copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-11-14 |
migrate, update, local, cloud |
loadbalancer-service |
{: #migrating-llb-to-cloud}
You can migrate your Local Load Balancer to an IBM© Cloud Load Balancer by completing these steps. {: shortdesc}
IBM Cloud Load Balancer offers a more enhanced customer experience, including:
- Load-balancing support for public and private traffic
- Real-time support for horizontal scaling and health checks
- Usage-based pricing to reduce expenses
- No limitations on the number of connections you can have
- Layer 7 support
{: #step-1-order-a-cloud-load-balancer}
To order an IBM Cloud Load Balancer service, select IBM Cloud Load Balancer from the IBM Cloud catalog{: external}. Click Create, then complete these steps:
Define your basic service options, such as the name and description.
Select your data center.
Select a load balancer type of Public.
Select the subnet where you want to deploy your load balancer.
Your load balancer service instance has one of its network interfaces on this subnet. Ensure that your application servers are either on this subnet or reachable from this subnet. If necessary, enable VLAN spanning. {: note}
Create front-end and back-end application protocols and ports with the same configuration as the service groups that you are using in your Local load Balancer. For more information on this configuration, refer to Configuring load-balancing options and placing your order.
To enable SSL offload, set the front-end protocols to HTTPS, and the back-end protocols to HTTP. Then, select the same SSL Certificate as your Local Load Balancer from the Certificate drop-down menu. The Certificate that you use with your Local Load Balancer is in the drop-down list because all existing SSL certificates are managed through the IBM Cloud Certificate Store{: external}.
Adjust your health check options if wanted; otherwise, use the default settings. For more information on health check options, refer to Configuring load-balancing options and placing your order.
Click Attach Server to add any server instances you used for your Local Load Balancer service.
Review the page, confirm the Service Agreement, then click Create.
The Load Balancer list displays, showing all of your service instances.
Your newly created load balancer might not display immediately in this list. After a few minutes, the new load balancer shows in a gray color, indicating its status is Offline
. After another few minutes, the new load balancer displays green, indicating it is Online
. You might need to refresh your page to see these changes.
{: note}
Clicking the service namee takes you to the service overview page. You can navigate to the Protocols, Health Checks and Server Instances tabs to further edit your configuration.
{: #step-2-verify-your-cloud-load-balancer-is-working-as-expected}
You now have two load balancers working at the same time: your old Local Load Balancer, and the new IBM Cloud Load Balancer. {: important}
Test the new IBM Cloud Load Balancer by using the domain listed in the status page, ensuring that it functions in the same way as the VIP from your Local load Balancer.
Then, update any locations that use the Local Load Balancer VIP to use the new Cloud Load Balancer domain instead.
This configuration of the new Cloud Load Balancer is the only time that you might experience downtime or traffic disruption in the migration process. {: note}
{: #step-3-cancel-your-local-load-balancer}
When you have replaced all Local load Balancer VIPs with the domain for your new IBM Cloud Load Balancer, and verified that the functionality is working as expected, you can safely cancel your Local Load Balancer service. To do so, follow these steps:
- Go to the Local Load Balancer list page.
- Locate the Load Balancer that you would like to delete and expand the arrow next to it.
- Click the red X at the end of the row to cancel the Load Balancer.