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File metadata and controls

83 lines (67 loc) · 4.15 KB


Build Status Demo: Try yourself!

This is a toy project written in ClojureScript. It renders some German railway signals as SVG. You can try it yourself!


To be written 😱

Usage in your own project

The project is still being developed, so it can't yet be used from JavaScript directly. But you can use the signals from cljs.

(def !distant (atom {:type :distant
                     :system :ks
                     :distant {:aspect :stop}}))
(def !combination (atom {:type :combination
                         :system :hv-light
                         :distant {:aspect :proceed}
                         :main {:aspect :stop}}))
(def !main (atom {:type :main
                  :system :hv-semaphore
                  :main {:aspect :proceed}}))

To display the signals, you need to include the signals.css (or signals.styl if you use Stylus) and create a React component returning a svg element. Inside, you have to once include signals.signal/defs, then you can call signals.signal/signal passing the signal you want with the :signal key.

Here an example using UIx:

(require '[signals.signal :as signal])

($ :svg {:version "1.1"
         :viewBox "0 0 140 600"
         :width "200"
         :height "600"}
   ($ signal/defs)
   ($ signal/signal {:signal @!main}))

You can configure signals by adding features to the top level, to the :distant or :main part of the signal.

Attribute where Description
:system top level Type of the signal system, can be :ks, :hv-light, :hv-semaphore, or :hl
:type top level Type of the signal, can be :distant, :main, or :combination
:aspect :distant/:main The aspect of the signal, valid values are :proceed, :stop, :stop+sh1, :stop+zs1, or :stop+zs7
:speed-limit :distant/:main The current speed limit. Only displayed with a :zs3 or :slow-speed-lights and :proceed aspect
:slow-speed-lights :distant/:main A vector of possible speeds. For :hv-light & :hv-semaphore, only 40 is supported, for :hl, it can be 40, 60 and 100. :ks ignores this
:zs3 :distant/:main Does the signal have a zs3? Possible values are nil (no zs3), :display or :sign. Ignored for :hl
:sh1? :main Boolean, set to true when the signal when it's capable to display a Sh1/Ra12 aspect
:zs1? :main Boolean, set to true if the signal has a Zs1
:zs7? :main Boolean, set to true when the signal has a Zs7
:distant-addition :distant Can be nil (nothing), :repeater (if this is a repeater), or :shortened-break-path when the break path is shortened


(swap! !combination #(-> %1
                         (assoc :system :hv-semaphore)
                         (assoc-in [:main :aspect] :stop+sh1)
                         (assoc-in [:main :sh1?] true)
                         (assoc-in [:main :zs1?] true)
                         (assoc-in [:main :slow-speed-lights] [40])
                         (assoc-in [:main :speed-limit] 40)
                         (assoc-in [:distant :aspect] :proceed)
                         (assoc-in [:distant :distant-addition] :shortened-break-path)))