All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed compilation errors in Unity 2019.4.x.
Localization Assets Path supports package path, e.g. Packages/
Localization Scripts Store Path supports package path, e.g. Packages/
Adds setting field targetLocales for the list of Locales that only need to be built.
Adds setting filed excludedLocales for the list of Locales that should be excluded in the build.
- Support changing TextMeshProUGUI parameters at runtime.
Adds parameters in LocalizationAssetSettings to set up where to locate locale data, translation key data.
Adds parameters in LocalizationAssetSettings to set tup from which row and column index to locate translation texts.
- Fixed the error of scripts generation when using as unity package.
- Initial unity project.