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Building Hyperledger Avalon

In order to build, install, and run Hyperledger Avalon a number of additional components must be installed and configured. The following instructions will guide you through the installation and build process for Hyperledger Avalon.

If you have not done so already, clone the Avalon source repository. Choose whether you want the stable version (recommended) or the most recent version

  • To use the current stable release (recommended), run this command:

    git clone -b pre-release-v0.6
  • Or, to use the latest branch, run this command:

    git clone

You have a choice of Docker-based build or a Standalone-based build. We recommend the Docker-based build since it is automated and requires fewer steps.

Table of Contents

Docker-based Build and Execution

Follow the instructions below to execute a Docker-based build and execution.

  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose, if not already installed. See PREREQUISITES for instructions

  2. Build and run the Docker image from the top-level directory of your avalon source repository.

    Intel SGX Simulator mode (for hosts without Intel SGX):

    1. To run in Singleton mode (the same worker handles both keys and workloads):
      sudo docker-compose up --build
      To start a worker pool (with one Key Management Enclave and one Work order Processing Enclave):
      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker/compose/avalon-pool.yaml up --build
    2. For subsequent runs on the same workspace, if you changed a source or configuration file, run the above command again
    3. For subsequent runs on the same workspace, if you did not make any changes, startup and build time can be reduced by running:
      MAKECLEAN=0 sudo -E docker-compose up
      For worker pool, run:
      MAKECLEAN=0 sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker/compose/avalon-pool.yaml up

    SGX Hardware mode (for hosts with Intel SGX):

    1. Refer to Intel SGX in Hardware-mode section in PREREQUISITES document to install Intel SGX pre-requisites and to configure IAS keys.
    2. Run:
      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-sgx.yaml up --build
      For worker pool, run:
      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker/compose/avalon-pool.yaml \
      -f docker/compose/avalon-pool-sgx.yaml up --build
    3. For subsequent runs on the same workspace, if you changed a source or configuration file, run the above command again
    4. For subsequent runs on the same workspace, if you did not make any changes, startup and build time can be reduced by running:
      MAKECLEAN=0 sudo -E docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-sgx.yaml up
      For worker pool, run:
      MAKECLEAN=0 sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker/compose/avalon-pool.yaml \
      -f docker/compose/avalon-pool-sgx.yaml up
  3. On a successful run, you should see the message BUILD SUCCESS followed by a repetitive message Enclave manager sleeping for 10 secs

  4. Open a Docker container shell using following command

    sudo docker exec -it avalon-shell bash
  5. To execute test cases refer to Testing section below

  6. To exit the Avalon program, press Ctrl-c

Running multiple worker pools together

To run multiple worker pools together, make use of sample docker compose file avalon-multi-pool.yaml instead of avalon-pool.yaml. It also has a corresponding docker compose file avalon-multi-pool-sgx.yaml for running in Intel SGX hardware mode. This setup starts two pools of workers with the composition:

  1. worker-pool-1 - One KME (Key Management Enclave), One WPE (Work order Processing Enclave) supporting heart-disease-eval workload
  2. worker-pool-2 - One KME, two WPE supporting echo-result workload

These docker compose files can be further customized to run multiple worker pools in a single Avalon setup. Points to note when customizing/running multiple pools together using docker:

  1. Name of the docker image for all WPE in a pool should be same as pools are homogeneous as of now
  2. All WPE in a pool should connect to same KME using command line arguments --kme_listener_url and --worker_id
  3. When submitting work orders using any of the sample client applications, --worker_id argument needs to be mentioned explicitly to choose one of the workers in the system (Note : Each pool represents a single worker). For example:
./ -o --uri "http://avalon-listener:1947" \
   --workload_id "echo-result" --in_data "Hello" --worker_id worker-pool-2

Standalone Build

Standalone: Prerequisites

Follow the PREREQUISITES document to install and configure components on which Hyperledger Avalon depends.

Standalone: Installing Avalon Using Scripts

This section describes how to get started with Avalon quickly using provided scripts to compile and install Avalon. The steps below will set up a Python virtual environment to run Avalon.

  1. Make sure environment variables are set as described in the PREREQUISITES document

  2. Change to your Avalon source repository cloned above:

    cd avalon
  3. Set TCF_HOME to the top level directory of your avalon source repository. You will need these environment variables set in every shell session where you interact with Avalon. Append this line (with pwd expanded) to your login shell script (~/.bashrc or similar):

    export TCF_HOME=`pwd`
    echo "export TCF_HOME=$TCF_HOME" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. If you are using Intel SGX hardware, check that SGX_MODE=HW before building the code. If you are not using Intel SGX hardware, check that SGX_MODE is not set or set to SGX_MODE=SIM . By default SGX_MODE=SIM , indicating use the Intel SGX simulator.

  5. If you are not using Intel SGX hardware, go to the next step. Check that TCF_ENCLAVE_CODE_SIGN_PEM is set. Refer to the PREREQUISITES document for more details on these variables.

