All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Refresh credentials list after deleting credential.
- No credentials and Settings views slyle.
- The Error popup is shown when the user has no credentials.
- The Error popup is shown when the user has no credentials.
- Expiration messages of credentials view are hidden
- Error popup isn't shown when an already used login QR is used.
- Pop up error message on unsuccessful login.
- Update an Angular and scanner version.
- Translations
- Multiple Vcs send.
- Camera remains activated when leaving scanner page.
- New endpoint for credential retrieval.
- User alerts for credential status.
- Pop-up dialogs for user interactions.
- Improved accessibility for QR components.
- Error handling for 202 and 204 status codes.
- Default camera selection issues.
- Text corrections for better translations.
- Refined page refresh and redirection logic.
- Enhanced button behavior and UI components.
- New oidc login connection config.
- Support for GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
- Added SonarCloud for code quality.
- Improved OIDC compatibility.
- Websocket connection.
- Ebsi implementation.
- CBOR presentation Credential support.
- UI/UX issues.
- SonarCloud issues.
- Error handling issues.
- Translation issues.
- SonarCloud issues.
- Verifiable Credential Interface.
- Registration
- User DID management
1.0.0 - 2023-11-21
- User registration
- User login
- User logout
- User QR Scanning
- User DID management
- User Verifiable Credentials management
- User Preferred Language management
- User preferred Scanning Camera management