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Introduction to Pig

In this chapter, we introduce the tools we’ll be using throughout the second part of the book to teach analytic patterns. We’ll get you up and running chains of map/reduce jobs in the form of Pig scripts. We’ll explain Pig’s data model and tour the different data types. We’ll cover basic operations like LOAD and STORE, to get you going. Next, we’ll learn about UFOs and when people most often report them, and we’ll dive into wikipedia usage data and compare different projects. We’ll also briefly introduce the different kind of analytic operations in Pig that we’ll be covering in the rest of the book. Finally, we’ll introduce you to two libraries of UDFs or User-Defined-Functions: the Apache DataFu project and the Piggybank.

By the end of this chapter you will be able to perform basic data processing on Hadoop, with Pig.

Pig Helps Hadoop work with Tables, not Records

Apache Pig is an open-source, high-level language that enables you to create efficient Map/Reduce jobs using clear, maintainable scripts. Its interface is similar to SQL, which makes it a great choice for folks with significant experience there. It’s not identical, though, and things that are efficient in SQL may not be so in Pig (we will try to highlight those traps).

We use Pig, instead of Hive (another popular Hadoop tool), because it takes procedural approach to data pipelines. A procedural approach lends itself to the implementation of complex data pipelines as clearly as possible, whereas nested SQL can get confusing, fast. A procedural approach also gives you the opportunity to optimize your data-processing as you go, without relying on a 'magic' query analyzer. When used in conjunction with Python, Pig forms the backbone of your data processing, while Python handles more complex operations.

You can run Pig in local mode with the following command:

pig -l /tmp -x local

Let’s dive in with an example using the UFO dataset to estimate whether aliens tend to visit in some months over others:

UFO Sightings by Month (ch_04/ufos_by_month.pig)
sightings = LOAD '/data/gold/geo/ufo_sightings/ufo_sightings.tsv.bz2'  AS (
    sighted_at: chararray,   reported_at: chararray,    location_str: chararray,
		shape: chararray,        duration_str: chararray,   description: chararray,
		lng: float,              lat: float,                city: chararray,
		county: chararray,       state: chararray,          country: chararray );

-- Take the 6th and 7th character from the original string, as in '2010-06-25T05:00:00Z', take '06'
month_count = FOREACH sightings GENERATE SUBSTRING(sighted_at, 5, 7) AS month;

-- Group by year_month, and then count the size of the 'bag' this creates to get a total
ufos_by_month    = FOREACH (GROUP month_count BY month) GENERATE
  group AS month, COUNT_STAR(month_count) AS total;

STORE ufos_by_month INTO './ufos_by_month.out';

In a Python streaming or traditional Hadoop job, the focus is on the record and you’re best off thinking in terms of message passing or grouping. In Pig, the focus is much more on the structure and you should think in terms of relational and set operations. In the example above, each line described an operation on the full dataset; we declared what change to make and Pig, as you’ll see, executes those changes by dynamically assembling and running a set of Map/Reduce jobs.

To run the Pig job, go into the example code repository and run:

pig examples/ch_04/ufos_by_month.pig

If you consult the Job Browser, you should a single Map/Reduce jobs; the dataflow Pig instructed Hadoop to run is essentially similar to the Python script you ran. What Pig ran was, in all respects, a Hadoop job. It calls on some of Hadoop’s advanced features to help it operate but nothing you could not access through the standard Java API.

To see the result of the Pig script:

cat ./ufos_by_month.out/*

Which will result in:

01	4263
02	3644
03	4170
04	4120
05	4220
06	6745
07	7361
08	6641
09	5665
10	5421
11	4954
12	3933

Note that 256 records had no such value - data will often surprise you. You might filter these empty values, or look closer at the raw data to see what is going on. Also, did you notice the output was sorted? That is no coincidence — as you saw in Chapter 2, Hadoop sorted the results in order to group them. Sorting in this case is free! We’ll learn how to explicitly sort data in Pig in a future chapter.

