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RFC 021: The Future of the Socket Protocol


  • 19-May-2022: Initial draft (@creachadair)
  • 19-Jul-2022: Converted from ADR to RFC (@creachadair)


This RFC captures some technical discussion about the ABCI socket protocol that was originally documented to solicit an architectural decision. This topic was not high-enough priority as of this writing to justify making a final decision.

For that reason, the text of this RFC has the general structure of an ADR, but should be viewed primarily as a record of the issue for future reference.


The Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI) is a client-server protocol used by the Tendermint consensus engine to communicate with the application on whose behalf it performs state replication. There are currently three transport options available for ABCI applications:

  1. In-process: Applications written in Go can be linked directly into the same binary as the consensus node. Such applications use a "local" ABCI connection, which exposes application methods to the node as direct function calls.

  2. Socket protocol: Out-of-process applications may export the ABCI service via a custom socket protocol that sends requests and responses over a Unix-domain or TCP socket connection as length-prefixed protocol buffers. In Tendermint, this is handled by the socket client.

  3. gRPC: Out-of-process applications may export the ABCI service via gRPC. In Tendermint, this is handled by the gRPC client.

Both the out-of-process options (2) and (3) have a long history in Tendermint. The beginnings of the gRPC client were added in May 2016 when ABCI was still hosted in a separate repository, and the socket client (formerly called the "remote client") was part of ABCI from its inception in November 2015.

At that time when ABCI was first being developed, the gRPC project was very new (it launched Q4 2015) and it was not an obvious choice for use in Tendermint. It took a while before the language coverage and quality of gRPC reached a point where it could be a viable solution for out-of-process applications. For that reason, it made sense for the initial design of ABCI to focus on a custom protocol for out-of-process applications.

Problem Statement

For practical reasons, ABCI needs an interprocess communication option to support applications not written in Go. The two practical options are RPC and FFI, and for operational reasons an RPC mechanism makes more sense.

The socket protocol has not changed all that substantially since its original design, and has the advantage of being simple to implement in almost any reasonable language. However, its simplicity includes some limitations that have had a negative impact on the stability and performance of out-of-process applications using it. In particular:

  • The protocol lacks request identifiers, so the client and server must return responses in strict FIFO order. Even if the client issues requests that have no dependency on each other, the protocol has no way except order of issue to map responses to requests.

    This reduces (in some cases substantially) the concurrency an application can exploit, since the parallelism of requests in flight is gated by the slowest active request at any moment. There have been complaints from some network operators on that basis.

  • The protocol lacks method identifiers, so the only way for the client and server to understand which operation is requested is to dispatch on the type of the request and response payloads. For responses, this means that any error condition is terminal not only to the request, but to the entire ABCI client.

    The historical intent of terminating for any error seems to have been that all ABCI errors are unrecoverable and hence protocol fatal (see Note 1). In practice, however, this greatly complicates debugging a faulty node, since the only way to respond to errors is to panic the node which loses valuable context that could have been logged.

  • There are subtle concurrency management dependencies between the client and the server that are not clearly documented anywhere, and it is very easy for small changes in both the client and the server to lead to tricky deadlocks, panics, race conditions, and slowdowns. As a recent example of this, see tendermint#8581.

These limitations are fixable, but one important question is whether it is worthwhile to fix them. We can add request and method identifiers, for example, but doing so would be a breaking change to the protocol requiring every application using it to update. If applications have to migrate anyway, the stability and language coverage of gRPC have improved a lot, and today it is probably simpler to set up and maintain an application using gRPC transport than to reimplement the Tendermint socket protocol.

Moreover, gRPC addresses all the above issues out-of-the-box, and requires (much) less custom code for both the server (i.e., the application) and the client. The project is well-funded and widely-used, which makes it a safe bet for a dependency.


There is a set of related alternatives to consider:

  • Question 1: Designate a single IPC standard for out-of-process applications?

    Claim: We should converge on one (and only one) IPC option for out-of-process applications. We should choose an option that, after a suitable period of deprecation for alternatives, will address most or all the highest-impact uses of Tendermint. Maintaining multiple options increases the surface area for bugs and vulnerabilities, and we should not have multiple options for basic interfaces without a clear and well-documented reason.

  • Question 2a: Choose gRPC and deprecate/remove the socket protocol?

    Claim: Maintaining and improving a custom RPC protocol is a substantial project and not directly relevant to the requirements of consensus. We would be better served by depending on a well-maintained open-source library like gRPC.

  • Question 2b: Improve the socket protocol and deprecate/remove gRPC?

