diff --git a/roles/test_alerts/tasks/test_creating_a_standard_alert_route_in_alert_manager.yml b/roles/test_alerts/tasks/test_creating_a_standard_alert_route_in_alert_manager.yml index 0d0a199f..2b1b13ce 100644 --- a/roles/test_alerts/tasks/test_creating_a_standard_alert_route_in_alert_manager.yml +++ b/roles/test_alerts/tasks/test_creating_a_standard_alert_route_in_alert_manager.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - name: "Do the test procedure" block: # TODO: put the patch into a file. and use --patch-file instead of -p OR slurp the file from files/ - - name: "RHELOSP-144965 Patch the ServiceTelemetry object for the STF deployment" + - name: "Patch the ServiceTelemetry object for the STF deployment" ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: | oc patch stf default --type merge -p '{"spec": {"alertmanagerConfigManifest": "apiVersion: v1\nkind: Secret\nmetadata:\n name: 'alertmanager-default'\n namespace: 'service-telemetry'\ntype: Opaque\nstringData:\n alertmanager.yaml: |-\n global:\n resolve_timeout: 10m\n route:\n group_by: ['job']\n group_wait: 30s\n group_interval: 5m\n repeat_interval: 12h\n receiver: 'null'\n receivers:\n - name: 'null'\n"}}'