First Pig Script Run, and Result

Wikipedia Visitor Counts

Let’s put Pig to a sterner test. Here’s the script above, modified to run on the much-larger Wikipedia dataset, and this time to assemble counts by hour:

Wikipedia Page Views/Total Bytes by Project (ch_04/wikipedia_page_counts.pig)
/* Wikipedia pagecounts data described at
   The first column is the project name. The second column is the title of the page retrieved,
   the third column is the number of requests, and the fourth column is the size of the content returned. */

-- LOAD the data, which is space-delimited
pageviews = LOAD '/data/rawd/wikipedia/page_counts/pagecounts-20141126-230000.gz'
    USING PigStorage(' ') AS (

-- Group the data by project name, then count total pageviews & bytes sent per project
per_project_counts = FOREACH (GROUP pageviews BY project_name) GENERATE
    group AS project_name,
    SUM(pageviews.requests) AS total_pageviews,
    SUM(pageviews.bytes) AS total_bytes;

-- Order the output by the total pageviews, in descending order
sorted_per_project_counts = ORDER per_project_counts BY total_pageviews DESC;

-- Store the data in our home directory
STORE sorted_per_project_counts INTO 'sorted_per_project_counts.out';


Run the script just as you did above:

hadoop fs -cat sorted_per_project_counts.out/* | head -10

Which should result in a top ten list of Wikipedia projects by page views:

meta.m	14163318	42739631770
en	8464555	271270368044	8070652	10197686607	4793661	113071171104
es	2105765	48775855730
ru	1198414	38771387406	967440	16660332837
de	967435	20956877209
fr	870142	22441868998
pt	633136	16647117186

Until now, we have described Pig as authoring the same Map/Reduce job you would. In fact, Pig has automatically introduced the same optimizations an advanced practitioner would have introduced, but with no effort on your part. Pig instructed Hadoop to use a Combiner. In the naive Python job, every Mapper output record was sent across the network to the Reducer but in Hadoop, as you will recall from (REF), the Mapper output files have already been partitioned and sorted. Hadoop offers you the opportunity to do pre-Aggregation on those groups. Rather than send every record for, say, September 26, 2014 8 pm, the Combiner outputs the hour and sum of visits emitted by the Mapper.

The second script instructed Pig to explicitly sort the output by total page views or requests, an additional operation. We did not do that in the first example to limit it to a single job. As you will recall from the previous chapter (REF), Hadoop uses a Sort to prepare the Reducer groups, so its output was naturally ordered. If there are multiple Reducers, however, that would not be enough to give you a Result file you can treat as ordered. By default, Hadoop assigns partitions to Reducers using the ‘RandomPartitioner’, designed to give each Reducer a uniform chance of claiming any given partition. This defends against the problem of one Reducer becoming overwhelmed with an unfair share of records but means the keys are distributed willy-nilly across machines. Although each Reducer’s output is sorted, you will see early records at the top of each result file and later records at the bottom of each result file.

What we want instead is a total sort, the earliest records in the first numbered file in order, the following records in the next file in order, and so on until the last numbered file. Pig’s ‘ORDER’ Operator does just that. In fact, it does better than that. If you look at the Job Tracker Console, you will see Pig actually ran three Map/Reduce jobs. As you would expect, the first job is the one that did the grouping and summing and the last job is the one that sorted the output records. In the last job, all the earliest records were sent to Reducer 0, the middle range of records were sent to Reducer 1 and the latest records were sent to Reducer 2.

Hadoop, however, has no intrinsic way to make that mapping happen. Even if it figured out, say, that the earliest buckets were sooner and the latest buckets were later, if we fed it a dataset with skyrocketing traffic in 2014, we would end up sending an overwhelming portion of results to that Reducer. In the second job, Pig sampled the set of output keys, brought them to the same Reducer, and figured out the set of partition breakpoints to distribute records fairly.

In general, Pig offers many more optimizations beyond these and we will talk more about them in the chapter on Advanced Pig (REF). In our experience, as long as you’re willing to give Pig a bit of coaching, the only times it will author a dataflow that is significantly less performant comes when Pig is overly aggressive about introducing an optimization. And in those cases the impact is more like a bunch of silly piglets making things take 50% longer than they should, rather than a stampede of boars blowing up your cluster. The ORDER BY example is a case in point: for small-to-medium tables the intermediate sampling stage to calculate partitions can have a larger time cost than the penalty for partitioning badly would carry. Sometimes you’re stuck paying an extra 20 seconds on top of each one-minute job so that Pig and Hadoop can save you an order of magnitude off your ten-minute-and-up jobs.

Fundamental Data Operations

Pig’s operators — and fundamental Hadoop processing patterns — can be grouped into several families: control operations, pipelinable operations, and structural operations.

A control operation either influences or describes the data flow itself. A pipelinable operation is one that does not require a reduce step of its own: the records can each be handled in isolation, and so they do not have to be expensively assembled into context. All structural operations must put records into context: placing all records for a given key into common context; sorting involves placing each record into context with the record that precedes it and the record that follows it; eliminating duplicates means putting all potential duplicates into common context, and so forth.

Control Operations

Control operations are essential to defining data-flows, or chains of data-processing.

