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is a request contents validator server-side middleware for
This middleware checks for the existence of a Validate
method on each of the
messages of a gRPC request. In case of a
validation failure, an InvalidArgument
gRPC status is returned, along with
the error that caused the validation failure.
It is intended to be used with plugins like, Go protocol buffers codegen
plugins that create the Validate
methods (including nested messages) based on declarative options in the .proto
files themselves.
func UnaryServerInterceptor() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
UnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptor that validates incoming messages and returns a ValidationError.
Invalid messages will be rejected with InvalidArgument
and the error before reaching any userspace handlers.
func DefaultMapping() errors.MapFunc
DefaultMapping returns a mapper that parses through the lyft protoc-gen-validate errors and only returns a user friendly error.
Example Usage:
Add validationerrors and errors interceptors to your application:
errors.UnaryServerInterceptor(ErrorMappings...), validationerrors.UnaryServerInterceptor(),
Create an ErrorMapping variable with all your mappings.
Add DefaultMapping as part of your ErrorMapping variable
var ErrorMappings = []errors.MapFunc{ // Adding Default Validations Mapping validationerrors.DefaultMapping(), }
Example return after DefaultMapping on a invalid email:
{ "error": { "status": 400, "code": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", "message": "Invalid primary_email: value must be a valid email address" }, "fields": { "primary_email": [ "value must be a valid email address" ] } }
You can also add custom validation mappings:
var ErrorMappings = []errors.MapFunc{ // Adding custom Validation Mapping based on the known field and reason from lyft errors.NewMapping( errors.CondAnd( validationerrors.CondValidation(), validationerrors.CondFieldEq("primary_email"), validationerrors.CondReasonEq("value must be a valid email address"), ), errors.MapFunc(func(ctx context.Context, err error) (error, bool) { vErr, _ := err.(validationerrors.ValidationError) return errors.NewContainer(codes.InvalidArgument, "Custom error message for field: %v reason: %v", vErr.Field(), vErr.Reason()), true }), ), }
For actual example usage look at: