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Building Unsigned IPAs and DEBs

Frederick Morlock edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 6 revisions


  • Xcode
  • macOS
  • Basic knowledge of Terminal
  • Homebrew
  • xcpretty
  • ldid (from Homebrew)


To build unsigned IPAs and DEBs of iNDS, you should first follow the Installation Guide for Jailed Devices. Up until the section labeled Building for iOS. This will prepare your build environment sufficiently for building distribution versions of iNDS.

After install Homebrew using the guide on their homepage, you can install xcpretty by running gem install xcpretty, and ldid by running brew install ldid.

Building IPA

To build an IPA file, cd to the iNDS source directory and run the ./ script in your Terminal. This will generate a IPA file in the dist folder.

Building DEB


To build DEB files easily on macOS, we will use the tool unipkg. This is available as a Node.js package.

Choose one:

  • If you already have Node.js installed, ignore this and continue forth.

  • If you don't have Node.js installed, you can install it by running brew install node

Now that you have Node.js installed, you can run npm install -g unipkg to install unipkg.


To build a DEB file, cd to the iNDS source directory and run the ./ script in your Terminal. This will generate a DEB file in the dist folder.

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