- Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and log in. The IAM user that you use must have sufficient permissions to make necessary AWS service calls and manage AWS resources.
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Git Installed
- AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) installed
- Maven
- Create a new directory, navigate to that directory in a terminal and clone the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/serverless-patterns
- Change directory to the pattern directory:
cd apigw-lambda-snapstart
- Build the function
sam build
- Deploy the infrastructure
sam deploy --stack-name unicorn-store --guided
To test the Lambda function you can POST a unicorn JSON payload to the '/unicorns' endpoint.
curl --location --request POST $(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name unicorn-store --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='UnicornEndpoint'].OutputValue" --output text)'/unicorns' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Something",
"age": "Older",
"type": "Animal",
"size": "Very big"
}' | jq
You can use the following AWS CloudWatch Insights query to measure the duration your SnapStart Lambda function.
filter @message like "REPORT"
| filter @message not like "RESTORE_REPORT"
| parse @message /Restore Duration: (?<@restore_duration_ms>[0-9\.]+)/
| parse @message / Duration: (?<@invoke_duration_ms>[0-9\.]+)/
| fields
greatest(@restore_duration_ms, 0) as restore_duration_ms,
greatest(@invoke_duration_ms, 0) as invoke_duration_ms
| fields
restore_duration_ms + invoke_duration_ms as total_invoke_ms
| stat
pct(total_invoke_ms, 50) as total_invoke_ms_p50,
pct(total_invoke_ms, 99) as total_invoke_ms_p99,
pct(total_invoke_ms, 99.9) as total_invoke_ms_p99.9