A postcss plugin that generates cva functions based on comments
The CVA function is an excellent atomic tool function, refer to https://cva.style/docs
For example. A cva
function consists of 4
parts: base
import { cva } from 'class-variance-authority'
// ⬇️ base
const button = cva(['font-semibold', 'border', 'rounded'], {
// ⬇️ variants
variants: {
intent: {
primary: ['bg-blue-500', 'text-white', 'border-transparent', 'hover:bg-blue-600'],
secondary: ['bg-white', 'text-gray-800', 'border-gray-400', 'hover:bg-gray-100']
size: {
small: ['text-sm', 'py-1', 'px-2'],
medium: ['text-base', 'py-2', 'px-4']
// ⬇️ compoundVariants
compoundVariants: [
intent: 'primary',
size: 'medium',
class: 'uppercase'
// ⬇️ defaultVariants
defaultVariants: {
intent: 'primary',
size: 'medium'
// => "font-semibold border rounded bg-blue-500 text-white border-transparent hover:bg-blue-600 text-base py-2 px-4 uppercase"
button({ intent: 'secondary', size: 'small' })
// => "font-semibold border rounded bg-white text-gray-800 border-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-100 text-sm py-1 px-2"
This plugin has been integrated internally in
, no need to install and register.
npm i -D postcss-cva
yarn add -D postcss-cva
pnpm add -D postcss-cva
add postcss-cva
to your postcss config:
module.exports = {
plugins: {
// options
'postcss-cva': {},
Then you can write some comment start with @
in your css:
command + /
can get/* */
/* @meta path="button" */
.btn {
/* @b */
.btn-primary {
/* @v type="primary" */
.btn-xs {
/* @v size="xs" */
.uppercase {
/* @cv type="primary" size="xs" */
/* @dv type="primary" */
/* @gb ["rounded"] */
/* @gv type="primary" ["shadow-sm"] */
/* @gcv type="primary" size="xs" ["p-1"] */
Then import it in your app for postcss processing. Some construction tools may be lazily loaded.
In this plugin,
is calledquery
is calledparams
Above css will generate button.ts
at your $cwd/cva
dir(you can pass cwd
or @meta#path
to change it):
import { cva, VariantProps } from 'class-variance-authority'
// ⬇️ @b
// ⬇️ @gb ["rounded"]
const index = cva(['btn', 'rounded'], {
variants: {
// ⬇️ @v type="primary"
// ⬇️ @gv type="primary" ["shadow-sm"]
type: {
primary: ['btn-primary', 'shadow-sm']
// ⬇️ @v size="xs"
size: {
xs: ['btn-xs']
// ⬇️ @cv type="primary" size="xs"
// ⬇️ @gcv type="primary" size="xs" ["p-1"]
compoundVariants: [
class: ['uppercase', 'p-1'],
type: ['primary'],
size: ['xs']
// ⬇️ @dv type="primary"
defaultVariants: {
type: 'primary'
export type Props = VariantProps<typeof index>
export default index
you should install
, runnpm i class-variance-authority
keyword | target | type | description |
@b |
base |
node | add current node selector to base |
@gb |
base |
global | define base |
@v |
variants |
node | add current node selector to variants |
@gv |
variants |
global | define variants |
@cv |
compoundVariants |
node | add current node selector to compoundVariants |
@gcv |
compoundVariants |
global | define defaultVariants |
@dv |
defaultVariants |
global | define defaultVariants |
@meta |
meta |
global | define metadata |
type node
will add current css node selector (the last class selector
) to their target.
type global
will define some query
and params
. It can be defined anywhere. The one defined later will overwrite the one defined before.
/* @meta path="{your-cva-filepath}" format="ts/js" */
is generate cva file path, can be a/b/c/button
if you start with a
, this will generate cva file relative to the css path.
can be js
or ts
You can use the
variables to dynamically generate functions
Type: string
Default: cva
The location of the output directory
Type: string
Default: class-variance-authority
From which package to import the cva function
Type: boolean
Default: false
Type: string
Default: process.cwd()
Type: js
| ts
Default: ts
Type: string
Default: ''
Type: boolean
Default: true
remove all @xx
Type: Partial<{ base: boolean variants: boolean compoundVariants: boolean defaultVariants: boolean }>
Default: { base: true, variants: true, compoundVariants: true, defaultVariants: true }
Export some other variables for use
Type: String | RegExp | Array[...String|RegExp]
A valid picomatch pattern, or array of patterns. If options.include is omitted or has zero length, filter will return true by default. Otherwise, an ID must match one or more of the picomatch patterns, and must not match any of the options.exclude patterns.
Note that picomatch patterns are very similar to minimatch patterns, and in most use cases, they are interchangeable. If you have more specific pattern matching needs, you can view this comparison table to learn more about where the libraries differ.
Don't make your postcss-cva
's outdir
path included by tailwind.config.js
's content option. This will cause an endless loop of hot updates
add cva/*
to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"cva/*": [
add alias
config to your vite.config.ts
import path from 'node:path'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: [
find: 'cva',
replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, './cva')
<button :class="className">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue'
import buttonClass, { Props as ButtonProps } from 'cva/btn'
const props = withDefaults(
type?: 'primary' | 'secondary'
size: 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs'
const className = computed(() => {
return buttonClass(props)
<style scoped>
/* @meta path="btn" */
/* @dv size="md" type="primary" */
.btn {
/* @b */
font-size: 16px;
background: gray;
border-radius: 4px;
.btn-primary {
/* @v type="primary" */
background: blue;
color: white;
.btn-secondary {
/* @v type="secondary" */
font-size: 22px;
color: yellow;
.btn-pointer {
/* @cv type="primary" size="md" */
cursor: pointer;
.btn-disabled {
/* @cv type="primary" size="xs" */
cursor: not-allowed;
.btn-md {
/* @v size="md" */
padding: 6px 10px;
font-size: 16px;
.btn-xs {
/* @v size="xs" */
padding: 2px 6px;
font-size: 14px;
.btn-sm {
/* @v size="sm" */
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 12px;
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