  • Serialization operations (LOAD, STORE) load and store data into file systems or datastores.

  • Directives (DESCRIBE, ILLUSTRATE, REGISTER, and others) to Pig itself. These do not modify the data, they modify Pig’s execution: outputting debug information, registering external UDFs, and so forth.

Pipelinable Operations

With no structural operations, these operations create a mapper-only job with the composed pipeline. When they come before or after a structural operation, they are composed into the mapper or reducer.

  • Transformation operations (FOREACH, FOREACH..FLATTEN(tuple)) modify the contents of records individually. The count of output records is exactly the same as the count of input records, but the contents and schema of the records can change arbitrarily.

  • Filtering operations (FILTER, SAMPLE, LIMIT, ASSERT) accept or reject each record individually. These can yield the same or fewer number of records, but each record has the same contents and schema as its input.

  • Repartitioning operations (SPLIT, UNION) don’t change records, they just distribute them into new tables or data flows. UNION outputs exactly as many records as the sum of its inputs. Since SPLIT is effectively several FILTERs run simultaneously, its total output record count is the sum of what each of its filters would produce.

  • Ungrouping operations (FOREACH..FLATTEN(bag)) turn records that have bags of tuples into records with each such tuple from the bags in combination. It is most commonly seen after a grouping operation (and thus occurs within the Reduce) but can be used on its own (in which case like the other pipelinable operations it produces a Mapper-Only job). The FLATTEN itself leaves the bag contents unaltered and substitutes the bag field’s schema with the schema of its contents. When flattening on a single field, the count of output records is exactly the count of elements in all bags. (Records with empty bags will disappear in the output). Multiple FLATTEN clauses yield a record for each possible combination of elements, which can be explosively higher than the input count.

Structural Operations

These jobs require a Map and Reduce phase.

  • Grouping operations (GROUP, COGROUP, CUBE, ROLLUP) place records into context with each other. They make no modifications to the input records' contents, but do rearrange their schema. You will often find them followed by a FOREACH that is able to take advantage of the group context. The GROUP and COGROUP yield one output record per distinct GROUP value.

  • Joining operations (JOIN, CROSS) match records between tables. JOIN is simply an optimized COGROUP/FLATTEN/FOREACH sequence, but it is important enough and different in use that we’ll cover it separately. (CROSS too, except for the "important" part: we’ll have very little to say about it and discourage its use).

  • Sorting operations (ORDER BY, RANK) perform a total sort on their input; every record in file 00000 is in sorted order and comes before all records in 00001 and so forth for the number of output files. These require two jobs: first, a light Mapper-Only pass to understand the distribution of sort keys, next a Map/Reduce job to perform the sort.

  • Uniquing and (DISTINCT, specific COGROUP forms) select/reject/collapse duplicates, or find records associated with unique or duplicated records. these are typically accomplished with specific combinations of the above, but involve

That’s everything you can do with Pig — and everything you need to do with data. Each of those operations leads to a predictable set of map and reduce steps, so it’s very straightforward to reason about your job’s performance. Pig is very clever about chaining and optimizing these steps.

Pig is an extremely sparse language. By having very few Operators and very uniform syntax [1], the language makes it easy for the robots to optimize the dataflow and for humans to predict and reason about its performance.

We will not explore every nook and cranny of its syntax, only illustrate its patterns of use. The online Pig manual at is quite good and for a deeper exploration, consult Programming Pig by Alan Gates ( If the need for a construction never arose naturally in a pattern demonstration or exploration [2], we omitted it, along with options or alternate forms of construction that are either dangerous or rarely-used [3].

In the remainder of this chapter, we’ll illustrate the mechanics of using Pig and the essential of its control flow operations by demonstrating them in actual use. In the following several chapters (REF), we’ll cover patterns of pipelinable and of structural operations. In each case the goal is not only to understand its use, but to understand how to implement the corresponding patterns in a plain map-reduce approach — and therefore how to reason about their performance. Finally, the chapter on Advanced Pig will cover some deeper-level topics, such as a few important optimized variants of the JOIN statement and how to extend Pig with new functions and loaders.

LOAD Locates and Describes Your Data

In order to analyze data, we need data to analyze. In this case, we’ll start by looking at a record of the outcome of baseball games using the LOAD statement in Pig. Pig scripts need data to process, and so your pig scripts will begin with a LOAD statement and have one or many STORE statements throughout. Here’s a script to find all wikipedia articles that contain the word 'Hadoop':

LOADing, FILTERing and STORing Data (ch_04/load_filter_store.pig)
games = LOAD '/data/gold/sports/baseball/games_lite.tsv' AS (
  game_id:chararray,      year_id:int,
  away_team_id:chararray, home_team_id:chararray,
  away_runs_ct:int,       home_runs_ct:int

home_wins = FILTER games BY home_runs_ct > away_runs_ct;

STORE home_wins INTO './home_wins.tsv';

Note the output shows us how many records were read and written. This happens to tell us there are 206,015 games total, 111,890 or 54.3% of which were won by the home team. We have quantified the home field advantage!

