Pre-req: Ensure nginx is installed
The Apiconnect opentelemetry collector supports multiple different nginx opentelemetry integrations. Some of those different integrations are outlined below
The Otel-webserver module can be found at the following location -
The webserver module can be found and downloaded from releases
To configure the webserver module and to send traces to the Opentelemetry collector, you can update the nginx deployment to use the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT to point to the Apiconnect discovery collector
value: management-api-discovery-otel-collector.{namespace}.svc:5555
Or you can alternatively use NginxModuleOtelExporterEndpoint in the opentelemetry config on your nginx server. See here for a full list of Webserver module configurations which can be set in the opentelemetry config and used to explitly give some other trace parameter values.
Below is an example of nginx config and opentelemetry config when using this module
Sample nginx-config in a Kubernetes ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nginx-conf
namespace: nginx
nginx-cm.yaml: |
load_module /opt/opentelemetry-webserver-sdk/WebServerModule/Nginx/1.25.3/;
events {}
http {
server_tokens off;
client_max_body_size 32m;
include /opt/opentelemetry_module.conf;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
# The following statement will proxy traffic to the upstream named Backend
proxy_pass http://{backend-service}:{port}/;
Sample Opentelemetry config in a Kubernetes ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: opentelemetry-conf
namespace: nginx
opentelemetry_module.conf: |
NginxModuleEnabled ON;
NginxModuleOtelSpanExporter otlp;
NginxModuleOtelExporterEndpoint management-api-discovery-otel-collector.{namespace}.svc:5555;
NginxModuleServiceName DemoService;
NginxModuleServiceNamespace DemoServiceNamespace;
NginxModuleServiceInstanceId DemoInstanceId;
NginxModuleResolveBackends ON;
NginxModuleTraceAsError ON;
The Opentelemetry nginx instrumentation module can be found at the following location -
Similar to the previous module, to configure this module and to send traces to the Opentelemetry collector, you can update the nginx deployment to use the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT to point to the Apiconnect discovery collector
value: management-api-discovery-otel-collector.{namespace}.svc:5555
Or you can alternatively configure it in the otel-nginx.toml as shown in the opentelemetry-cpp-contrib documentation.
This module allows the different variables to be used in the nginx.conf in order to customize the traces that can be sent to Discovery service. See here for a full list of nginx-directives configurations which can be set in the nginx config and used to explitly give some trace parameter values.
Below is an example of nginx config when using this module
Sample nginx-config in a Kubernetes ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nginx-conf
namespace: nginx
nginx-cm.yaml: |
load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/;
events {}
http {
opentelemetry_config /conf/otel-nginx.toml;
server {
listen 80;
location = / {
# The following statement will proxy traffic to the upstream named Backend
proxy_pass http://{backend-service}:{port}/;
The Kubernetes Ingress-nginx controller Opentelemetry configuration can be found at the following location - and the module used by this ingress controller is the nginx-instrumentation module. Therefore anything configurable in the instrumentation module is also configurable here in a similar way.
At a minimum, the kubernetes ingress-nginx controller ConfigMap needs to be configured with "enable-opentelemetry" (true) and "otlp-collector-host" (management-api-discovery-otel-collector.{namespace}.svc:5555) to collect the traces from the backend service.
The Opentelemetry Native nginx module can be found at the following location -
You can configure this module to send traces to the Opentelemetry collector by setting the otel_exporter in the nginx config.
This module helps configuring the nginx.conf to use different variables to customize the traces that can be sent to Discovery service. See here for a full list of module-directives configurations which can be set in the nginx config and used to explitly give some trace parameter values.
Below is an example of nginx config when using this module
Sample nginx-config in a Kubernetes ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nginx-conf
namespace: nginx
nginx-cm.yaml: |
load_module modules/;
events {}
http {
otel_service_name nginx-native;
otel_exporter {
endpoint management-api-discovery-otel-collector.{namespace}.svc:5555;
otel_trace on;
server_tokens off;
client_max_body_size 32m;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
# The following statement will proxy traffic to the upstream named Backend
proxy_pass http://{backend-service}:{port}/;