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Selling Partner API for PHP

A PHP library for connecting to Amazon's Selling Partner API. This library is not for connecting to Amazon's older MWS API---if that's what you need, check out glassfrogbooks/php-amazon-mws.

This package is partially generated by the OpenAPITools generator.


  • PHP 7.2 or later
  • Composer


To install the bindings via Composer, run composer require jlevers/selling-partner-api inside your project directory.

Getting Started


You need a few things to get started:

  • A Selling Partner API developer account
  • An AWS IAM user configured for use with the Selling Partner API
  • A fresh Selling Partner API application

If you're looking for more information on how to set those things up, check out this blog post. It provides a detailed walkthrough of the whole setup process.


Copy the sample configuration file to the root of your project: cp vendor/jlevers/selling-partner-api/.env.example .env

Then, fill in the environment variables in .env with your IAM user credentials and the LWA credentials from your application. For more information on where to get those credentials, check out this blog post.

Basic Usage

This example assumes you have access to the Seller Insights Selling Partner API role, but the general format applies to any Selling Partner API request.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api = new SellingPartnerApi\Api\SellersApi();
try {
    $result = $api->getMarketplaceParticipations();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling SellersApi->getMarketplaceParticipations: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;



All endpoint URIs are relative to the SPAPI_ENDPOINT value you specify in your .env file (the default is For instance, the SellersApi::getMarketplaceParticipations() endpoint, /sellers/v1/marketplaceParticipations, is expanded to

The docs/Api/ directory contains the documentation for interacting each distinct section of the Selling Partner API. Those sections are referred to as APIs throughout the documentation---you can think of the Selling Partner API as having many sub-APIs, where each sub-API has a number of endpoints that provide closely related functionality.

Endpoint methods that perform POST, PUT, and DELETE requests typically take some model as a parameter, and nearly all endpoint methods return a model with result information. For instance, ShippingApi::createShipment() takes an instance of the CreateShipmentRequest model as its only argument, and returns an instance of the CreateShipmentResponse model.

See the Models section below for more information about models.


Each endpoint has one or more models associated with it. These models are classes that contain the data needed to make a certain kind of request to the API, or contain the data returned by a given request type. All of the models share the same general interface: you can either specify all the model's attributes during initialization, or use setter methods to set each attribute after the fact. Here's an example using the Service API's Buyer model (docs, (source).

The Buyer model has four attributes: buyer_id, name, phone, and is_prime_member. (If you're wondering how you would figure out which attributes the model has on your own, check out the docs link above.) To create an instance of the Buyer model with all those attributes set:

$buyer = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer([
    "buyer_id" => "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU0123456",
    "name" => "Jane Doe",
    "phone" => "+12345678901",
    "is_prime_member" => true

Alternatively, you can create an instance of the Buyer model and then populate its fields:

$buyer = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer();
$buyer->setName("Jane Doe");

Each model also has the getter methods you might expect:

$buyer->getBuyerId();        // -> "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU0123456"
$buyer->getName();           // -> "Jane Doe"
$buyer->getPhone();          // -> "+12345678901"
$buyer->getIsPrimeMember();  // -> true

Models can (and usually do) have other models as attributes:

$serviceJob = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer([
    // ...
    "buyer" => $buyer,
    // ...

$serviceJob->getBuyer();             // -> [Buyer instance]
$serviceJob->getBuyer()->getName();  // -> "Jane Doe"

Dynamic credentials

If you are writing an app for the Marketplace Appstore, you will need to connect to the Selling Partner API with an arbitrary number of different sets of credentials. There's an easy way to do that: just specify a custom Configuration instance when you create an API object.

The Configuration constructor takes an array of options:

  • refreshToken (string): An SP API refresh token.
  • onUpdateCreds (callable): A callback function to call when a new access token is generated. The function should accept a single argument of type Credentials.
  • accessToken (string): An access token generated from the refresh token.
  • accessTokenExpiration (int): A Unix timestamp corresponding to the time when the accessToken expires. If accessToken is given, accessTokenExpiration is required (and vice versa).
  • lwaClientId (string): The LWA client ID of the SP API application to use to execute API requests.
  • lwaClientSecret (string): The LWA client secret of the SP API application to use to execute API requests.

All array items are optional, but lwaClientId and lwaClientSecret must always be given together. If only one of those two options is provided, the Configuration constructor will throw an exception.


$config = new SellingPartnerApi\Configuration([
    "refreshToken" => "Aztr|",
    "onUpdateCreds" => function(SellingPartnerApi\Credentials $creds) {
    "accessToken" => "Azta|",
    "accessTokenExpiration" => 1616016220,
    "lwaClientId" => "AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "lwaClientSecret" => "a8e5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe46c"
$api = new SellingPartnerApi\Api\SellersApi($config);
// Now you can make calls using $api, which will use the credentials specified in $config

Uploading and downloading documents

The Feeds and Reports APIs include operations that involve uploading and downloading documents to and from Amazon. Amazon encrypts all documents they generate, and requires that all uploaded documents be encrypted. The SellingPartnerApi\Document class handles all the encryption/decryption, given an instance of one of the Model\Reports\ReportDocument, Model\Feeds\FeedDocument, or Model\Feeds\CreateFeedDocumentResponse classes. Instances of those classes are in the response returned by Amazon when you make a call to the getReportDocument, getFeedDocument, and createFeedDocument endpoints, respectively.

Downloading a report document

use SellingPartnerApi;

// Assume we've already fetched a report document ID
$documentId = "foo.1234";
$reportsApi = new Api\ReportsApi();
$reportDocumentInfo = $reportsApi->getReportDocument($documentId);

// Pass the content type of the report you're fetching
$docToDownload = new Document($reportDocumentInfo->getPayload(), "text/tab-separated-values");
$contents = $docToDownload->download();  // The raw report text
// A SimpleXML object if the content type is text/xml, or an array of associative arrays, each
// sub array corresponding to a row of the report
$data = $docToDownload->getData();
// ... do something with report contents

Uploading a feed document

use SellingPartnerApi;

const CONTENT_TYPE = "text/xml";  // This will be different depending on your feed type
$feedsApi = new Api\FeedsApi();
$createFeedDocSpec = new Model\Feeds\CreateFeedDocumentSpecification(["content_type" => CONTENT_TYPE]);
$feedDocumentInfo = $feedsApi->createFeedDocument($createFeedDocSpec);

$docToUpload = new Document($feedDocumentInfo->getPayload(), CONTENT_TYPE)