Name | Type | Description | Notes |
InvoiceNumber | string | The Invoice number for the order. | [optional] |
InvoiceStatus | string | Status of the invoice. | [optional] |
InvoiceDate | string | Date of an Invoice. | [optional] |
CustomerOrderNumber | string | The reseller's order number for reference in their system. | [optional] |
EndCustomerOrderNumber | string | The end customer's order number for reference in their system. | [optional] |
OrderNumber | string | The end customer's order number for reference in their system. | [optional] |
OrderDate | string | The date and time in UTC format that the order was created. | [optional] |
BillToID | string | Bill to party | [optional] |
InvoiceType | string | Type of the Invoice | [optional] |
InvoiceDueDate | string | Date when the invoice is due. | [optional] |
CustomerCountryCode | string | Customer country code. | [optional] |
CustomerNumber | string | Unique customer number in Ingram's system. | [optional] |
IngramOrderNumber | string | The IngramMicro sales order number. | [optional] |
Notes | string | Notes for the invoice. | [optional] |
PaymentTermsInfo | InvoiceDetailsv61ResponsePaymentTermsInfo | [optional] | |
BillToInfo | InvoiceDetailsv61ResponseBillToInfo | [optional] | |
ShipToInfo | InvoiceDetailsv61ResponseShipToInfo | [optional] | |
Lines | List<InvoiceDetailsv61ResponseLinesInner> | [optional] | |
FxRateInfo | InvoiceDetailsv61ResponseFxRateInfo | [optional] | |
Summary | InvoiceDetailsv61ResponseSummary | [optional] |