Exponea iOS SDK has some methods to retrieve your data from the Exponea web application. All the responses will be available in a completion handler closure.
Get items recommended for a customer.
public func fetchRecommendation<T: RecommendationUserData>(
with options: RecommendationOptions,
completion: @escaping (Result<RecommendationResponse<T>>) -> Void
Resulting object contains the system data (the recommendation engine data and itemId
) and possibly also the user defined data. Generic parameter T: RecommendationUserData
is the struct that will contain the fields that you defined for your items in the Exponea web application. It's just a simple struct with coding keys representing the custom fields you defined. If you only need the system properties, you can use EmptyRecommendationData
struct MyRecommendation: RecommendationUserData {
// put all the custom properties on your recommendations into a struct
// and call fetchRecommendation with it in results callback
typealias MyRecommendationResponse = RecommendationResponse<MyRecommendation>
// Preparing the data.
let recommendationOptions = RecommendationOptions(
id = "592ff585fb60094e02bfaf6a",
fillWithRandom = true,
size = 10
// Call fetchRecommendation to get the customer attributes.
Exponea.shared.fetchRecommendation(with: recommendation) { (: Result<MyRecommendationResponse>) in
if case .success(let recommendation) = result {
// In case of success, value contains list of recommendations
Fetch the list of your existing consent categories.
public func fetchConsents(completion: @escaping (Result<ConsentsResponse>) -> Void)
// Fetch consents to get existing consent categories.
Exponea.shared.fetchConsents { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
case .failure(let error):