    You will also need to obtain an Intel IAS subscription key and SPID from the portal Replace the SPID and IAS Subscription key values in file $TCF_HOME/config/singleton_enclave_config.toml with the actual hexadecimal values (the IAS key may be either your Primary key or Secondary key):

    spid = '<spid obtained from portal>'
    ias_api_key = '<ias subscription key obtained from portal>'
  6. Create a Python virtual environment:

    cd $TCF_HOME/tools/build
    python3 -m venv _dev
  7. Activate the new Python virtual environment for the current shell session. You will need to do this in each new shell session (in addition to exporting environment variables).

    source _dev/bin/activate

    If the virtual environment for the current shell session is activated, you will the see this prompt: (_dev)

  8. Install PIP3 packages into your Python virtual environment:

    pip3 install --upgrade setuptools json-rpc py-solc-x web3 colorlog twisted wheel toml pyzmq pycryptodomex ecdsa jsonschema
  9. Build Avalon components:

    make clean


Once the code is successfully built, run the test suite to check that the installation is working correctly. Follow these steps to run the testcase:

NOTE: Skip step 1 in the case of Docker-based builds, since docker-compose.yaml will run the TCS startup script.

  1. For standalone builds only:
    1. Open a new terminal, Terminal 1
    2. cd $TCF_HOME/scripts
    3. Run source $TCF_HOME/tools/build/_dev/bin/activate . You should see the (_dev) prompt
    4. Run ./ -s The -s option starts kv_storage before other Avalon components.
    5. Wait for the listener to start. You should see the message TCS Listener started on port 1947, followed by a repetitive message Enclave manager sleeping for 10 secs
    6. To run the Demo test case, open a new terminal, Terminal 2
    7. In Terminal 2, run source $TCF_HOME/tools/build/_dev/bin/activate. You should see the (_dev) prompt
    8. In Terminal 2, cd to $TCF_HOME/tests and type this command to run the test:
      cd $TCF_HOME/tests
      python3 --input_dir ./json_requests/ \
         --connect_uri "http://localhost:1947" work_orders/output.json
  2. For Docker-based builds:
    1. Follow the steps above for "Docker-based Build and Execution"
    2. Terminal 1 is running docker-compose and Terminal 2 is running the "avalon-shell" Docker container shell from the previous build steps
    3. In Terminal 2, cd to $TCF_HOME/tests and type this command to run the test:
      cd $TCF_HOME/tests
      python3 --input_dir ./json_requests/ \
         --connect_uri "http://avalon-listener:1947" work_orders/output.json
  3. The response to the Avalon listener and Intel® SGX Enclave Manager can be seen at Terminal 1
  4. The response to the test case request can be seen at Terminal 2
  5. If you wish to exit the Avalon program, press Ctrl-c

A GUI is also available to run this demo. See examples/apps/heart_disease_eval

Static Analysis

To run lint checks on codebase, execute the following commands -

docker-compose -f docker-compose-lint.yaml up

The steps above runs lint on all modules by default. If you want to run lint on selective modules, you need to pass the modules via LINT_MODULES. For example:

LINT_MODULES={sdk,common} docker-compose -f docker-compose-lint.yaml up

Module names can be found here in the codebase.


  • If you see the message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '...', you did not run source _dev/bin/activate or you did not successfully build Avalon

  • If you see the message CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt . . . is different than the directory . . . where CMakeCache.txt was created. then the CMakeCache.txt file is out-of-date. Remove the file and rebuild.

Troubleshooting: Standalone build

  • Verify your environment variables are set correctly and the paths exist

  • If the Demo test code breaks due to some error, please perform the following steps before re-running:

    1. sudo rm $TCF_HOME/config/Kv*
    2. $TCF_HOME/scripts/ -t -s
    3. You can re-run the test now
    4. If some error still occurs then run : $TCF_HOME/scripts/ -f. This forcefully terminate Avalon.
  • If you get build errors rerunning make, try sudo make clean first

  • If you see the message No package 'openssl' found, you do not have OpenSSL libraries or the correct version of OpenSSL libraries. See PREREQUISITES for installation instructions

  • If you see the message ImportError: ...: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, then you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH with: source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment . For details, see PREREQUISITES

Run Avalon on CentOS 8.2

SGX driver and PSW package installation

  1. Install SGX drivers
    cd /tmp
    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install kernel-devel gcc
    chmod +x sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.6.0_602374c.bin
    sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.6.0_602374c.bin
    You should be able to see /dev/isgx device mapping on your host.
  2. Install SGX PSW package
    cd /tmp
    tar -xvf sgx_rpm_local_repo.tgz
    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo file:///tmp/sgx_rpm_local_repo
    sudo yum --nogpgcheck install -y libsgx-launch libsgx-epid libsgx-quote-ex libsgx-urts
    You can check the aesm service should be up and running:
      sudo systemctl status aesmd.service

Run Avalon

This section describes how to run Avalon on CentOS 8.2 host in docker mode. Prepare a host with CentOS 8.2 and install docker, docker-compose on it. Clone the hyperledger/avalon repository and go to avalon directory. Change the parameter DISTRO to centos and IMAGE to centos:centos8 in .env file.

To build and run in direct model and proxy model, you can follow the procedure mentioned at Docker-based build