Successfully read 206015 records (6213566 bytes) from: "/data/gold/sports/baseball/games_lite.tsv"

Successfully stored 111890 records (3374003 bytes) in: "hdfs://nn:8020/user/chimpy/home_wins.tsv"

Simple Types

As you can see, the LOAD statement not only tells pig where to find the data, it also describes the table’s schema. Pig understands ten kinds of simple type. Six of them are numbers: signed machine integers, as int (32-bit) or long (64-bit); signed floating-point numbers, as float (32-bit) or double (64-bit); arbitrary-length integers as biginteger; and arbitrary-precision real numbers, as bigdecimal. If you’re supplying a literal value for a long, you should append a capital 'L' to the quantity: 12345L; if you’re supplying a literal float, use an 'f': 123.45f.

The chararray type loads text as UTF-8 encoded strings (the only kind of string you should ever traffic in). String literals are contained in single quotes — 'hello, world'. Regular expressions are supplied as string literals, as in the example above: '.[Hh]adoop.'. The bytearray type does no interpretation of its contents whatsoever, but be careful — the most common interchange formats (tsv, xml and json) cannot faithfully round-trip data that is truly freeform.

Lastly, there are two special-purpose simple types. Time values are described with datetime, and should be serialised in the the ISO-8601 format: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00. Boolean values are described with boolean, and should bear the values true or false.

Boolean, date and the biginteger/bigdecimal types are recent additions to Pig, and you will notice rough edges around their use.

Complex Type 1, Tuples: Fixed-length Sequence of Typed Fields

Pig also has three complex types, representing collections of fields. A tuple is a fixed-length sequence of fields, each of which has its own schema. They’re ubiquitous in the results of the various structural operations you’re about to learn. We usually don’t serialize tuples, but so far LOAD is the only operation we’ve taught you, so for pretend’s sake here’s how you’d load a listing of major-league ballpark locations:

-- The address and geocoordinates are stored as tuples. Don't do that, though.
ballpark_locations = LOAD 'ballpark_locations' AS (
    park_id:chararray, park_name:chararray,
    address:tuple(full_street:chararray, city:chararray, state:chararray, zip:chararray),
    geocoordinates:tuple(lng:float, lat:float)
ballparks_in_texas = FILTER ballpark_locations BY (address.state == 'TX');
STORE ballparks_in_texas INTO '/tmp/ballparks_in_texas.tsv'

Pig displays tuples using parentheses. It would dump a line from the input file as:

BOS07,Fenway Park,(4 Yawkey Way,Boston,MA,02215),(-71.097378,42.3465909)

As shown above, you address single values within a tuple using tuple_name.subfield_name — for example, address.state will have the schema state:chararray. You can also create a new tuple that projects or rearranges fields from a tuple by writing tuple_name.(subfield_a, subfield_b, …​) — for example, address.(zip, city, state) will have schema address_zip_city_state:tuple(zip:chararray, city:chararray, state:chararray). (Pig helpfully generated a readable name for the tuple).

Tuples can contain values of any type, even bags and other tuples, but that’s nothing to be proud of. We follow almost every structural operation with a FOREACH to simplify its schema as soon as possible, and so should you — it doesn’t cost anything and it makes your code readable.

Complex Type 2, Bags: Unbounded Collection of Tuples

A bag is an arbitrary-length collection of tuples, all of which are expected to have the same schema. Just like with tuples, they’re ubiquitous yet rarely serialized. Below we demonstrate the creation and storing of bags, as well as how to load them again. Here we prepare, store and load a dataset listing for each team the year and park id of the ballparks it played in:

Create, STORE and LOAD a Bag (ch_04/create_store_load_bag.pig)
park_team_years = LOAD '/data/gold/sports/baseball/park_team_years.tsv'
    USING PigStorage('\t') AS (
        park_id:chararray, team_id:chararray, year:long,
        beg_date:chararray, end_date:chararray, n_games:long
team_park_seasons = FOREACH (GROUP park_team_years BY team_id) GENERATE
	group AS team_id,
	park_team_years.(year, park_id) AS park_years;

