Examples with Maté 🧉
First install mate by:
git clone https://github.com/ilex-paraguariensis/yerbamate -b v2
Then move to the yerbamate directory
cd yerbamate
python install.py
Then install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ilex-paraguariensis/vision -b v2
And test that everything is working by:
mate list models
Should output:
To run the project, you can use Mate to run different configurations. Look at resnet/hyperparatmers/vanilla.json
and vit/hyperparameters/vanilla.json
for examples of configurations. Any configuration file can be selected to train. To train a model, run:
mate train {model_name} {hyperparameter_file}
where {model_name}
can be anything e.g., resnet
or vit
and {hyperparameter_file}
is the name of the hyperparameter file and the experiment.
The project by default uses Weights and Biases to log the training process. You can also select any pytorch lightning loggers, e.g., TensorBoardLogger
or CSVLogger
. See /vit/hyperparateres/tensorboard.json
for an example.
You can select any combination of your models with hyperparameters, for example:
mate train vit cifar100 # train vit on cifar100
mate train resnet fine_tune # fine tune a resnet trained on imagenet on cifar
mate train vit small_datasets # model from Vision Transformer for Small-Size Datasets paper
mate train vit vanilla # original ViT paper: An Image is Worth 16x16 Words
You can consequently restart the training with the same configuration by running:
mate restart vit vanilla
You can try other models by changing the model in the hyperparameters or making new configuration file. Over 30 ViTs are available to experiment with. You can also fork the vit models and change the source code as you wish:
mate clone vit awesome_vit
Then, change the models in project/models/awesome_vit
and keep on experimenting.
You can customize the hyperparameters by changing the hyperparameter file. For example, you can change the model, learning rate, batch size, optimizer, etc. this project is not limited to cifar dataset, with adding a PytorchLightningDataModule, you can train on any dataset. Optimizers, Trainers, Models and Pytorch-Lightning modules are directly created from the arguments in the configuration file and pytorch packages.
Special thanks to the legend lucidrains for the vit-pytorch library. His licence applies to the ViT models in this project.