This utility will create a source index and load data from a file containing an array of JSON objects.
It is assumed that you have an instance of watsonx Discovery provisioned and set up with Kibana and Enterprise search.
For steps to do this see
Create an Elasticsearch API key. Within Kibana, go to Management page under Security.
Add API key as well as the Elasticsearch URL in the doc_ingest.js code, lines 7 and 8.
To run this script:
npm i @elastic/elasticsearch@8
npm i array.prototype.flatmap
node doc_ingest.js
Once the data has been loaded, verify it either manually or programmatically. In Kibana, go to Search > Content > Indeces. Open the knowldege-base-src index. Go to the Documents tab to see the data.
To create a destination index use the same schema as the source index but with a field to store the content embeddings. Using the Kibana Dev Tools Console, enter the following and hit the > run icon:
PUT /knowledge-base-dest
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"content_embedding": {
"type": "sparse_vector"
"title": {
"type": "text"
"content": {
"type": "text"
"url": {
"type": "text"
See Ingest pipelines.
Enter the following and hit the > run icon:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/my-content-embedding-pipeline
"processors": [
"inference": {
"model_id": ".elser_model_2_linux-x86_64",
"input_output": [
"input_field": "content",
"output_field": "content_embedding"
To create the text embeddings, run the following code in the dev console. To get the name of the pipeline with the model loaded, in Kibana, go to Machine Learning > Trained Models. Expand the Deployed model, go to the Pipelines tab, you will see my-content-embeddings-pipeline that was created in the previous step:
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false
"source": {
"index": "knowledge-base-src",
"size": 50
"dest": {
"index": "knowledge-base-dest",
"pipeline": "my-content-embedding-pipeline"
NOTE: To confirm that this task was successful, run the following command using the task id produced in the response from previous command.
GET _tasks/<task_id>
To verify the content embeddings are in the new destination index, in Kibana, go to Search > Content > Indeces. Open the search-gs-docs-dest index. Open the Documents tab to see the data noting the new content_embedding field.
Use the text_expansion query and provide the query text and the ELSER model ID. The content_embedding field contains the generated output:
GET knowledge-base-dest/_search
"model_text":"Put sample query here"