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This project uses Terraform to provision Kubernetes on DigitalOcean, with Container Linux.

Note that the droplets and volumes created as part of this project aren't free.

Table of Content


Getting Started

To get started, clone this repository:

$ git clone

Initialize the project:

$ cd kubernetes-terraform-secured
$ terraform init

The above command will fail with errors complaining about the missing Config Transpiler provider. Since at the time of this writing, the Linux Container's Config Transpiler provider isn't included in the official Terraform Providers repository, you must manually copy it into your local kubernetes-terraform-secured/.terraform folder.

Use the following commands to install the Config Transpiler provider:

$ go get -u
$ cp $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-ct .terraform/plugins/<os_arch>/

Re-initialize the project:

$ terraform init

Create a copy of the terraform.tfvars file from the provided terraform.tfvars.sample file. Provide all the required values. The description of all these variables can be found in the file.

Provision the Kubernetes cluster:

$ terraform apply

Once Terraform completes provisioning the cluster, the kubeconfig data of the new Kubernetes cluster will be output to a local git-ignored .kubeconfig file. Use it to interact with the cluster:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=.kubeconfig get componentstatuses
NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
scheduler            Healthy   ok
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
etcd-2               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
etcd-1               Healthy   {"health": "true"}

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=.kubeconfig get no
NAME            STATUS    AGE       VERSION
k8s-worker-00   Ready     44s       v1.7.0
k8s-worker-01   Ready     46s       v1.7.0
k8s-worker-02   Ready     48s       v1.7.0

Cluster Layout

By default, this project provisions a cluster that is comprised of:

  • 3 etcd3 droplets
  • 1 Kubernetes Master droplet and
  • 3 Kubernetes Workers droplets

All droplets are initialized using CoreOS' Container Linux Config. These configurations are defined in the config.yaml files found in the etcd/ and k8s/ folders. They are interpolated using the Terraform's Config Transpiler provider.

CoreDNS is used to provide droplet-level hostname resolution.

Note that this setup uses the Terraform TLS Provider to generate RSA private keys, CSR and certificates for development purposes only. The resources generated will be saved in the Terraform state file as plain text. Make sure the Terraform state file is stored securely.


By default, a 3-node static cluster of etcd instances are provisioned. The number of instances in the cluster can be altered using the etcd_count Terraform variable. The etcd_initial_cluster variable in the file must also be updated to reflect the initial cluster membership.

All peer-to-peer and client-to-server communications are encrypted and authenticated using the self-signed CA, private key and TLS certificate.

Every etcd instance's data directory (defaulted to /var/lib/etcd) is mounted as a volume to a DigitalOcean block storage.

For testing purposes, the etcdctl v3 client on every etcd droplet is configured to target the etcd cluster. For example,

$ doctl compute ssh etcd-00
Last login: <redacted>
Container Linux by CoreOS stable (1465.7.0)

$ etcdctl cluster-health
member 1ac8697e1ee7cb22 is healthy: got healthy result from
member 8e62221f3a6bf84d is healthy: got healthy result from
member 9350aa2a45b92d34 is healthy: got healthy result from
cluster is healthy


The following componenets are deployed in the Kubernetes cluster:

  • Kubernetes Master: kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler
  • Kubernetes Workers: kubelet, kube-proxy

The number of Kubernetes workers can be altered using the k8s_workers_count Terraform variable.

The API Server is started with the following admission controllers:

  1. NamespaceLifecycle
  2. LimitRanger
  3. ServiceAccount
  4. PersistentVolumeLabel
  5. DefaultStorageClass
  6. ResourceQuota
  7. DefaultTolerationSeconds
  8. NodeRestriction

All API requests to the API Server are authenticated using X.509 TLS certificates. The API Server is started with the --anonymous-auth=false flag in order to disable anonymous requests. Refer to the Kubernetes Authentication documentation for more information on how the authentication scheme works. All the TLS artifacts are declared in the, and k8s-workers files. The Controller Manager and Scheduler communicate with the API Server via its insecure network interface, since they resides on the same host as the API Server. The Controller Manager uses the CA cert and key declared in to serve cluster-scoped certificates-issuing requests.

The Kubelets are also started with the --anonymous-auth=false option. They use the --authentication-token-webhook and --authorization-mode-Webhook options to enable authentication and authorization. For more information on Kubelet authentication and authorization, refer to this documentation.

Inter-pod communication is supported by an overlay network using flannel. The k8s/network/flannel.yaml manifest defines the relevant DaemonSet, ConfigMap and RBAC resources. These resources are deployed to the kube-system namespace. CoreDNS is used to provide in-cluster DNS resolution. The manifest can be found in k8s/network/coredns/yaml.


All add-ons are deployed using Helm charts.

Droplet Updates

CoreOS locksmith is enabled to perform updates on Container Linux. By default, locksmithd is configured to use the etcd-lock reboot strategy during updates. The reboot window is set to a 2 hour window starting at 1 AM on Sundays.

The following Terraform variables can be used to configure the reboot strategy and maintenance window:

  • droplet_maintenance_window_start
  • droplet_maintenance_window_length
  • droplet_update_channel

The default update group is stable.

For more information, refer to the Container Linux documentation on Update Strategies.


See the LICENSE file for the full license text.
