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Multi Machine Fabric Setup: Org on each Machine

Launch AWS Ubuntu 18.04

ubuntu-minimal/images-testing/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-daily-amd64-minimal-20180810 - ami-032ac327c5850744f
Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Minimal, UNSUPPORTED daily amd64 bionic minimal image built on 2018-08-10
Root Device Type: ebs Virtualization type: hvm

Community AMI: ami-032ac327c5850744f
Instance type: t2.xlarge 16GB

ssh -i "blockchain.pem" ubuntu@IP1

Copying fabric-dev to IP2
a. On Local: scp -i "blockchain.pem" blockchain.pem ubuntu@IP1:/home/ubuntu
b. On IP1: scp -i "blockchain.pem" -r fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/ ubuntu@IP2:/home/ubuntu
c. Enable the SG group on AWS to allow all.

Here are the full terminal instructions starting from a basic Ubuntu 18.04 install

DO NOT UPGRADE FOR NOW: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install nano git make gcc g++ libltdl-dev curl python pkg-config -y

Install Docker/ Docker Compose

curl -fsSL | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
exec sudo su -l $USER
sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Install nodejs / Composer

tar -xf node-v8.11.2-linux-x64.tar.xz 
mv node-v8.11.2-linux-x64/ node/
echo 'export PATH=~/node/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
npm install -g npm 
npm install -g grpc
npm install -g composer-cli@0.16.6 composer-playground@0.16.6 generator-hyperledger-composer@0.16.6

Install Go / Hyperledger Binaries

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.10.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOPATH=/opt/go' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export GOBIN=/opt/go/bin' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
sudo mkdir -p /opt/go/bin
sudo mkdir /opt/go/src
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/go
cd src
mkdir -p
git clone
cd fabric
make release

On both IP - IP1 and IP2

cd ~
curl -sSL | bash -s 1.0.4
mkdir fabric-binaries
mv bin fabric-binaries/bin
echo 'export PATH=~/fabric-binaries/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

On IP1 only

cd ~
git clone
cd fabric-dev-servers-multipeer
cd composer

$ nano //Replace the IP addresses in HOST1 and HOST2 with your own IPs or FQDNs
cd ../..

Ensure to edit the security groups in AWS to allow inbound/outbound access

Allow TCP ALL for now from Anywhere - For POC purpose

Starting Fabric

At this point, if you have done these instructions for one machine, either duplicate your VM at this time or prepare another environment with the same steps as described so far until you get to git cloning this repo. Instead of cloning the repo, scp -r the fabric-dev-servers-multipeer folder from the first machine to the second.

On the first machine run

cd ~/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer

Copying on second machine

a. On Local: scp -i "blockchain.pem" blockchain.pem ubuntu@IP1:/home/ubuntu
b. On IP1: cd ~ && scp -i "blockchain.pem" -r fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/ ubuntu@IP2:/home/ubuntu
c. Enable the SG group on AWS to allow all.

On the second machine run

cd ~/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer

After this continue on the first machine.

Create the Composer profile on the First Machine and start Composer Playground

cd ~/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer
nohup composer-playground -p 8181 &

Open in your browser http://IP1:8181

Hyperledger Blockchain Explorer

Install dependencies and setup time
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib 

cd ~
git clone
cd blockchain-explorer
git checkout release-3

Edit config.json

Edit/remove config.json with the correct tlscerts path. You do not need them functionally but they are there because there have been reported issues when not including the tls certs.

$ nano config.json

	"network-config": {
		"org1": {
			"name": "org1",
			"mspid" : "Org1MSP",
			"peer0": {
				"requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:7051",
				"events": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:7053",
				"server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
			"peer1": {
				"requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:8051",
				"events": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:8053",
				"server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"

			"peer2": {
				"requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:9051",
                                "events": "grpc://IP-HOST-1:9053",
                                "server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
			"admin": {
				"key": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/",
				"cert": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
		"org2": {
			"name": "org2",
			"mspid" : "Org2MSP",
			"peer0": {
				"requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:10051",
				"events": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:10053",
				"server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
			"peer1": {
				"requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:11051",
				"events": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:11053",
				"server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
                        "peer2": {
                                "requests": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:12051",
                                "events": "grpc://IP-HOST-2:12053",
                                "server-hostname": "",
				"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
			"admin": {
				"key": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/",
				"cert": "/home/ubuntu/fabric-dev-servers-multipeer/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
	"host": "localhost",
	"port": "8080",
	"channel": "composerchannel",
	"keyValueStore": "/tmp/fabric-client-kvs",
	"eventWaitTime": "30000",
	"pg": {
		"host": "",
		"port": "5432",
		"database": "fabricexplorer",
		"username": "hppoc",
		"passwd": "password"
	"license": "Apache-2.0"

Replace the IPs

sed -i -e "s/IP-HOST-1/$HOST1/g" config.json
sed -i -e "s/IP-HOST-2/$HOST2/g" config.json

Import sql file and start the explorer

sudo -u postgres psql
\i app/db/explorerpg.sql
npm install
cd app/test
npm install
npm run test
cd ../../client
npm install
npm test -- -u –coverage
npm run build
cd ..

At this point you should be able to navigate a browser to http:/{HOST1-DOMAIN/IP}:8080 and connect to either alice or bob's trade network instances.