebeam Divergence
+- Vertical E-beam Divergence
 - Energy Spread
 - Energy Spread Unit
 - Horizontal Divergence
@@ -56,13 +51,11 @@ In RAYX we transfer all the generated information from the light sources to the
 - Energy Distribution Type
 - Energy Distribution File
 ## RML Object
-To trace a Dipole Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a Dipole Source through an RML file, use an XML object to contain all relevant information for the light source. Below is the default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI for your convenience. It is recommended to include an Image Plane at the end for clearer results.
 <object name="Dipole Source" type="Dipole Source">
     <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">200</param>
     <param id="sourceWidth" enabled="T">0.065</param>
@@ -106,6 +99,5 @@ To trace a Dipole Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
     <param id="sourcePulseType" comment="all rays start simultaneously" enabled="T">0</param>
     <param id="sourcePulseLength" enabled="F">0</param>
     <param id="photonFlux" enabled="T">2.76089e+12</param>
-  </object>
-  ```
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index 7b716cc28..ef7c8a976 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
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 # Light Sources
-Light Sources are the starting point for each ray. Here the Properties of the light are set. Depending on the user input the direction, photon energy and light polarization are determined. In this section, you can find a description on
-how the light sources are implemented and how to employ them for different beamlines. Depending on the needs it can be usefull to know which light source suits best. 
-The important part of the implementation of light sources in RAYX are the overall distributions of the values. Most of the Lightsources produce a spectrum of light rays. 
+Light sources are the starting point for each ray. Here, the properties of the light are set. Depending on user input, the direction, photon energy, and light polarization are determined. This section provides a description of how the light sources are implemented and how to use them for different beamlines. Depending on your needs, it can be useful to understand which light source is most suitable.  
+The key part of light source implementation in RAYX is the overall distribution of values. Most light sources produce a spectrum of light rays. 
 ## Implemented Sources
-Currently there are six light sources implemented in RAYX. They are fundamentaly different and serve different purpuses. 
+Currently, there are six light sources implemented in RAYX. They are fundamentally different and serve various purposes:
 - Dipole Source
 - Matrix Source
 - Point Source
 - Circle Source
-- Pixle Source
+- Pixel Source
 - Simple Undulator Source
-The Matrix and Point Sources are conceptual sources, wheras the implementation of the Dipole Source is aiming to be as close to the reality as possible. 
+The Matrix and Point Sources are conceptual sources, whereas the Dipole Source aims to replicate real-world behavior as accurately as possible.
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. Each light source has a different approach to determine these, depending on which parts should be realisic and what should be syntheticaly generated. The values are almost always in a given distribution-window and randomly generated. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the ray generation. The user can choose a distribution window and a distribution type.
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. Each light source has a different approach to determining these, depending on which aspects should be realistic and which should be synthetically generated. The values are almost always in a given distribution window and are randomly generated. This ensures minimal systematic errors impact the ray generation. The user can choose a distribution window and a distribution type.
 - Origin
 - Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation.
+- Photon Energy
+- Polarization
 ### Origin
 The user sets the following parameters:
-* source width(x-dir)
-* source height(y-dir) 
-* source depth(z-dir) 
-* distribution types (up tp 3 different ones)
+* Source width (x-dir)
+* Source height (y-dir)
+* Source depth (z-dir)
+* Distribution types (up to 3 different ones)
-The origin for each ray is described by a x, y and z value. 
+The origin for each ray is described by x, y, and z values.
-With repeatability in mind the Maxtrix Source has a completely deterministic aproach to set the origin of each ray. All rays are positioned in a uniform grid inside the given width and height. Depending on the number of rays this grid can look scarsly or completely filled. 
+With repeatability in mind, the Matrix Source has a fully deterministic approach to setting the origin of each ray. All rays are positioned in a uniform grid within the given width and height. Depending on the number of rays, this grid can appear sparse or fully filled.