DESCRIBE team_park_seasons

STORE team_park_seasons INTO './bag_of_park_years.txt';

team_park_seasons = LOAD './bag_of_park_years.txt' AS (
    park_years: bag{tuple(year:int, park_id:chararray)}

DESCRIBE team_park_seasons

A DESCRIBE of the data looks like so:

team_park_seasons: {team_id: chararray,park_years: {(year: long,park_id: chararray)}}

Lets look at a few lines of the relation team_park_seasons:

a = limit team_park_seasons 5;
dump a

They look like this:


Defining the Schema of a Transformed Record

You can also address values within a bag using bag_name.(subfield_a, subfield_b), but this time the result is a bag with the given projected tuples. You’ll see examples of this shortly when we discuss FLATTEN and the various group operations. Note that the only type a bag holds is tuple, even if there’s only one field — a bag of just park ids would have schema bag{tuple(park_id:chararray)}.

It is worth noting the way schema are constructed in the example above: using a FOREACH. The FOREACH in the snippet above emits two fields of the elements of the bag park_team_years, and supplies a schema for each new field with the AS <schema> clauses.

In the chapter on Advanced Pig (REF), we’ll cover some further topics: loading from alternate file formats or from databases; how Pig and Hadoop assign input file splits to mappers; and custom load/store functions.

STORE Writes Data to Disk

The STORE operation writes your data to the destination you specify (typically and by default, the HDFS). As we mentioned in Chapter 1, the current working directory and your home directory on HDFS is referenced by ./.

STORE my_records INTO './bag_of_park_years.txt';

As with any Hadoop job, Pig creates a directory (not a file) at the path you specify; each task generates a file named with its task ID into that directory. In a slight difference from vanilla Hadoop, If the last stage is a reduce, the files are named like part-r-00000 (r for reduce, followed by the task ID); if a map, they are named like part-m-00000.

Try removing the STORE line from the script above, and re-run the script. You’ll see nothing happen! Pig is declarative: your statements inform Pig how it could produce certain tables, rather than command Pig to produce those tables in order.

Note that we can view the files created by store using ls:

ls ./bag_of_park_years.txt

which gives us:

part-r-00000  _SUCCESS

The behavior of only evaluating on demand is an incredibly useful feature for development work. One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is to checkpoint all the time. Smart data scientists iteratively develop the first few transformations of a project, then save that result to disk; working with that saved checkpoint, develop the next few transformations, then save it to disk; and so forth. Here’s a demonstration:

great_start = LOAD '...' AS (...);
-- ...
-- lots of stuff happens, leading up to
-- ...
important_milestone = JOIN [...];

-- reached an important milestone, so checkpoint to disk.
STORE important_milestone INTO './important_milestone.tsv';
    important_milestone = LOAD './important_milestone.tsv' AS (...schema...);

In development, once you’ve run the job past the STORE important_milestone line, you can comment it out to make pig skip all the preceding steps — since there’s nothing tying the graph to an output operation, nothing will be computed on behalf of important_milestone, and so execution will start with the following LOAD. The gratuitous save and load does impose a minor cost, so in production, comment out both the STORE and its following LOAD to eliminate the checkpoint step.

These checkpoints bring another benefit: an inspect-able copy of your data at that checkpoint. Many newcomers to Big Data processing resist the idea of checkpointing often. It takes a while to accept that a terabyte of data on disk is cheap — but the cluster time to generate that data is far less cheap, and the programmer time to create the job to create the data is most expensive of all. We won’t include the checkpoint steps in the printed code snippets of the book, but we’ve left them in the example code.

Development Aid Commands

Pig comes with several 'helper' commands that assist you in writing Pig scripts, which we will now introduce: DESCRIBE, ASSERT, EXPLAIN, LIMIT..DUMP and ILLUSTRATE.


DESCRIBE shows the schema of a table. You’ve already seen the DESCRIBE directive, which writes a description of a table’s schema to the console. It’s invaluable, and even as your project goes to production you shouldn’t be afraid to leave these statements in where reasonable.


DUMP shows data on the console, with great peril. The DUMP directive is actually equivalent to STORE, but (gulp) writes its output to your console. Very handy when you’re messing with data at your console, but a trainwreck when you unwittingly feed it a gigabyte of data. So you should never use a DUMP statement except as in the following stanza:

dumpable = LIMIT table_to_dump 10;
DUMP dumpable;


SAMPLE pulls a certain ratio of data from a relation. The SAMPLE command does what it sounds like: given a relation and a ratio, randomly sample the proportion of the ratio from the relation. Sample is useful because it gives you a random sample of your data - as opposed to LIMIT/DUMP, which tends to give you a small, very 'local' sorted piece of the data. You can combine SAMPLE, LIMIT and DUMP:

-- Sample 5% of our data, then view 10 records from the sample
sampled = SAMPLE large_relation 0.05
limited = LIMIT sampled 10;
DUMP limited


ILLUSTRATE magically simulates your script’s actions, except when it fails to work. The ILLUSTRATE directive is one of our best-loved, and most-hated, Pig operations. When it works, it is amazing. Unfortunately, it is often unreliable.

