When you execute ng version
Angular CLI: 17.1.1
Node: 18.19.0
Package Manager: npm 10.4.0
OS: darwin x64
Angular: undefined ...
@angular-devkit/architect 0.1701.1 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/core 17.1.1 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/schematics 17.1.1 (cli-only)
@schematics/angular 17.1.1 (cli-only)
- Angular dependencies to 17.1.1
- rxjs to 7.8.1
- tslib to 2.6.2
- zone.js to 0.14.3
- Typescript to 5.3.3
puneethsai@Puneeths-MacBook-Pro todo % ng g @angular/core:standalone
- ? Choose the type of migration: (Use arrow keys)
- ❯ Convert all components, directives and pipes to standalone
- Remove unnecessary NgModule classes
- Bootstrap the application using standalone APIs
If you choose option as Convert all components, directives and pipes to standalone
? Choose the type of migration: Convert all components, directives and pipes to standalone ? Which path in your project should be migrated? ./
🎉 Automated migration step has finished! 🎉 IMPORTANT! Please verify manually that your application builds and behaves as expected. See https://angular.io/guide/standalone-migration for more information.
- UPDATE src/app/welcome/welcome.component.ts (2471 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/login/login.component.ts (2319 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/error/error.component.ts (360 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/list-todos/list-todos.component.ts (1880 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/menu/menu.component.ts (697 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/footer/footer.component.ts (297 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/logout/logout.component.ts (521 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/todo/todo.component.ts (1539 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (1456 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/app.component.spec.ts (1063 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/error/error.component.spec.ts (608 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/footer/footer.component.spec.ts (615 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/list-todos/list-todos.component.spec.ts (637 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/login/login.component.spec.ts (608 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/logout/logout.component.spec.ts (615 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/menu/menu.component.spec.ts (601 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/todo/todo.component.spec.ts (601 bytes)
- UPDATE src/app/welcome/welcome.component.spec.ts (622 bytes)
Step5: Again execute ng g @angular/core:standalone
and choose 2nd option as Remove unnecessary NgModule classes
puneethsai@Puneeths-MacBook-Pro todo % ng g @angular/core:standalone
- ? Choose the type of migration:
- Convert all components, directives and pipes to standalone
- ❯ Remove unnecessary NgModule classes
- Bootstrap the application using standalone APIs
? Choose the type of migration: Remove unnecessary NgModule classes ? Which path in your project should be migrated? ./ 🎉 Automated migration step has finished! 🎉 IMPORTANT! Please verify manually that your application builds and behaves as expected. See https://angular.io/guide/standalone-migration for more information. Nothing to be done.
Step6: Again execute ng g @angular/core:standalone
Choose 3rd option as Bootstrap the application using standalone APIs
puneethsai@Puneeths-MacBook-Pro todo % ng g @angular/core:standalone
? Choose the type of migration: Bootstrap the application using standalone APIs
? Which path in your project should be migrated? ./
🎉 Automated migration step has finished!
🎉 IMPORTANT! Please verify manually that your application builds and behaves as expected.
See https://angular.io/guide/standalone-migration for more information.
DELETE src/app/app.module.ts
UPDATE src/main.ts (1029 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.component.ts (535 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.component.spec.ts (1051 bytes)
For more details, please go through the following links