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React.js Cross Platform Boilerplate

This is a simple counter application that runs on any platform! The majority of the code is reused between platforms with the view components and entry points being the exception.

NOTE: This is currently being developed to be easy to use. While the basic funcionality should be working it should be used with caution for the time being.


  • Native application development dev build with HMR
  • Web development dev build with auto page refresh on change
  • Desktop development dev and prod builds
  • Local dev server hosting web application
  • Uniform testing framework across all platforms

Setting up everything

This will install all the modules we need for each platform.

Note: This might take awhile. There is around 750mb of node_modules at the moment.

$ npm install

Quick docs links

Current Progress

In Progress


  1. Add some styles for the react app
  2. Include CSS in JS for web and desktop
    1. PreStyle and possibly PreStyle native?
    2. css-blocks?
  3. Add sonarwhal to web and desktop for accessibility linting
  4. True HMR for desktop dev
  5. Possibly remove desktop build since it's losing relevance
  6. maybe use Proton?
  7. Docker files for windows, linux, mac?

Dependency Explanations


Name Use
expo Useful tool for React Native development
prop-types Prop Type validation for React
react Awesome front end framework
react-dom Part of React
react-redux React Bindings for Redux
redux Central store used with React components


Name Use
babel-core Part of Babel for transforming JS
babel-loader Part of Babel for transforming JS
babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator Used by electron build
babel-preset-env Babel preset for various browser support
babel-preset-expo Babel Expo preset for React Native
babel-preset-react Babel preset for React
documentation The JSDoc generation tool
electron-compile Desktop dependency
electron-forge Desktop dependency
electron-prebuild-compile Desktop dependency
electron-squirrel-startup Desktop dependency
enzyme Testing utility for React
enzyme-adapter-react-16 React 16 adapter for Enzyme
eslint Linter for JS
eslint-plugin-react Eslint plugin for React
eslint-plugin-react-native Eslint plugin for React Native
exp Build tool for Expo React Native
html-webpack-plugin Webpack plugin that allows usage of html template for web build
jest-expo Expo stuff for Jest
nodeblues Dev server for web stuff
react-native-scripts Convenient scripts for React Native development
react-test-renderer Render React components to pure JavaScript objects
sinon JS mocking library
webpack Awesome JS build tool
webpack-bundle-analyzer Utility to analyze size of JS bundle