Even if you only want to see an example line or two of your output, using a DUMP or a STORE requires passing the full dataset through the processing pipeline. You might think, "OK, so just choose a few rows at random and run on that" — but if your job has steps that try to match two datasets using a JOIN, it’s exceptionally unlikely that any matches will survive the limiting. (For example, the players in the first few rows of the baseball players table belonged to teams that are not in the first few rows from the baseball teams table.) ILLUSTRATE walks your execution graph to intelligently mock up records at each processing stage. If the sample rows would fail to join, Pig uses them to generate fake records that will find matches. It solves the problem of running on ad-hoc subsets, and that’s why we love it.

However, not all parts of Pig’s functionality work with ILLUSTRATE, meaning that it often fails to run. When is the ILLUSTRATE command is most valuable? When applied to less-widely-used operations and complex sequences of statements, of course. What parts of Pig are most likely to lack ILLUSTRATE support or trip it up? Well, less-widely-used operations and complex sequences of statements, of course. And when it fails, it does so with perversely opaque error messages, leaving you to wonder if there’s a problem in your script or if ILLUSTRATE has left you short. If you, eager reader, are looking for a good place to return some open-source karma: consider making ILLUSTRATE into the tool it could be. Until somebody does, you should checkpoint often (described along with the STORE command above).


EXPLAIN shows Pig’s execution graph. This command writes the "execution graph" of your job to the console. It’s extremely verbose, showing everything pig will do to your data, down to the typecasting it applies to inputs as they are read. We mostly find it useful when trying to understand whether Pig has applied some of the optimizations you’ll learn about later.

Pig Functions

Pig functions act on fields. Pig wouldn’t be complete without a way to act on the various fields. It offers a sparse but essential set of built-in functions. Pig has builtin functions, as well as a rich collection of UDFs or 'User Defined Functions' in the Piggybank, and the Apache DataFu project. The whole middle of the book is devoted to examples of Pig and map/reduce programs in practice, so we’ll just list the highlights here:

  • Math functions for all the things you’d expect to see on a good calculator: LOG/LOG10/EXP, RANDOM, ROUND/’DOUND_TO`/FLOOR/CEIL, ABS, trigonometric functions, and so forth.

  • String comparison:

    • matches tests a value against a regular expression:

    • Compare strings directly using ==. EqualsIgnoreCase does a case-insensitive match, while STARTSWITH/ENDSWITH test whether one string is a prefix or suffix of the other.

    • SIZE returns the number of characters in a chararray, and the number of bytes in a bytearray. Be reminded that characters often occupy more than one byte: the string 'Motörhead' has nine characters, but because of its umlaut-ed 'ö' the string occupies ten bytes. You can use SIZE on other types, too; but to find the number of elements in a bag, use COUNT_STAR and not SIZE.

    • INDEXOF finds the character position of a substring within a chararray

  • Transform strings:

    • CONCAT concatenates all its inputs into a new string; SPRINTF uses a supplied template to format its inputs into a new string; BagToString joins the contents of a bag into a single string, separated by a supplied delimiter

    • LOWER converts a string to lowercase characters; UPPER to all uppercase

    • TRIM strips leading and trailing whitespace

    • REPLACE(string, 'regexp', 'replacement') substitutes the replacement string wherever the given regular expression matches, as implemented by java.string.replaceAll. If there are no matches, the input string is passed through unchanged.

    • REGEX_EXTRACT(string, regexp, index) applies the given regular expression and returns the contents of the indicated matched group. If the regular expression does not match, it returns NULL. The REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL function is similar, but returns a tuple of the matched groups.

    • STRSPLIT splits a string at each match of the given regular expression

    • SUBSTRING selects a portion of a string based on position

  • Datetime Functions, such as CurrentTime, ToUnixTime, SecondsBetween (duration between two given datetimes)

  • Aggregate functions that act on bags:

    • AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM

    • COUNT_STAR reports the number of elements in a bag, including nulls; COUNT reports the number of non-null elements. IsEmpty tests that a bag has elements. Don’t use the quite-similar-sounding SIZE function on bags: it’s much less efficient.