    Claim: If we find meaningful advantages to maintaining our own custom RPC protocol in Tendermint, we should treat it as a first-class project within the core and invest in making it good enough that we do not require other options.

One important consideration when discussing these questions is that any outcome which includes keeping the socket protocol will have eventual migration impacts for out-of-process applications regardless. To fix the limitations of the socket protocol as it is currently designed will require making breaking changes to the protocol. So, while we may put off a migration cost for out-of-process applications by retaining the socket protocol in the short term, we will eventually have to pay those costs to fix the problems in its current design.

Detailed Design

  1. If we choose to standardize on gRPC, the main work in Tendermint core will be removing and cleaning up the code for the socket client and server.

    Besides the code cleanup, we will also need to clearly document a deprecation schedule, and invest time in making the migration easier for applications currently using the socket protocol.

    Point for discussion: Migrating from the socket protocol to gRPC should mostly be a plumbing change, as long as we do it during a release in which we are not making other breaking changes to ABCI. However, the effort may be more or less depending on how gRPC integration works in the application's implementation language, and would have to be sure networks have plenty of time not only to make the change but to verify that it preserves the function of the network.

    What questions should we be asking node operators and application developers to understand the migration costs better?

  2. If we choose to keep only the socket protocol, we will need to follow up with a more detailed design for extending and upgrading the protocol to fix the existing performance and operational issues with the protocol.

    Moreover, since the gRPC interface has been around for a long time we will also need a deprecation plan for it.

  3. If we choose to keep both options, we will still need to do all the work of (2), but the gRPC implementation should not require any immediate changes.

Alternatives Considered

  • FFI. Another approach we could take is to use a C-based FFI interface so that applications written in other languages are linked directly with the consensus node, an option currently only available for Go applications.

    An FFI interface is possible for a lot of languages, but FFI support varies widely in coverage and quality across languages and the points of friction can be tricky to work around. Moreover, it's much harder to add FFI support to a language where it's missing after-the-fact for an application developer.

    Although a basic FFI interface is not too difficult on the Go side, the C shims for an FFI can get complicated if there's a lot of variability in the runtime environment on the other end.

    If we want to have one answer for non-Go applications, we are better off picking an IPC-based solution (whether that's gRPC or an extension of our custom socket protocol or something else).


  • Standardize on gRPC

    • ✅ Addresses existing performance and operational issues.
    • ✅ Replaces custom code with a well-maintained widely-used library.
    • ✅ Aligns with Cosmos SDK, which already uses gRPC extensively.
    • ✅ Aligns with priv validator interface, for which the socket protocol is already deprecated for gRPC.
    • ❓ Applications will be hard to implement in a language without gRPC support.
    • ⛔ All users of the socket protocol have to migrate to gRPC, and we believe most current out-of-process applications use the socket protocol.
  • Standardize on socket protocol

    • ✅ Less immediate impact for existing users (but see below).
    • ✅ Simplifies ABCI API surface by removing gRPC.
    • ❓ Users of the socket protocol will have a (smaller) migration.
    • ❓ Potentially easier to implement for languages that do not have support.
    • ⛔ Need to do all the work to fix the socket protocol (which will require existing users to update anyway later).
    • ⛔ Ongoing maintenance burden for per-language server implementations.
  • Keep both options

    • ✅ Less immediate impact for existing users (but see below).
    • ❓ Users of the socket protocol will have a (smaller) migration.
    • ⛔ Still need to do all the work to fix the socket protocol (which will require existing users to update anyway later).
    • ⛔ Requires ongoing maintenance and support of both gRPC and socket protocol integrations.



  • Note 1: The choice to make all ABCI errors protocol-fatal was intended to avoid the risk that recovering an application error could cause application state to diverge. Divergence can break consensus, so it's essential to avoid it.

    This is a sound principle, but conflates protocol errors with "mechanical" errors such as timeouts, resoures exhaustion, failed connections, and so on. Because the protocol has no way to distinguish these conditions, the only way for an application to report an error is to panic or crash.

    Whether a node is running in the same process as the application or as a separate process, application errors should not be suppressed or hidden. However, it's important to ensure that errors are handled at a consistent and well-defined point in the protocol: Having the application panic or crash rather than reporting an error means the node sees different results depending on whether the application runs in-process or out-of-process, even if the application logic is otherwise identical.

Appendix: Known Implementations of ABCI Socket Protocol

This is a list of known implementations of the Tendermint custom socket protocol. Note that in most cases I have not checked how complete or correct these implementations are; these are based on search results and a cursory visual inspection.