-The Point Source has set distribution types for the positions. Every ray has a random origin but looking at all rays combined, they represent the chosen distribution type. The common choises are either hard-edge or soft-edge distributions. 
+The Point Source uses preset distribution types for the positions. Each ray has a random origin, but when considered collectively, they represent the chosen distribution type. Common choices are either hard-edge or soft-edge distributions.
-The Dipole Source additionaly takes the horizontal divergence and bending radius into account. The origin positions are in a 3 dimensual bend, representing the trajectory of the electrons in the synchrotron. The position has a natural distribution which is dependant on the horizontal divergence of the electron beam. 
+The Dipole Source additionally considers the horizontal divergence and bending radius. The origin positions are in a 3-dimensional curve, representing the trajectory of the electrons in the synchrotron. The positions have a natural distribution that depends on the horizontal divergence of the electron beam.
 ### Direction
 The user sets the following parameters:
-* horizontal divergence (x-dir)
-* vertical divergence (y-dir)
-* distribution type
+* Horizontal divergence (x-dir)
+* Vertical divergence (y-dir)
+* Distribution type
-The direction for each ray is calculated for phi and psi values. They are the horizontal and vertical angles of the direction.
-A direction vector is calculated from these angles and used for the tracing process. 
+The direction for each ray is calculated using the phi and psi values, which are the horizontal and vertical angles of the direction. A direction vector is then calculated from these angles and used in the tracing process.
-And again there are differences for each source which are described in the respective chapters.
+Each source has different directional behaviors, which are detailed in their respective chapters.
 ### Energy
 The user sets the following parameters:
-* Photonenergy (mean)
-* Energy spread
-* distribution type
+* Photon Energy (mean)
+* Energy Spread
+* Distribution type
 * (File path)
-The Photonenergy is understood as the mean energy in a given distribution. If the energyspread is defined as 0 all rays have the same energy. 
-All the iformation can also be 
+Photon energy is understood as the mean energy in a given distribution. If the energy spread is defined as 0, all rays have the same energy.
-The energy can be understood as the equivalent to the wavelength of the lightray. Different Distributiontypes are available to observe the behaiviour. 
+The energy is equivalent to the wavelength of the light ray. Different distribution types are available for observing the behavior.
-### Polarisation
+### Polarization
-The light polarisation impacts the reflective properties of the ray. Depending on the lightsource it is calculated or given by the user. 
+Light polarization impacts the reflective properties of the ray. Depending on the light source, it is either calculated or provided by the user.
-For more information on how to implement and use light sources please read the dokumentation for the spesific light source (updated soon).
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+For more information on how to implement and use light sources, please refer to the documentation for the specific light source (updated soon).
diff --git a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
index 9f6cff697..44ea8e053 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 # Matrix Source
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. 
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated within the given distribution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors impact the simulation.
-light properties:
+Light properties:
 - Origin
 - Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation
+- Photon Energy
+- Polarization
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position. 
+The origin for each ray is described by its x, y, and z position.
-## Tracing Parameter
+## Tracing Parameters
 - Ver Div
 - Hor Div
@@ -32,12 +31,11 @@ The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position.
 - Energy Distribution Type
 - Energy Distribution File
 ## RML Object
-To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a **Pixel Source** through an RML file, use an XML object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
 <object name="Pixel Source" type="Pixel Source">
    <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">20000</param>
    <param id="sourceWidth" enabled="T">0.065</param>
@@ -46,24 +44,24 @@ To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
    <param id="horDiv" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="verDiv" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="worldPosition" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldXdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldYdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldZdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="energyDistributionType" comment="Values" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="photonEnergyDistributionFile" absolute="" enabled="F"></param>
@@ -75,7 +73,5 @@ To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
    <param id="circularPol" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseType" comment="all rays start simultaneously" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseLength" enabled="F">0</param>
-  </object>
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index b86770fa6..04f1d36a8 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
 # Pixel Source
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. 
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distribution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors impact the simulation.
