- First, install Homebrew: https://brew.sh Activate: Apple Silicon: `eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"``
- Emacs is preferred editor, config dir
is installed belowbrew install --cask emacs
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
- Assumes
are installedbrew install stow git
# For github
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
# Upload this SSH key to GitHub account # cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | pbcopy
# and test # ssh -T git@github.com
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/idcrook/i-dotfiles.git .dotfiles
# git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:idcrook/i-dotfiles.git .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
stow -t ~ stow
stow -vv @macos
# some files will be replaced /taken over in ~
mkdir -p ~/backup
stow -vv git
cp -v git/.config/git/config.secrets.example ~/.config/git/config.secrets
# DEFER: $EDITOR ~/.config/git/config.secrets
stow -vv shell
stow -vv bash
stow -vv zsh
mv ~/.pystartup ~/backup/
stow -vv python
( cd ~ && mv .ansiweatherrc .editorconfig .screenrc .tmux.conf .wakatime.cfg bin/ backup/ )
stow -vv homedir
cp -v homedir/{.ansiweatherrc.secrets.example,.ansiweatherrc.secrets}
cp -v homedir/{.wakatime.cfg.secrets.example,.wakatime.cfg.secrets}
# cp -v ./homedir/bin/macos/homebrew/HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN.secrets.example \
# ./homedir/bin/macos/homebrew/HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN.secrets
# <<< Edit them >>>
stow -vv espanso
# see espanso/README.md
scp $TARGET:.config/espanso/user/personal.secrets.yml \
( cd ~ && mv .emacs.d/ backup/ )
stow -vv emacs
stow -vv golang
stow -vv rustlang
# check the READMEs in the following
cd ~/.dotfiles/_homebrew
# ...
cd ~/.dotfiles/_pip
# ...
cd ~/.dotfiles/_npm
# ...
cd ~/.dotfiles/golang
# ...
cd ~/.dotfiles/rustlang
# ...
See MORE.md in Homebrew directory for more.
chmod 755 /usr/local/share/zsh
chmod 755 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/
Things are reorganized. - In System Preferences > Language & Region
there's a `preferred language" setting for Global and by App.
There is an Input Sources
Tab in Catalina System Preferences > Keyboard
where the additional Input Source can be added. However, the workaround to bring up Input Sources in the System Preferences > Keyboard
tab now named Shortcuts
does not seem to be required as the Ctrl-SPACE shortcuts are not enabled on a fresh Catalina install.
Via https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/os-x-control-space-not-working/2145/3
Control-Space is reserved by OS X for changing keyboard layouts. Unintuitively, you have to enable the feature to disable the keyboard shortcut (and free up the key combo). To do this:
Go to System Preferences > Language & Text > Input Sources
Check (turn on) at least two input sources in the left column
Click the “Keyboard Shortcuts…” button in the right column
Select Keyboard & Text Input on the left
Scroll to the bottom and disable “Select the previous input source – ^Space” on the right
Go back to System Preferences > Language & Text > Input Sources
Turn off the inputs on the left
DefaultSystem Mission Control Keyboard Shortcuts take over Ctrl-<Arrow-key> bindings.
Turn these off so that shell command line and Emacs editting can use them.
In Safari >> Preferences > General
uncheck the Open "safe" files... option.