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File metadata and controls

92 lines (66 loc) · 4.14 KB


License: MIT Go Reference DeepSource

✨Binding configuration and command flag made easy!✨

You can use multiple keys tag to simplify the look like this (supported feature**):

// single tag key
type MyConfig struct {
    Token string `json:"token_json" xml:"token_xml" arg:"token" env:"token" environ:"TOKEN"`
// multiple tag keys
type MyConfig struct {
    Token string `json xml bson yaml toml arg env:"token" environ:"TOKEN"`

Below is default mapping implementation of binder.RegisterCmdArgs = defaultRegisterCmdArgsFlagStd that use standard golang flag package to perform command flag.

The <parent> is a placeholder for parent key, binder.BindArgs(Loaded, "my") this case <parent> will be replaced with my, if there's field with type struct in the component, it'll be replaced to my.<struct name | arg value>.<field name | arg>

Tag Go Code Description
arg:"token" flag.StringVar(val, "<parent>.token", *val, argUsage) Used for binding flag with contextual key <parent>
argx:"token" flag.StringVar(val, "token", *val, argUsage) Used for binding flag
bind:"log" No equivalent Used for binder to differ struct parent sub context <parent>.log.<field name>
env:"token" os.Getenv("<parent>.token") Used for binding to environment variable with contextual key <parent>
environ:"token" os.Getenv("token") Used for binding to environment
usage:"<DESC>" Used as argUsage Description for flag
ignore:"true" No equivalent Ignore struct field
bind:"abc" No equivalent Used for mapstructure (bind is default value of binder.TagName)


  • arg and argx (dedicated) basically has same function.
  • env and environ (dedicated) basically has same function.
  • Currently you can't have dedicated key for configuration because the way it parsed is from Unmarshaller that results in map[string]interface{}, but this definitely possible to implement.

More thing you can learn from the example below.


See more on example directory.

$ ./main -h
Filename "config.json" ext ".json"
Usage of ./main:
  -dedicatedArg string
  -my.Ktes int
  -my.Sub.Hello string
  -my.Sub.PtrOfSub.YourName string
        this is the usage
  -my.count int
        this is the usage (default 121)
  -my.log.Directory string
  -my.log.SubLog int
  -my.log.filename string
  -my.mycount int
        this is the usage mycount
  -my.mystring string
        this is the usage mystring
  -my.stringslice value
        a string slice arg
  -my.token string
         (default "some default value")


Contributions are welcome

**) Reverted feature as from 1.16 but found it useful


License: MIT