-light properties:
+Light properties:
 - Origin
 - Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation
+- Photon Energy
+- Polarization
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position. 
+The origin for each ray is described by its x, y, and z position.
-## Tracing Parameter
+## Tracing Parameters
 - Ver Div
 - Hor Div
@@ -32,12 +30,11 @@ The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position.
 - Energy Distribution Type
 - Energy Distribution File
 ## RML Object
-To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a **Pixel Source** through an RML file, use an XML object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
 <object name="Pixel Source" type="Pixel Source">
    <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">20000</param>
    <param id="sourceWidth" enabled="T">0.065</param>
@@ -46,24 +43,24 @@ To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
    <param id="horDiv" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="verDiv" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="worldPosition" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldXdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldYdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="worldZdirection" enabled="F">
-    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
-    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
-    <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
+      <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+      <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+      <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
    <param id="energyDistributionType" comment="Values" enabled="T">1</param>
    <param id="photonEnergyDistributionFile" absolute="" enabled="F"></param>
@@ -75,7 +72,5 @@ To trace a Pixel Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
    <param id="circularPol" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseType" comment="all rays start simultaneously" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseLength" enabled="F">0</param>
-  </object>
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index 63ac6c693..7d0db7c2a 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
 # Point Source
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. 
+In RAYX, every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated within the given distribution to ensure minimal systematic errors during simulation.
-light properties:
+Light properties:
 - Origin
 - Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation
+- Photon Energy
+- Polarization
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position. 
+The origin for each ray is described by its x, y, and z position.
-## Tracing Parameter
+## Tracing Parameters
 - sourceWidthDistribution
 - sourceHeightDistribution
@@ -36,12 +34,11 @@ The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position.
 - Energy Distribution Type
 - Energy Distribution File
 ## RML Object
-To trace a Point Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a **Point Source** through an RML file, use an XML object to encapsulate all relevant information about the light source. Below is the default configuration for a point source from RAY-UI, which can be used as a template. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer simulation results.
 <object name="Point Source" type="Point Source">
     <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">200</param>
     <param id="sourceWidthDistribution" comment="gaussian (sigma)" enabled="T">1</param>
@@ -89,7 +86,5 @@ To trace a Point Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass
-  </object>
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index f3d4d3d65..8534b5901 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/LightSources/
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
 # Simple Undulator Source
-The simple Undulator source mimics the physics of a real undulator source and allows the user to trace an approximated undulator lightbeam much faster. 
-This light source utilieses the Gaussian Beam Theorie which allows us to simplify the beam Properties a lot. We already treat the lightbeam as a group of individual rays. This gives us the possibility to substitute all complex wave theory laws on our light beam with approximations.[1]
-Simply put the Gaussian Beam Theory says that some beam properties are distributed in gaussian patterns. And that the pattern flattens or sqishes from collisions with optical elements but generaly remains a gaussian bellcurve. 
+The Simple Undulator source in RAYX approximates the physics of a real undulator source, allowing for faster tracing of an undulator light beam. This light source uses **Gaussian Beam Theory**, which simplifies the beam properties significantly. By treating the light beam as a collection of individual rays, complex wave theory can be substituted with approximations.
+Simply put, **Gaussian Beam Theory** states that certain beam properties are distributed in Gaussian patterns. These patterns flatten or squeeze after collisions with optical elements, but generally, the beam maintains a Gaussian bell curve shape.
 ## Light Properties
-In RAYX every ray is described by four properties. The values are randomly generated for the given distirubution. This guarantees that minimal systematic errors are impacting the simulation. 
+In RAYX, every ray is characterized by four properties, which are randomly generated to ensure minimal systematic errors in the simulation:
-light properties:
-- Origin
-- Direction
-- Photonenergy
-- Polarisation
+- **Origin**: Position in x, y, and z coordinates.
+- **Direction**: Direction vector of the ray.
+- **Photon Energy**: Energy of the photon carried by the ray.
+- **Polarization**: Polarization state of the photon.