  • Bag Functions

    • Extremal

    • FirstTupleInBag

    • BagConcat

    • Stitch / Over

    • SUBTRACT(bag_a, bag_b) returns a new bag having all the tuples that are in the first but not in the second, and DIFF(bag_a, bag_b) returns a new bag having all tuples that are in either but not in both. These are rarely used, as the bags must be of modest size — in general us an inner JOIN as described below.

    • TOP(num, column_index, bag) selects the top num of elements from each tuple in the given bag, as ordered by column_index. This uses a clever algorithm that doesn’t require an expensive total sort of the data — you’ll learn about it in the Statistics chapter (TODO ref)

  • Conversion Functions to perform higher-level type casting: TOTUPLE, TOBAG, TOMAP

Pig has two libraries that add lots of features: Piggybank and Apache DataFu.


Piggybank comes with Pig, all you have to do to access them is REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/piggybank.jar; To learn more about Pig, check here. At the time of writing, the Piggybank has the following Pig UDFs:

CustomFormatToISO, ISOToUnix, UnixToISO, ISODaysBetween, ISOHoursBetween, ISOMinutesBetween, ISOMonthsBetween, ISOSecondsBetween, ISOYearsBetween, DiffDate, ISOHelper, ISOToDay, ISOToHour, ISOToMinute, ISOToMonth, ISOToSecond, ISOToWeek, ISOToYear, Bin, BinCond, Decode, ExtremalTupleByNthField, IsDouble, IsFloat, IsInt, IsLong, IsNumeric, ABS, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, Base, CBRT, CEIL, copySign, COS, COSH, DoubleAbs, DoubleBase, DoubleCopySign, DoubleDoubleBase, DoubleGetExponent, DoubleMax, DoubleMin, DoubleNextAfter, DoubleNextup, DoubleRound, DoubleSignum, DoubleUlp, EXP, EXPM1, FloatAbs, FloatCopySign, FloatGetExponent, FloatMax, FloatMin, FloatNextAfter, FloatNextup, FloatRound, FloatSignum, FloatUlp, FLOOR, getExponent, HYPOT, IEEEremainder, IntAbs, IntMax, IntMin, LOG, LOG10, LOG1P, LongAbs, LongMax, LongMin, MAX, MIN, nextAfter, NEXTUP, POW, RANDOM, RINT, ROUND, SCALB, SIGNUM, SIN, SINH, SQRT, TAN, TANH, toDegrees, toRadians, ULP, Util, MaxTupleBy1stField, Over, COR, COV, Stitch, HashFNV, HashFNV1, HashFNV2, INDEXOF, LASTINDEXOF, LcFirst, LENGTH, LookupInFiles, LOWER, RegexExtract, RegexExtractAll, RegexMatch, REPLACE, Reverse, Split, Stuff, SUBSTRING, Trim, UcFirst, UPPER, DateExtractor, HostExtractor, SearchEngineExtractor, SearchTermExtractor, SearchQuery, ToBag, Top, ToTuple, XPath, LoadFuncHelper, AllLoader, CombinedLogLoader, CommonLogLoader, AvroSchema2Pig, AvroSchemaManager, AvroStorage, AvroStorageInputStream, AvroStorageLog, AvroStorageUtils, PigAvroDatumReader, PigAvroDatumWriter, PigAvroInputFormat, PigAvroOutputFormat, PigAvroRecordReader, PigAvroRecordWriter, PigSchema2Avro, CSVExcelStorage, CSVLoader, DBStorage, FixedWidthLoader, FixedWidthStorer, HadoopJobHistoryLoader, HiveColumnarLoader, HiveColumnarStorage, HiveRCInputFormat, HiveRCOutputFormat, HiveRCRecordReader, HiveRCSchemaUtil, IndexedStorage, JsonMetadata, MultiStorage, MyRegExLoader, PathPartitioner, PathPartitionHelper, PigStorageSchema, RegExLoader, SequenceFileLoader, XMLLoader, TestOver, TestStitch, TestConvertDateTime, TestDiffDateTime, TestDiffDate, TestTruncateDateTime, TestDecode, TestHashFNV, TestLength, TestLookupInFiles, TestRegex, TestReverse, TestSplit, TestStuff, TestUcFirst, TestEvalString, TestExtremalTupleByNthField, TestIsDouble, TestIsFloat, TestIsInt, TestIsLong, TestIsNumeric, TestMathUDF, TestStat, TestDateExtractor, TestHostExtractor, TestSearchEngineExtractor, TestSearchTermExtractor, TestSearchQuery, TestToBagToTuple, TestTop, XPathTest, TestAvroStorage, TestAvroStorageUtils, TestAllLoader, TestCombinedLogLoader, TestCommonLogLoader, TestCSVExcelStorage, TestCSVStorage, TestDBStorage, TestFixedWidthLoader, TestFixedWidthStorer, TestHadoopJobHistoryLoader, TestHelper, TestHiveColumnarLoader, TestHiveColumnarStorage, TestIndexedStorage, TestLoadFuncHelper, TestMultiStorage, TestMultiStorageCompression, TestMyRegExLoader, TestPathPartitioner, TestPathPartitionHelper, TestRegExLoader, TestSequenceFileLoader, and TestXMLLoader.

