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File metadata and controls

24 lines (20 loc) · 2.28 KB



Name Type Description Notes
SubOrderNumber string The sub order number. The two-digit prefix is the warehouse code of the warehouse nearest the reseller. The middle number is the order number. The two-digit suffix is the sub order number. [optional]
IngramLineNumber string The Ingram Micro line number for the product. [optional]
CustomerLineNumber string The reseller's line number for reference in their system. [optional]
LineStatus string The status for the line item in the order. One of: Backordered, Open [optional]
IngramPartNumber string The Ingram Micro part number for the line item. [optional]
VendorPartNumber string The vendor part number for the line item. [optional]
UnitPrice decimal The unit price for the line item. [optional]
ExtendedUnitPrice decimal The extended list price (unit price X quantity) for the line item. [optional]
QuantityOrdered int The quantity of the line item ordered. [optional]
QuantityConfirmed int The quantity of the line item that has been confirmed. [optional]
QuantityBackOrdered int The quantity of the line item that is backordered. [optional]
SpecialBidNumber string The bid number for the line item provided to the reseller by the vendor for special pricing and discounts. Line-level bid numbers take precedence over header-level bid numbers. [optional]
Notes string Line-level notes. [optional]
ShipmentDetails List<OrderCreateResponseOrdersInnerLinesInnerShipmentDetailsInner> The shipment details for the line item. [optional]
AdditionalAttributes List<OrderCreateResponseOrdersInnerLinesInnerAdditionalAttributesInner> SAP requested and country-specific line level details. [optional]

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