 ### Origin
-The Origin for each Ray is described by x, y and z Position. 
+The origin for each ray is described by x, y, and z positions.
-## Tracing Parameter
+## Tracing Parameters
-- sourceDepth
-- linearPol0
-- linearPol45
-- circularPol
-- undulatorLength
-- photonEnergy
-- sigmaType
-- electronSigmaX
-- electronSigmaXs
-- electronSigmaY
-- electronSigmaYs
-- Energy
-- Energy Spread
-- Energy Spread Type
-- Energy Distribution Type
-- Energy Distribution File
+Key parameters used for tracing an undulator source include:
+- **sourceDepth**: Depth of the light source.
+- **linearPol0**: Linear polarization at 0 degrees.
+- **linearPol45**: Linear polarization at 45 degrees.
+- **circularPol**: Circular polarization.
+- **undulatorLength**: Length of the undulator.
+- **photonEnergy**: Energy of the photons.
+- **sigmaType**: Type of sigma (distribution type).
+- **electronSigmaX**: Horizontal electron beam size.
+- **electronSigmaXs**: Horizontal electron beam divergence.
+- **electronSigmaY**: Vertical electron beam size.
+- **electronSigmaYs**: Vertical electron beam divergence.
+- **Energy**: Photon energy level.
+- **Energy Spread**: Spread in energy.
+- **Energy Spread Type**: Type of energy spread (e.g., white band).
+- **Energy Distribution Type**: Distribution type of the photon energy.
+- **Energy Distribution File**: File used to define energy distribution.
 ## RML Object
-To trace a simple Undulator Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to encompass all pertinent information for the light source. The default configuration for the light source from RAY-UI is presented here for your ease of use. It is recommended to include an Imageplane at the end for clearer results.
+To trace a Simple Undulator Source using an RML file, you can define the source in an XML format. The default configuration from RAY-UI is provided here, which can be customized for your specific needs. It is advisable to include an Imageplane at the end for more accurate results.
 <object name="Simple Undulator" type="Simple Undulator">
    <param id="numberRays" enabled="T">20000</param>
    <param id="sigmaType" comment="standard" enabled="T">0</param>
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ To trace a simple Undulator Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to
    <param id="worldXdirection" enabled="F">
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</x>
    <param id="worldYdirection" enabled="F">
-    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</x>
    <param id="worldZdirection" enabled="F">
@@ -90,11 +90,8 @@ To trace a simple Undulator Source through an RML File, utilize an XML Object to
    <param id="circularPol" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseType" comment="all rays start simultaneously" enabled="T">0</param>
    <param id="sourcePulseLength" enabled="F">0</param>
-  </object>
-# Literature
-[1]Representation of a Gaussian beam by rays
-P. P. Crooker,a兲 W. B. Colson, and J. Blau
-Physics Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 93943
-Received 3 October 2005; accepted 7 April 2006兲
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+## Literature
+[1] Representation of a Gaussian Beam by Rays, P. P. Crooker, W. B. Colson, and J. Blau, Physics Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Published 2006.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f95a67739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Image Plane
+The **Image Plane** is a fundamental optical element characterized by its flat, absorbing surface. This element is designed to capture all incoming rays, regardless of their direction or divergence. The Image Plane can be used in various optical simulations and is typically placed at a specified distance from the light source.
+## Light Properties
+In an Image Plane, rays are absorbed upon contact, allowing for the collection of all light interacting with the surface. This element does not modify the rays' properties but serves as a detector or absorber.
+## Standard Image Plane
+### RML Configuration
+The standard configuration for an Image Plane does not impose any restrictions on size, meaning it effectively has an unlimited area for rays to hit.
+  <object name="ImagePlane" type="ImagePlane">
+   <param id="distanceImagePlane" enabled="T">1000</param>
+   <param id="worldPosition" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>1000.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldXdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldYdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldZdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+  </object>
+## Parameters
+- distanceImagePlane: The distance from the light source to the image plane.