To use a UDF, you must call on its full classpath. The DEFINE command can help you make a shortcut to the UDF. Define can also add any initialization parameters the UDF requires.

REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/piggybank.jar

DEFINE Reverse org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.Reverse();

b = FOREACH a GENERATE Reverse(char_field) AS reversed_char_field;

Apache DataFu

Apache DataFu is a collection of libraries for Pig that includes statistical and utility functions. To learn more about DataFu, check here. At the time of writing, Apache DataFu has the following Pig UDFs:

AppendToBag, BagConcat, BagGroup, BagJoin, BagLeftOuterJoin, BagSplit, CountEach, DistinctBy, EmptyBagToNull, EmptyBagToNullFields, Enumerate, FirstTupleFromBag, NullToEmptyBag, package-info, PrependToBag, ReverseEnumerate, UnorderedPairs, ZipBags, HaversineDistInMiles, package-info, HyperplaneLSH, package-info, CosineDistanceHash, LSH, LSHCreator, package-info, Sampler, L1PStableHash, L2PStableHash, LSHFamily, LSHFunc, Cosine, L1, L2, MetricUDF, package-info, AbstractStableDistributionFunction, L1LSH, L2LSH, package-info, package-info, RepeatingLSH, DataTypeUtil, package-info, MD5, package-info, SHA, package-info, PageRank, PageRankImpl, ProgressIndicator, package-info, RandInt, RandomUUID, package-info, Reservoir, ReservoirSample, SampleByKey, ScoredTuple, SimpleRandomSample, SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementElect, SimpleRandomSampleWithReplacementVote, WeightedReservoirSample, WeightedSample, package-info, SessionCount, Sessionize, package-info, SetDifference, SetIntersect, SetOperationsBase, SetUnion, DoubleVAR, ChaoShenEntropyEstimator, CondEntropy, EmpiricalCountEntropy, EmpiricalEntropyEstimator, Entropy, EntropyEstimator, EntropyUtil, FloatVAR, HyperLogLogPlusPlus, IntVAR, LongVAR, MarkovPairs, Median, package-info, Quantile, QuantileUtil, StreamingMedian, StreamingQuantile, VAR, WilsonBinConf, CachedFile, POSTag, SentenceDetect, TokenizeME, TokenizeSimple, TokenizeWhitespace, package-info, URLInfo, UserAgentClassify, AliasableEvalFunc, Assert, AssertUDF, Base64Decode, Base64Encode, BoolToInt, Coalesce, ContextualEvalFunc, DataFuException, FieldNotFound, In, IntToBool, InUDF, SelectStringFieldByName, SimpleEvalFunc, and TransposeTupleToBag.

As in Piggybank, you must register the DataFu jar and then call on the full classpath of the UDF, or use DEFINE to make a shortcut:

REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/datafu.jar

DEFINE COALESCE datafu.pig.util.Coalesce();

b = FOREACH a GENERATE COALESCE(field1, field2) AS coalesced;

Moving right along …

This chapter was a gentle introduction to Pig and its basic operations. We introduced Pig’s basic syntax: LOAD, STORE, SAMPLE, DUMP, ILLUSTRATE and EXPLAIN. We listed Pig’s basic operations. We introduced the Apache DataFu and Piggybank libraries of Pig UDFs. Using this knowledge, you can now write and run basic Pig scripts.

We used this new ability to dive in and perform some basic queries; we determined in which months people report the most UFOs, and what are the most popular wikipedia projects. We’ve been able to do a lot already with very basic knowledge!

In the next two chapters, we’ll build on what we’ve learned and we’ll see Pig in action as we do more with the tool as we learn analytics patterns.

1. Something SQL users but non-enthusiasts like your authors appreciate.
2. An example of the first is UNION ONSCHEMA — useful but not used.
3. it’s legal in Pig to load data without a schema — but you shouldn’t, and so we’re not going to tell you how.