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Quanzheng Long edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 29 revisions

WorkflowState is how you implement your asynchronous process as a "workflow".
It will run in the background, with infinite backoff retry by default.

A WorkflowState is a "big step", which includes 1 or 2 "small steps":

[ waitUntil ] → execute

The waitUntil API returns "commands" to wait for. When the commands are completed, the execute API will be invoked.

The waitUntil API is optional. If not defined, then the execute API will be invoked immediately when the Workflow State is started.

The execute API returns a StateDecision to decide what is next.

Both waitUntil and execute are implemented by code and executed in runtime dynamically. They are both hosted as REST API for iWF server to call. It's extremely flexible for business -- any code change deployed will take effect immediately.

StateDecision from execute

User workflow implements a execute API to return a StateDecision for:

  • A next state
  • Multiple next states running in parallel
  • Stop the workflow:
    • Graceful complete -- Stop the thread, and also will stop the workflow when all other threads are stopped
    • Force complete -- Stop the workflow immediately
    • Force fail -- Stop the workflow immediately with failure
  • Dead end -- Just stop the thread
  • Atomically go to next state with condition(e.g. channel is not empty)

State Decisions let you orchestrate the WorkflowState as complex as needed for any use case!

StateDecision examples

Commands from waitUntil

iWF provides three types of commands:

  • TimerCommand -- Wait for a durable timer to fire.
  • InternalChannelCommand -- Wait for a message from InternalChannel.
  • SignalCommand —- Wait for a signal to be published to the workflow signal channel. External applications can use SignalWorkflow API to signal a workflow.

The waitUntil API can return multiple commands along with a CommandWaitingType:

  • AllCommandCompleted -- Wait for all commands to be completed.
  • AnyCommandCompleted -- Wait for any of the commands to be completed.
  • AnyCommandCombinationCompleted -- Wait for any combination of the commands in a specified list to be completed.

SignalChannel & InternalChannel: async message queue

iWF provides message queue called InternalChannel & SignalChannel. User can just declare it in the workflow code without any management at all (you don't need to create or delete it, it just exists as you declaring it like a data attribute).

A message sent to the InternalChannel/SignalChannel is persisted on server side, delivered to any WorkflowState that is waiting for it with waitUntil.

Both channels are FIFO queues.

The channels/queues can receive messages whenever you send to them, even there is no state waiting for messages (async).


Message can be sent to an InternalChannel by a WorkflowState or RPC.

Note that the scope of an InternalChannel is only within its workflow execution (not shared across workflows).

Usage 1: Waiting for external event/request

RPC provides an API as mechanism to external application to interact with a workflow. Within an RPC, it can send a message to the internalChannel. This allows workflowState to be waiting for an external event/request before proceeding. E.g., a workflow can wait for an approval before updating the database.

Usage 2: Multi-thread synchronization

When there are multiple threads of workflow states running in parallel, you may want to have them wait on each other to ensure some particular ordering.

For example, in your problem space, WorkflowStates 1,2,3 need to be completed before WorkflowState 4.

In this case, you need to utilize the "InternalChannel". WorkflowState 4 should be waiting on an "InternalChannel" for 3 messages via the waitUntil API. WorkflowState 1,2,3 will each publish a message when completing. This ensures propper ordering.

A full execution flow of a single WorklfowState can look like this:

Workflow State diagram


To implement a WorkflowState, just implement the:


For Java, the waitUntil has a default implementation so you just not implement it, and SDK will skip it to invoke execute directly.

A full Java WorkflowState looks like:

class WaitSignalOrTimerState implements WorkflowState<Void> {

    public Class<Void> getInputType() {
        return Void.class;

    public CommandRequest waitUntil(final Context context, final Void input, final Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        return CommandRequest.forAnyCommandCompleted(

    public StateDecision execute(final Context context, final Void input, final CommandResults commandResults, final Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        if (commandResults.getAllTimerCommandResults().get(0).getTimerStatus() == TimerStatus.FIRED) {
            return StateDecision.singleNextState(State4.class);
        String someData = persistence.getDataAttribute(DA_DATA1, String.class);
        System.out.println("call API3 with backoff retry in this method..");
        return StateDecision.gracefulCompleteWorkflow();


Golang interface doesn't have default implementation. As a result, put iwf.WorkflowStateDefaultsNoWaitUntil into the struct to skip waitUntil.

type state1 struct {

But if it needs waitUntil:

type state1 struct {

For Golang a full state is like:

type state3 struct {
	svc service.MyService

func (i state3) WaitUntil(ctx iwf.WorkflowContext, input iwf.Object, persistence iwf.Persistence, communication iwf.Communication) (*iwf.CommandRequest, error) {
	return iwf.AnyCommandCompletedRequest(
		iwf.NewTimerCommand("", time.Now().Add(time.Hour*24)),
		iwf.NewSignalCommand("", SignalChannelReady),
	), nil

func (i state3) Execute(ctx iwf.WorkflowContext, input iwf.Object, commandResults iwf.CommandResults, persistence iwf.Persistence, communication iwf.Communication) (*iwf.StateDecision, error) {
	var data string
	persistence.GetDataAttribute(keyData, &data)

	if commandResults.Timers[0].Status == iwfidl.FIRED {
		return iwf.SingleNextState(state4{}, nil), nil
	return iwf.GracefulCompletingWorkflow, nil


For Python, the wait_until has a default implementation so you just not implement it, and SDK will skip it to invoke execute directly.

A full state is like:

class TimerOrInternalChannelState(WorkflowState[None]):
    def wait_until(self, ctx: WorkflowContext, input: T, persistence: Persistence, communication: Communication,
                   ) -> CommandRequest:
        return CommandRequest.for_any_command_completed(
            ),  # use 10 seconds for demo

    def execute(self, ctx: WorkflowContext, input: T, command_results: CommandResults, persistence: Persistence,
                communication: Communication,
                ) -> StateDecision:
        form = persistence.get_data_attribute(data_attribute_form)
        if (
                == ChannelRequestStatus.RECEIVED
            print(f"API to send welcome email to {}")
            return StateDecision.graceful_complete_workflow("done")
            print(f"API to send the a reminder email to {}")
            return StateDecision.single_next_state(VerifyState)