+- worldPosition: The (x, y, z) coordinates of the image plane in world space.
+- worldXdirection: Direction vector along the X-axis.
+- worldYdirection: Direction vector along the Y-axis.
+- worldZdirection: Direction vector along the Z-axis.
+## Image Plane with Cutout
+In scenarios where only a specific area of the image plane is needed, a cutout can be specified. This will restrict the absorption to the defined geometrical shape.
+  <object name="ImagePlane" type="ImagePlane">
+   <param id="geometricalShape" comment="rectangle" enabled="T">0</param>
+   <param id="totalWidth" enabled="T">50</param>
+   <param id="totalHeight" enabled="T">200</param>
+   <param id="distanceImagePlane" enabled="T">1000</param>
+   <param id="worldPosition" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>1000.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldXdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>1.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldYdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>1.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>0.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+   <param id="worldZdirection" enabled="F">
+    <x>0.0000000000000000</x>
+    <y>0.0000000000000000</y>
+    <z>1.0000000000000000</z>
+   </param>
+  </object>
+## Parameters with Cutout
+- geometricalShape: The shape of the cutout (e.g., rectangle).
+- totalWidth: Width of the image plane (or cutout).
+- totalHeight: Height of the image plane (or cutout).
+- distanceImagePlane: The distance from the light source to the image plane.
+- worldPosition: The (x, y, z) coordinates of the image plane in world space.
+- worldXdirection: Direction vector along the X-axis.
+- worldYdirection: Direction vector along the Y-axis.
+- worldZdirection: Direction vector along the Z-axis.
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index 85d7e3a91..a867b233e 100644
--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Slit
+The **Slit** is an optical element that allows users to define a cutout through which light rays pass. You can configure the shape and size of the slit opening, as well as the size and shape of a central beamstop to block part of the light. The Slit element also accounts for Fraunhofer diffraction, producing realistic diffraction patterns when light interacts with the slit, especially in the case of single-slit diffraction.
 ## Tracing Parameter
@@ -19,6 +20,32 @@ Cutout:
 - Total Height Stop
+## Fraunhofer Diffraction (Rectangular Slits)
+The RAYX simulation software calculates **Fraunhofer diffraction** for rectangular slits, which impacts the diffraction angle of rays passing through the slit. The diffraction effect is dependent on the slit dimensions and the wavelength of the light. The diffraction pattern produced follows the well-known Fraunhofer single-slit diffraction model, where the intensity of the light depends on the angle and the size of the slit.
+For a rectangular slit of dimension `b`, the diffraction angle `dAngle` is calculated based on the equation:
+u = \frac{\pi b \sin(\theta)}{\lambda}
+- \( b \) is the width or height of the slit
+- \( \theta \) is the diffraction angle
+- \( \lambda \) is the wavelength of the light
+The intensity distribution is proportional to \( \left( \frac{\sin(u)}{u} \right)^2 \).
+The algorithm ensures that rays with different angles are assigned based on a random distribution, simulating the diffraction pattern as light passes through the slit.
+### Circular Apertures and Zone Plates
+In addition to rectangular slit diffraction, the software also supports **Bessel diffraction** for circular slits and zone plates. For a circular aperture of radius `r`, the diffraction is modeled using Bessel functions, producing characteristic ring-like diffraction patterns.
+In this case, the diffraction angle `dphi` and `dpsi` are calculated based on the aperture radius and wavelength, simulating the radial symmetry of diffraction patterns from circular openings.
 ## RML Object
@@ -62,4 +89,8 @@ To track a Slit using an RML File, you'll require an XML Object to encompass all
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+### References
+For further reading on Fraunhofer diffraction, please refer to the [Wikipedia page on Fraunhofer Diffraction]( or standard optics textbooks.
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--- a/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/
+++ b/docs/src/Model/BeamlineObjects/OpticalElements/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Toroid:
 - Long Radius
-- vls parameter
+- Varied line spaceing parameter 
 - Line Density
 - Order Of Diffraction