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ulrichhave edited this page May 9, 2014 · 41 revisions

System Requirements

Please note! The recommended operating environment for OpenWayback is UNIX/Linux and is assumed in this documentation.

Download Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine is packaged as a web application file (.war file). You can choose to download the binary distribution or build from source.

Downloading the Binary Distribution

All OpenWayback releases are hosted on Maven Central. You can find the latest binary release here, currently openwayback-2.0.0.BETA.1

Extract the .tar.gz file containing the webapp (.war) file: tar -xzvf <filename>.tar.gz

This will produce a folder named 'openwayback' containing two (2) folders (bin and lib) and the WAR file: 'openwayback-(version).war'. You should rename the WAR file to whatever context name you wish to use (e.e. wayback.war, ROOT.war)

Building From Source

Note! To build OpenWayback Machine from source, you'll need Apache Maven 2 or higher. This involves the following steps:

  1. Download the source code from the OpenWayback GitHub repository using git: git clone
  2. Git will create an openwayback directory containing the OpenWayback source code. Change directory (cd) to this directory. Now cd to the directory called "wayback-webapp" in which you'll find a Maven POM file.
  3. Now build the distribution with Maven: mvn clean package

Maven will build the web application, e.g. openwayback-2.0.0.BETA.2-SNAPSHOT.war. It will be located in the wayback-webapp/target directory.


To install OpenWayback Machine, you'll first need a running Apache Tomcat Installation. For instructions, please refer to the README file included with your Tomcat distribution. You will then need to deploy the web application file (.war) to Tomcat.

Deploying Wayback Machine into Tomcat

Installation involves the following steps:

  1. Placing .war file in the appropriate location.
  2. Waiting for Tomcat to unpack the .war file.
  3. Customizing base wayback.xml and possibly other XML configuration files. See Configuration. TODO: link to Configuration page.
  4. Restarting Tomcat.