NGSD is an acronym for the next generation sequencing database.
The NGSD manages samples, runs, variants, QC data as well as basic data data like genes and transcripts .
This document describes the installation of the NGSD database. The installation instructions are based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but should work similarly on other Linux distributions.
These instructions assume that the installation is performed as root. If that is not the case, you have to prepend sudo
to all commands that need root privileges.
The database backend of the NGSD is a MariaDB database. To set it up, follow these instructions:
If not available, install the SQL server:
> sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
Log into the server, e.g. with:
> sudo mysql -u root
Create the NGSD production and test instance:
mysql> create database ngsd; mysql> grant all on ngsd.* to 'ngsduser'@'%' identified by '[password]'; mysql> create database ngsd_test; mysql> grant all on ngsd_test.* to 'ngsdtestuser'@'%' identified by '[password]'; mysql> exit
In order to optimize the performance of the SQL server for the NGSD, you can adapt/add the following settings in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 2
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 32G
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 1000
innodb_lru_scan_depth = 512
join_buffer_size = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 64M
max_connections = 300
max_heap_table_size = 256M
query_cache_limit = 64M
query_cache_size = 256M
tmp_table_size = 256M
wait_timeout = 108000
Restart the server:
> sudo service mysql restart
The initial import of database content using ngs-bits.
If missing, create
with:> cp ngs-bits/bin/settings.ini.example ngs-bits/bin/settings.ini
Fill in the following NGSD credentials:
- ngsd_host =
- ngsd_port = 3306
- ngsd_name = ngsd
- ngsd_user = ngsduser
- ngsd_pass =
- ngsd_host =
To set up the NGSD tables, use command:
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDInit
Finally, QC terms and gene information from several databases must be imported.
Proceed accoding to the instructions of the following tools in the listed order:> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportQC --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportHGNC --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportEnsembl --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportHPO --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportGeneInfo --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportOMIM --help > ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportORPHA --help
To keep gene, transcript and diesease data in NGSD up-to-date, you need to perform regular updates.
To do that, update ngs-bits and re-run these import tools:
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportHGNC --help
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportEnsembl --help
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportHPO --help
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportGeneInfo --help
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportOMIM --help
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDImportORPHA --help
After the update of gene and HPO data, you should run the maintenance tasks Replace obsolete gene symbols
and Replace obsolete HPO terms
in GSvar (NGSD > Admin > Maintenance).
Make sure to run the tools with the -force
parameter to override the existing data!
You should perform a import into a test database first, to make sure the import works.
After the test import, you can check the NGSD data using GSvar (NGSD > Admin > Maintenance > Compare base data of test and production).
The data links in these tools are updated roughly every 3 months.
We recommend to leave the data links unchanged, even if there is newer data available.
For the default links, we have verify that the linked data is in valid format for the import.
If you change the data links to perform an update to with newer data, there is a risk that the data format has changed and the imported data is corrupted or incomplete.
The NGSD variant counts for germline and somatic as well as the gene info can be exported to a VCF/BED file using NGSDExportAnnotationData.
For germline small variants:
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDExportAnnotationData -variants [vcf_output_file] -genes [bed_file]
For germline structural variants:
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDExportSV -out_folder [export_folder]
For somatic small variants:
> ngs-bits/bin/NGSDExportAnnotationData -variants [somatic_vcf_output_file] -mode somatic
The resulting VCF files have to be sorted (e.g. using VcfStreamSort
) and then gzipped and indexed to be used as annotation source:
> ngs-bits/bin/VcfStreamSort -in [unsorted_vcf] -out [sorted_vcf]
> bgzip -c [sorted_vcf] > [sorted_vcf_gzip]
> tabix -p vcf [sorted_vcf_gzip]
For variant annotation VcfAnnotateFromVcf
and VcfAnnotateFromBed
can be used.